We call this kind of behaviour ‘sublimation’

Published: January 24, 2012 at 4:34pm

The 1990s version of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Franco Debono, quoted on timesofmalta.com:

The book is about Buddhist philosophy, but it is very close to my heart. It is a source of constant reference to me and sits on my bedside table alongside the Bible and works by the Dalai Lama.


Now we know what the problem is: the monastic life. Bedtime with Jesus, Buddha and the Dalai Lama. Oh, and his inevitable Crackberry, all the better to send aggressive text messages to the prime minister and others at 2am.

The Joy of Sex on his bedside table, the girl in his bed, and his bed in his Marsaxlokk villa far away from the parental abode, and the prime minister has his permanent solution.

But one doesn’t wish to interfere.

And let’s face it: somebody with a mocking, ironic sense of style and a bit of sprezzatura would have walked into parliament carrying the Kama Sutra, not reinforced his ‘late to the party’ nerd image with that tedious cliche, made worse by the fact that he’s taking it literally.

17 Comments Comment

  1. rupert says:

    Why doesn’t the learned gentleman contest the forthcoming election as an independent candidate?

    He could even form his own party of which he would be the undisputed leader. We will then have a democratic decision on what people think of his ideas and behaviour.

    And, incidentally, we’ll be able to compare his tally of votes with those of his erstwhile class-mate.

  2. Antoniette says:

    Look at this, that Cyrus is such a hypocrite, if he knew the PN did what he is accusing them of, why did he start his political career with them? Stupid LP supporters are not even questioning his motives!
    Cyrus Engerer
    Waslitli l-ahbar li l-Gvern Nazzjonalista iddecieda li ghandu jxolji l-Kunsill Lokali Tas-Sliema l-lejla u b’hekk tissejjah elezzjoni f’Tas-Sliema fl-10 ta’ Marzu ghax qal li kien hemm nuqqas ta’ qbil bejn il-kunsillieri.

    Il-verita’ hi li l-Partit Nazzjonalista kien tilef il-maggoranza tas-siggijiet f’Tas-Sliema ghaldaqstant, il-Partit Nazzjonalista ma setghax jaghmel il-pjaciri li jaghmel is-soltu lin-Nazzjoanlisti Slimizi qabel l-elezzjonijiet generali.

    Jekk hu veru li ghax kien hemm id-dizgwit bejn il-kunsillieri, ghaliex ma jxolljiex il-parlament ukoll ghax hemm hafna iktar dizgwit bejn il-Membri Parlamentari Nazzjonalisti stess?
    Like · · Share · about an hour ago ·

  3. Jozef says:

    Do I know the type. Lighting a cigarette comes with a lecture on bad karma.

  4. IMHO says:

    Anke tal-farfett kien jaghmel iktar sens minn dan in-nofs kwart perzut.

    Kemm hu vojt, miskin.

  5. Dee says:

    Maybe Franco should invest in a water bed and circular ceiling mirror (as recommended by Saviour Balzan) and put the Kama Sutra and the Joy of Sex on his bedside table. Then we might have some peace.

  6. ta' sapienza says:

    After all their bitching and histrionics to get a vote of no confidence debated, you would have thought that the opposition would have had the decency to attend the bloody thing at least.

  7. At least someone IS reading books.

  8. stiefnu says:

    Daphne, tinsiex li inti sejjahtlu “l-Baggio”…..u peress li Baggio hu maghruf bhala Buddista, hu xtaq isegwi l-passi tieghu

  9. Grezz says:

    The solution to what appears to be one of Franco Debono’s problems: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2091028/Real-life-40-year-old-virgin-Theatre-manager-kissed-man-vows-remain-pure-marries–MET-yet.html

    (And maybe he’ll leave Malta for good.)

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