The Shining, starring Franco Debono instead of Jack Nicholson

Published: January 7, 2012 at 2:05am

From a report on

This morning Dr Debono said there was an impasse over what reforms should be carried out in the justice sector in the remaining year of the legislature.

In initial comments about the reshuffle this afternoon, he expressed disappointment, saying he wanted to live in a democracy and not an oligarchy.

He also pointed to comments he made to this morning where he expressed concern that the prime minister was being held hostage by a clique around him.

“He can run, but he cannot hide” Dr Debono said.

5 Comments Comment

  1. kevin zammit says:

    I am not the only one who isn’t tired!

  2. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Dr Franco Debono wants to live in an oligarchy – as long as he is the oligarch!

  3. Angus Black says:

    Beyond nuts.

  4. B Azzopardi says:

    I think that Dr Debono is referring to the fact that according to him the Nationalist Party is dominated and controlled by certain families.

    I think that Ms Caruana Galizia is right – Franco is after the leadership of the party – but what I disagree with Ms Caruana Galizia is that at this stage he does and cannot want it for himself.

    I have a hunch who he is backing. What I fear is that few have realised who this is. This person in question is very ambitious, has not a family tradition in the party, is regarded as an achiever, ruthless and what’s most important everyone believes that Dr. Gonzi has high esteem of this individual.

    Unfortunately the Prime Minister has put as the Maltese saying goes a (serp f’hobbu).

    One thing I am convinced of: Franco and the person he is backing are not alone. Dr. Debono is not a stupid or mad person.

    It would be a big mistake if one thinks that.

    At this stage he knows (and has known for some time) that his only way out is that there will be a new leader and this leader will embrace him as he would have been the person who gave a constant voice and a solid platform to the group of persons that ousted the previous leader.

    Maybe I have let my imagination run riot, but time will tell.

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