Words fail me

Published: January 21, 2012 at 8:00pm

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16 Comments Comment

  1. Richard Borg says:



  2. Charles says:

    Even more recent than that:


    I have to confess that I am really sorry to be hearing such words in today’s politics when we should be discussing these things like mature men.

    “Enemies”: who are we talking about here? Fellow Maltese citizens with different opinions or some Nazi bombing your home?

    I had never expected to be hearing such comments again during this election. During his very first interview, as leader of the Labour Party, with Lou Bondi, Joseph Muscat had seemed to be a fresh new page for the Labour Party ready for civilised discussion. Even Bondi himself said so during the interview that Joseph Muscat almost convinced him, if I remember correctly.

    I do hope that this is just a pre-election fervor.

    • Grezz says:

      Three decades as the archetypal nerd – no wonder the puffed-up pumpkin stance he’s taken, now that he thinks he’s reached (“prattikament”) the pinnacle of his career.

  3. Ganna says:

    L-Ghawdxija missa tisthi titkellem kif tkellmet. Ahna nafu li jekk jitla l-Labour kollox ghall-Labour. Huma kielu maghna pero ahna m’ghandniex cans. Minn ghandhom xi vendikazzjoni stenna.

  4. Anthony says:

    “Words fail me”.

    Amen to that.

  5. thinker says:

    Once in government, Justyne Caruana will have all Nationalist sriep exiled to Comino.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      X’hamallagni hux? Sorry Daphne, imma n-nisa fil-politika Maltija ma urewx ezattament kwalitajiet stellari:

      Agatha Barbara (mara suave u ta’ klassi)
      Miriam Spiteri Debono (huge hats and “Order!”)
      Rita Law (mara ta’ inteligenza kbira)
      Helena Dalli (mara ta’ inteligenza kbira wkoll)
      Justyne Caruana (mara ta’ mellifluous tongue)
      Giovanna Debono (mara forward-looking hafna)
      Dolores Cristina (mara li tispirak)

      Nisa ta’ success, what.

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, you forgot Helen D’Amato. Franco Debono will never forgive you for that.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        But am I right or what, ciccio? As a discerning gentleman, surely you share my anguish at this dearth of women of class, wit and discretion.

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, sure I do share your concern.
        But then, let’s be frank. How many men “of class, wit and discretion” do you know “fil-politika Maltija”? Remember, you’ve eliminated Agatha Barbara already.

  6. The Phoenix says:

    It’s good to be reminded how much they viscerally detest and hate us. For they are not speaking of Gonzi and Co. but of ordinary people here.

  7. Not Tonight says:

    Maaaa x’hamallagni!

  8. Angus Black says:

    Alas, we just cannot match their lies, hatred and envy.

    We had better use all our energy to convince every last Nationalist to be prepared to vote and not take a chance of electing Labour and get stuck with the vindictiveness for a full five years by abstaining.

  9. FP says:



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