So right – journalists have allowed themselves to be derailed to Joseph’s advantage

Published: January 24, 2012 at 3:19pm

On, this morning:

Repeatedly questioned over the Debono issue, and what government’s way forward would be if Debono abstains, Gonzi said journalists should “stop asking questions about Franco Debono but question what the Opposition’s plans are”.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Is Varist allergic to punctuation? Read this.

    He needs a proof reader, too:

    “Even the Prime Minister knows that such a vote will leave his government badly damaged and the country WILL NOT REGAIN INSTABILITY””

  2. Grezz says:

    The general public has the obligation to find out – if that information is not given to them voluntarily by the party concerned – what the Opposition’s plans for the country’s future are should they be elected.

    People should not vote blindly … though those who vote Labour would generally tend to do so.

  3. Lomax says:

    Indeed – I fully agree.

  4. BuBu says:

    The sad truth is that the opposition has no need to reveal anything of its plans, whether any plans indeed exist or not.

    Indeed it will probably do much better if they just STFU and allow the PN to do everything on its own.

    Labour has a history of shooting itself in the collective foot in the last minute of an election campaign, and given all the dirty laundry being aired right now they know that all they have to do to get elected is act pretty and shed a couple of tears to pull in the wishy-washy vote.

  5. Jozef says:

    He can’t avoid the questions if the PM calls an early election. Unless the press intends to look away.

    Yesterday’s gaffe with Grace Borg shows just how much they’re lost for ideas, managing to ruin the slick choreography orchestrated over the weekend with one fell swoop.

    Perhaps this is the shape of things to come, improvised decisions based on the reaction of a bunch of bloggers, who, contrary to the opinion of glorified reporters turned press pundits, provide the test sample.

    Eat your heart out Saviour.

  6. Stacey says:

    Franco Debono obviously has more faith in Joseph Muscat as prime minister than he has in Lawrence Gonzi.

    Franco Debono, do you think Malta will really be better off with Joseph Muscat as prime minister?

    Franco, you are just a scumbag who is enjoying all the attention you’re getting.

    This attention is short-lived and your five weeks of notoriety will result in you giving Joseph Muscat his five weeks years of glory.

    If you wanted to get noticed, well done. You’ve succeeded. If you wanted to be remembered, you chose the wrong path. You will be remembered, but for all the wrong reasons. And then you’ll be forgotten.

    You wanted to win the race against Muscat, but all you did was trip up and push him into the finish line.

    The cheering support you are hearing is for Joseph, not for you, and you’re too carried away to realise this.

    • Grezz says:

      Franco Debono can only redeem himself by voting in Gonzi’s favour on Thursday.

      He’d then have killed two birds with one stone: he’d have made it to the limelight, AND he’d be remembered as one who saw sense in the end, rather than as a traitor who handed premiership to Joseph Muscat on a plate.

      Come on, Franco! Do you really wish to have been the one to make your life-long rival prime minister, whilst at the same time destabilising the economy and throwing away years of hard work by what has been an otherwise successful government, notwithstanding the turmoil in the rest of the world?

      • Angus Black says:

        You’re wasting your time, Grezz.

        Debono does not read this blog, he only reads Facebook, JPO’s comments and the Labour Press gunning for him, until…

        Once the election is announced, Debono would be a nobody and if he runs independently, he will become Joseph’s enemy number one.

        If he runs at all, he should wait for Joseph to declare which other district he intends to run at and Franco then contests the two same districts. It is only fair to see Franco’s popularity compared to his nemesis, Joseph. Better marks or not.

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