The Prattikament Winning Team meets the IMF
The Prattikament Prim Ministru, Prattikament Finance Minister, Prattikament Rival Finance Minister and Prattikament Lest Manifest Writer have met a delegation from the International Monetary Fund.
We do not know the details of what was said, but I don’t imagine Dear Joseph and his three pensioner sidekicks floated the idea of lowering water and electricity rates independently of what happens with oil prices.
23 ta’ Jannar 2012
Mahruga mill-Ufficcju tal-Kommunikazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista
Delegazzjoni tal-IMF tiltaqa’ mal-Partit Laburista
Delegazzjoni tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (IMF) kellha laqgha ma’ delegazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista mmexxija mill-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni, Joseph Muscat.
Iz-zjara tad-delegazzjoni tal-IMF kienet wahda ta’ rutina.
Flimkien ma’ Dr Muscat kien hemm prezenti l-Kelliem Ewlieni ghal Finanzi, Karmenu Vella, il-Kelliem Ewlieni ghall-Ekonomija, Servizzi Finanzjarji u Pensjonijiet, Charles Mangion, u l-Ewro-Parlamentari Edward Scicluna.
Ufficcju tal-Kommunikazzjoni
Partit Laburista
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No snazzy details about the meeting. X’aktarx ma fehmu xejn.
“We do not know the details of what was said, but I don’t imagine Dear Joseph and his three pensioner sidekicks floated the idea of lowering water and electricity rates independently of what happens with oil prices.”
I am sure that the IMF team avoided discussing the pension reforms, too. They could have offended their hosts.
“The prattikament diga xebbawna qabel telaw” team meets the IMF.
Setghu hadu l-Franco maghhom, allavolja dak mit-team li xebbana wara li tela, imma flimkien jaghmlu it-team ta’ “Prattikament kien hemm ghalfejn nghidlu jien lil kabinett x’jaghmel?”
So shallow. Did the IMF get an English version of the transcript of Joseph’s great speech?
I went back on Youtube and sourced his speech the day he was elected leader. Go through it. Little changed from his first speech in three and a half years. He has the same story to tell about himself on minute three et sec….
The display of visiting cards is so nicely spread on the table….
Yep, each one has two cards in front of him, except the Special One, who has three, ghax he is differenti u importanti.
Karmenu Vella probably thought the meeting useful in terms of making business contacts for the Orange Travel Group or Betfair.
KoMunikazzjoni, Coconut. KoMunikazzjoni.
One m.
I can imagine the discussion.
Joseph Muscat: “Well, it is our intention to lower utility rates as soon as we are in power. We will show the world that it is possible to lower these rates irrespective of the price of crude oil. We are not worried about the fact that the EU will be starting an embargo on Iranian oil, as we will insure by our policies which are being drawn up by Karmenu Vella ‘Il Guy’ that the price of crude oil will not go up.”
Jistennew fil-gwienah.
Remember the PL don’t like to share ideas.
Look closer, they just literally lay their cards on the table without saying anything.
Daphne your humour is the best. I’m on the bus laughing my head off. Even the comments are hilarious.
It is no wonder that the PL press release is so dry.
“Acknowledging that Malta has made strides forward in the past years to consolidate and give credibility to its public finances, particularly through the reduction of the structural deficit, the IMF warned that the island need to continue on these lines.
“Malta’s resilience to date cannot be taken for granted—continued vigilance is required,” the IMF said in its mission conclusion statement.”…/malta-requires-sound-governance-as-econ...
Wait for it. At any moment now, someone will shout “Snap”.
Karmenu will do that. He is the one from Betfair. He knows all the tricks.
What was the Prattikament Rival Finance Minister doing there?
Le, dak “Dak hemm, x’jismu,” the one who sides with the “underdog.”
Actually, those are three rival Prattikament Finance Ministers.
They aren’t actually rivals.
The P-PM will go one better than Franco Debono and split the finance ministry in three.
Joseph Muscat, Karmenu Vella and Charlie Mangion are all described as ‘practically prime minister and respective ministers of Finance, Economy, Financial Services and Pensions.
Edward Scicluna is the only member of Labour’s ideas panel meeting with IMF officials, still without any title. Something doesn’t smell right.
Here we are, Scicluna contesting in the impending general election, so can we say that he is practically out of the EU and willing to become servant to an immature man half his age? His future pay will be much less than his soon to end EU salary, but one suspects that money is secondary to his future status as a poorly paid Labour back-bencher.
Prattikament Lest Manifest Writer – tajba wisq…