This so inspires confidence: a daughter of that scum Mintoff talking about ‘klikkek tal-hallelin’
January 25, 2012 at 2:47pm
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Poor, poor Yana: the shock she had after seeing her delusional corpse-like daddy has made her delusional herself.
I don’t blame you, dear, but the shit you threw in the House of Commons has hit the fan and spat all over ‘daddy dearest’.
The good thing Alfred Sant did for party and country was to get rid of the people who shamed Labour. Muscat found the job done for him, but he did not like it that way.
He talks about the Mintoff era with passion and euphoria and if he could he would get back Dom himself as candidate.
I thought that the PN could not fight another election campaign reminding us of the dark Mintoff days, but as it is turning out, the PN will once again have another card to play: the fact that the Mintoff mentality has been resuscitated as the basis of Labour.
What a shame!
She must have been referring to her own father and that other scum, Lorry Sant.
Qammiela zgur aktar milli ekonomista.
Butha l’ewwel u qabel kollox.
Hallina nghixu Yana.
You weren’t here during your father’s tyranny. I was!. Being taught by one of your father’s many mistresses, in a government school the standard of which, only compared to third world countries, deprived of necessities such as decent toothpaste. No opportunities whatsoever to further one’s studies – unless you could afford to go abroad and could get the money out of the country.
Need I go on? And you have the cheek to come and tell us how low our standard of living is now.
‘klikkek tal-hallelin’ – her father and his cronies.
@AA had it not been for a labour government there would have been no state schools to go to!!! any maybe you lived through the labout “tyranny” as you call it but each and every day we’re living the gonzipn tyranny.
And daphne keep up the good work … you and lou are a real asset for the pl with all the hatred you’re spreading … I’m sure that even certain nationalists just hate what you write.
[Daphne – So Labour invented state schools. We learn something new every day.]
According to Joe Debono Grech (last night on ONE radio) Labour invented student stipends, free schools, free university, free plots, free pitazzi and free zraben for school children.
No kidding.
….u int ivvintajt l-injoranza.
Il-partit tieghek fil-gvern u xorta imdejqa u injoranta.
Kemm niehu pjacir nara l-profil tieghek….le, le…. taqbadx tohrog ic-certifikati li ghandek….Qed nirreferi ghal profil ta’ mniehrek f’xi ritratt mill-genb.
X’ghidtli ??? What a ‘hamallu’ !!!! ??? Baxx ??? …ma’ jimpurtax ghal ma’ xi hadd bhalek.
Klikka tal-hallelin, my foot. She must have been having lunch with some guys from her father’s past.
I hope she will be distributing what she inherits from her father to the working class poor.
God I wish to see these people govern the country, if only for just one day.
Daphne x hadlek lilek mintoff ??? kien jitfahulek f sormok u baqax ?? sab xi pufta ahjar minnek ghax hekk qisek pufta ikrah !!! u zmien mintoff kien tyranny ???? issa mux taht dittatur qedin ???? jivota kontra ir rieda tal poplu !! bhall ma diga etlek darb ohra mur sib iswed u itfaw f halqek forsi izommok kwarat okupata bhalek mimli u talaqlu naqra !!! JA MARA HAZINAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! TRID TAGHMEL IL HAQQ MA ALLA INT U SHABEK KOLLA !!!!!
[Daphne – Ara, mela s-supporters injoranti ta’ Mintoff jafu li kien jaghmel ghall-guvnotti sbieh ukoll? Jien hsibt li ahna tal-pepe biss konna nafuha din.]
Rina – hadd ma baght ghalik – jekk ma jogbokkx tista ddabbar rasek u tmur xi coffee morning tal-Ministru tas-Sawt?
“bhall ma diga etlek darb ohra mur sib iswed u itfaw f halqek”
Very progressive.
Well, what do you know? Another ekonomista in a party full of ekonomisti. How can they go wrong?
Bloody bunch of hypocrites.
ghadni qatt ma rajt “bniedma”, ghax vera mintiex skond id-diskors li tikteb,ghax anqas rispett ghal-uliedek ma ghandek, ghax la jitghallmu jaqraw u jaraw din l pastazata ta kliem ma tantx ghandhom biex ikunu proud..!!! ma nistawx naqaw iktar baxx f’dan il-pajjiz….!!!! you should all be ashamed & I’m not talking about politics !!!!
[Daphne – Leanne, it-tfal tieghi ghandhom ‘l fuq minn ghoxrin sena sew u ilhom li taghlmu jaqraw, nassigurak. Naf li hawn nisa ta’ fuq l-40 sena li ghandhom il-babies, imma jien minhiex wahda minnhom.]
Dan il-pajjiz ma jistax jaqa’ baxx izjed ghax mimli criecer bhal Leanne.
mhux bizejjed iccercer daphne ;)
Rina jekk ma joghobix dan il-blog mhux taqa f’dan il-kliem baxx, tmur taqra blog iehor.
Dawn in-nies kollha li qieghdin jehduha Kontra tieghek taf ghaliex, Daphne, ghaliex il-verita twegga.
Issa din Yana giet mill-Amerika tikritika it-tmexxija tal-pajjiz, qalet li giet tiehu hsieb missiera, ma nahsibx, ghax missiera qieghed St Vincent de Paule, bil-flus li ghandhom kollha lanqas kienu kapacci ihallsu nurse u ihalluh id-dar.
Semiet il-faqar; nghidila jekk qalba vera tuggaha ghall-fqar, tibda tqassam mil-miljuni li hadu ta’ Mintoff.
Rina’s contribution reveals an alarming level of frustration. Probably she has been rotting in opposition for too long.