Sunday, and the qrid goes on

Published: January 14, 2012 at 11:10pm

Soon at a cinema near you: Confessions of a Cock-Fighter

The xibka tal-hazen are back in action after a brief interval of – oh – a couple of weeks.

Jeffrey is blabbing and leaking to Saviour Balzan, Saviour is championing his new hero the formerly unbearable Franco, Jose Herrera is stirring the pot, Super One has developed a new interest in psychiatry, Robert Musumeci is stroking Franco on Facebook, Jeffrey is stroking Robert and Franco, and John Dalli has flown in to give interviews about his suffering in Brussels.

And tomorrow, Malta Today will be carrying an interview with Franco Debono, who has also suffered a great deal, as we know, though not on a quarter of a million euros a year plus allowances.

Let’s take a wild guess about this interview:

jien vittma

jien batejt (hafna u hafna)

missieri u ommi batew

it-tfajla nahseb li batiet ukoll, imma ma hadtx hsieb insaqsieha

jien vittma ta’ sistema politika hazina ikontrollata minn xibka tal-hazen

jekk trid tkun taf minn huma x-xibka tal-hazen mur ghamel fajndawt inti ghax jien minhiex gurnalist

hemm bzonn ta’ meritokrazija u min mhux kapaci ghandu jirrizenja’

meritokrazija tfisser li jien suppost nattendi l-kabinet ghax fil-Form IIC gibt rizultati ahjar minn ta’ Gordon Pisani

ghandna bzonn ta’ ligi dwar il-finanzjament tal-partiti – din iktar importanti mill-ekonomija ghax ktibt dwara fit-tezi tieghi.

tkellimt favur in-nassaba imma hadd ma jafa din, bhalma hadd ma kien jaf li jien dilettant tal-glied tas-sriedaq sakemm fethet halqa dik ta’ bla isem

jien minn dejjem kont top student u high achiever; ghamilt kollox wahdi, bhal Superman, ghax ma kelliex min jghini

8 Comments Comment

  1. Litanija ta’ Franco Debono says:

    Jien qalfatt lil Schiavone u nizzilt lil Louis u lil Helen u ghal naqra ma nizziltx lil Ninu…haqqni nsir ministru daqs kemm hdimt.

  2. ciccio says:

    Jien tlajt mil-hames distrett.

    Issa biex infakkar, fih kien hemm Louis Galea – ghandi rispett kbir lejh – u Helen D’Amato, li avolja ma telghetx, il-Prim Ministru ghamilha Kummissarju tat-Tfal.

    Issa kulhadd jaf min kien Louis Galea, u li trid tkun ta’ stoffa biex teghleb lil xi hadd bhalu.

    U sfajt orfni minn Hal Ghaxaq, pajjizi …..PAJJIZI ….ghax dak mhux fil-Hames Distrett.

    Stenna ftit ghax qed idoqq it-telefon (anke mitfi).

    • A. Charles says:

      Jien nixtieq nohrog fuq iz-Zejtun, ghax missieri minn hemm, imma nibza li nkun ippersegwittat u ma jifmux l-intellgenza li ghandi.

  3. fanny says:

    This Debono person should be nicknamed ‘The Perpendicular Pronoun’ just like Lord Louis in the olden days!

    What a pathetic disgruntled individual.

  4. Village says:

    These accusations imply there is a conspiracy to overthrow the Prime Minister and his party in government and backbenchers are not geniunely making healthy criticism and meaningful contributions.

    Not a healthy scenario in a democratic system at any time but evidently one which merits consideration for constitutional change.

  5. David Meilak says:

    ‘The Labour Party is ready to govern’

    I am quite sure that the statement that the LP is ready to govern is true. The problem is and always has been the fact that although the LP is ready to govern, they have no idea HOW to govern. This is specifically the main problem in this country. The way I see it is that I know that the Nationalist Party has its shortcomings and mistakes are made throughout a legislature, but I am so sure that I would rather have a Party in Government that makes a couple of mistakes along the way, and has the guts to face the public and correct these mistakes, than to have a political party that makes mistakes, that are actually never admitted to be mistakes by them, and the damage done to this country is irrepairable or takes so much time to repair.

    As a citizen of this country who has just turned 48, I come from a generation that my youth was spoiled by deliberate ‘mistakes’ made by the LP. All those my age can vouch for my concerns.

    Just look back at some ‘mistakes’ I can think of this morning:

    Closure of the University to set up a ‘New University’
    Numerus Clausus on University Entry with an 800 University population where to get in you needed a ‘Sponsor’ or youd never get in!
    Closure of MCAST
    Total war with the Medical Profession
    Total war with teachers
    Closure of Church Schools
    Declarations that democracy is not important
    Almost a total ban of imports for most day to day products
    No investment in water production
    Purchase of a second hand telephone system
    Setting up of Corps that gave NOTHING to employment
    Wage freeze
    Ban on computers and most new technology
    Diplomatic ‘Love relationships’ with North Korea, Romania, Russia, Libya (Ghaddafi), etc etc, not to forget secret military pacts with the North Koreans
    The famous ‘Foreign Interference Act’
    The Lorry Sant thugs systematically raiding our Sixth Form and University

    And I am sure that most of us forgot that we were only allowed to travel on a holiday for a specific number of days per year, where your passport would be stamped with how much money you took out of the country to travel, and if you exceed the stipulated limit you would not be allowed to exchange maltese Lira to go abroad! How can you forget this!!!!!

    Besides the big ones:

    No to Independence
    No to joining the EU
    No to the Euro
    No to VAT

    I can go on forever. Yes the LP is ready to govern. Give them a chance to ruin our lives again. It would be so simple. Just vote Labour.

  6. Rover says:

    You forgot one: ‘ Jew tghaddi tieghi jew inharbat kollox.’ The little twerp.

  7. vellav says:

    U halina Franco u warrab minn nofs. X’tahseb li int ghax gibt marka tajba fl-ezami tal-iskola?

    Ghal paroli tajjeb tider li avukat. Ilek issemmi klikka u mhux klikka, u bla fatti ta’ xejn.

    Ahna partit bi storja u ma ghandniex x’nambuk f’nofsna. Bik u minghajrek irbahna. Issa dabbar rasek.

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