Talk about missing the big picture
Air Malta, as we know, is in the throes of a major overhaul which is designed to ensure its survival (and ours, because the more ways off of this rock, the better).
And what does the Labour Party think is important? This:
19 ta’ Jannar 2012
Mahruga minn Dr.Gavin Gulia, Kelliemi Ewlieni Laburista ghat-Turizmu.
Il-Malti, l-Air Malta u l-U-turn tal-Gvern
Il-Partit Laburista jinnota b’sodisfazzjon li fil-ftehim li ghadu kif gie ffirmat bejn l-Air Malta u l-Union of Cabin Crew (UCC), b’rabta mar-ristrutturar tal-kumpanija, l-Air Malta fl-ahhar accettat definittivament u bil-miktub li l-ilsien Malti jibqa’ rekwizit ghar-reklutagg ta’ impjegati membri tal-ekwipagg.
Ghandu jigi mfakkar li f’Dicembru li ghadda kienet ittiehdet id-decizjoni mill-Gvern u l-Air Malta sabiex l-obbligu tar-rekwizit tal-ilsien Malti ghar-reklutagg jitnehha u kien biss wara li l-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat zvela dik id-decizjoni w wara li kkritika dan l-agir li l-Gvern u l-Air Malta kienu ddikjaraw li kellhom jirrevedu d-decizjoni taghhom.
Il-Partit Laburista huwa kommess li jiddefendi x-xoghol ghal Maltin u l-Ghawdxin.
Nemmnu li l-Malti mhux “cuc”.
Dr.Gavin Gulia
Kelliemi Ewlieni Laburista ghat-Turizmu.
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I really can’t put my finger on what’s wrong with Gavin Gulia.
He seems decent enough then sometimes you catch him debating something on television – or you read something like this – and you think “What’s possessed this man to say that (or write that)?”
[Daphne – That’s what happens when people are saying what they have to say, and not what they mean. Like Jeffrey and Jesmond, he’s in the wrong party, and eventually the cracks begin to show. If you’re not honest with yourself, that’s what happens. You give out mixed or confusing messages.]
If you mean to say that Gavin should be with the PN, then you are wrong Daphne. He belongs completely with the PL. You might need to employ his services to realise this.
I heard an extract of Alex Sceberras Trigona’s speech were he said “The government brought nothing though is all ‘safar’ (not like them when they were in government) and another quote “before when one mentioned Malta anywhere in a foreign country they said Mintoff”.
These people are still living and hoping for the times of running around with a bowl collecting money and does he not acknowledge the millions of Euro Malta got from the E.U.?
Mintoff used to be remembered and associated with Malta for all the wrong reasons (communist, hard liner, relation with Libya and other unpleasant things – all embarrassing).
People like AST are still living 25 years ago and we don’t need them again now.
Dear Mrs Caruana Galizia,
Last night I couldn’t sleep thinking about the future of this country, imagining Joseph Muscat inaugurating the new Parliament and all other projects that were planned to be inaugurated next year.
Everyone knows that the government always leaves the best for last and I cannot imagine all those projects are left for the MLP to have the privilege to inaugurate.
I hate to know that all this is because of one single person.
Franco may have all the good reasons of the world to complain but we cannot afford to go for election.
Please Franco, I’m sure that if you change your mind, everyone will appreciate your efforts but give a peace of mind. Thank you.
I disagree. While I realise that there are a lot of unfinished projects, which the PM would like to complete, appeasing or reaching an agreement with Franco is not an option.
Apart from the fact that you cannot strike a deal with an erratic person, another pantomine over the next 15 months would tarnish the credibility of this government.
Electors of both parties have had enough of Franco, and will blame PM Gonzi for giving him one more chance.
“Nemmnu li l-Malti mhux “cuc”.”
Jekk veru jemmnu daqshekk li l-Malti mhux cuc, misshom ma ndahhlux fid-decizjoni tal-Gvern u l-Air Malta halli l-Maltin jkollhom kompetizzjoni aktar wieghsa u mhux biss jikkompetu bejniethom. B’hekk turi aktar kunfidenza fil-Maltin, Dr. Gulia.
Il-Malti mhux cuc! Issa naraw.
Meta jghid li l-Malti mhux cuc, nispera li mhux jinkludi liz-zewg persuni fir-ritratt. Ghax veru jkun qed iwaqqa’ l-argument tieghu.
Is this a far-right party?
Gulia is another hot shot from the “star academy”
“Dr.Gavin Gulia
Kelliemi Ewlieni Laburista ghat-Turizmu.”
Ermm, I don’t wish to sound like a proof-reader but I just found a mistake.
Kelliem Ewlieni (mhux Kelliemi Ewlieni)
The above photo looks like they’re farting in tandem. Well, given the nature of some of their speeches/antics, they might as well be doing so. They do try to appeal to the masses after all.
Toni looks like he’s seen a rubber puppet.
Daphne, hasn’t the use of “w” as the word ‘and’ in Maltese been outdated, even if a vowel precedes the said “w”?
[Daphne – Yes, I think so. I never use it, even though it’s what we learned at school back in the 1970s.]
“Nemmnu li l-Malti mhux “cuc”.
Dalwaqt naraw. L-elezzjoni li gejja turina kemm se jkun hawn cwiec li jivvutaw Lejber.
Nispera li n-numru ta dawk li ghandhom mohhom f’postu, ikun akbar minn dak tac-cwiec.
Rigward AST, ma nistax nifhem kif wara dak il-gideb li qal, hadd, minn naha tal-PN ghadu ma hareg b’dikjarazjoni u giddeb lill dan il-bicca racanc ta zmien is-70ijiet.