They’ve given up on Il-Guy ever writing that electoral programme…
… they’ve given the job to Aaron Farrugia, a twerp in his early 30s who is so ill-educated despite collecting university degrees that he heard Gordon Brown refer to the doctrine of Christianity and actually thought he was quoting a passage from a book called The Christian Doctrine.
So he rushed to put it on Facebook. Blah blah blah – ‘The Christian Doctrine’.
Aaron Farrugia is also former Chief ElVE at Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, tasked with organising his army of elves to write letters to The Times pretending to be housewives and businessmen fed up of corruption.
Until one email went astray, ended up in The Malta Independent newsroom, and we found them out.
So put your hopes up, dear readers. As storm clouds gather and the IMF issues stern statements all over town, take heart. When the trouble hits Malta, we’ll be fine because Joseph, who is safe, will be working to a fabulous plan written by a little twerp called Aaron who used to be an FZL elVE not so long ago.
24 ta’ Jannar 2012
Mahruga mill-Ufficcju tal-Kommunikazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista
Dr Carmen Sammut mahtura Chairperson tal-Fondazzjoni IDEAT
Dr Carmen Sammut inhatret Chairperson tal-Fondazzjoni IDEAT mill-Ezekuttiv Nazzjonali tal-Partit Laburista.
Dr Sammut hija lecturer fl-Universita’ ta’Malta. Hija awtrici ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet akkademici u wkoll esponenta fil-qasam tal-media, kemm bhala analista tal-ahbarijiet, prezentatrici u artikolista. Hija kienet attiva wkoll fis-socjeta civili l-aktar fl-ghaqdiet tal-gurnalisti, gruppi ghad-drittijiet tan-nisa u ghaqdiet ambjentali.
Dr Sammut hadet post Aaron Farrugia li issa qed iwettaq xoghol relatat mal-programm elettorali.
Ufficcju tal-Kommunikazzjoni
Partit Laburista
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Waiting for the programm ELVEttorali tal-Labour.
Aaron will probably get fellow Elve Nakita Scissorhands to cut and paste from the electoral programs of other parties in Europe. Watch out for those bits in the program written along this style:
“On Monday, the ECB announced its intentions to purchase euro zone bonds in both Italy and Spain after both these countries declared new reforms and austerity measures with hope of boosting their economies respectively to demonstrate how serious they are to get on top of things.
Other than that – what’s next ?
After a temporary recovery illusion, we have to wait and see how this second phase of a double dip recession will develop. Will it truly follow 2008 into a full-scale financial meltdown? Will the state of the US economy improve soon to do dispel people’s fear that the US might go back into recession? And can the single currency, which is in dire straights, actually survive? (Obviously, the fragmentation of the Euro zone would make it much worse). Will major stock markets around the world (S&P500 and NASDAQ) continue to experience a downward trend while the Dollar (due to the news from Bank of Japan to “print” an extra 10 Trillion Yen) and gold continue to appreciate?”
Karmenu was just a bit too slow. Aaron will be much faster but will have to do the job twice (at least) just to correct his spelling, erase programmes which are already adopted by the government, insert pages somehow left out by computer error and by the time he finishes, it would be obsolete, anyway.
Economies and financial situations change by the hour and the Labour Party has no concept of what is really happening as we write. They have no idea how global markets work because their brain is still confined to the shores of our little rock.
They excel in doom and gloom, always see the glass half empty and have no clue what to do to fill the glass right up. Then they have the gall to state on public television that what Malta has today is all due to Labour governments of the past.
It is so convenient to remember the ‘golden years’ when it suits them but constantly chastise us for remembering the filthy and violent Socialist era.
The NP should wake up, and soon and fight fire with fire. Call them liars to their face because the would be armed with facts and not just smoke as Gulia, Bartolo et al dispense in copious amounts.
Replacing an old incompetent fool with a young incompetent fool seems to be a Labour Party trait on all levels, from party leaders to writers of electoral programmes.