Tomorrow Dr Gonzi will be making his first Sunday meeting of this year at the PN Party Club at Marsaxlokk.
Marsaxlokk would be a showdown for Franco. It’s the place where his antithesis/nemesis the PN activist and hopefully candidate Dr Hermann Schiavone has his political stronghold apart from Zurrieq and Imqabba.
Marsaxlokk is where Franco also lives.
I noticed that he’s not able to finish an argument/sentence. He maybe conveniently skips from one subject to another. I cannot define this as ‘normal’ behaviour.
PS: I am starting to suspect that there’s a hidden hand behind all this. It looks like all Franco wants is to cause trouble to Dr Lawrence Gonzi personally.
You better prepare your plane tickets cos when the time comes, which seems soon, many TRUE Nationalists will be crawling to Bidnija if need be, to spit at you after the damage you’ve done to our party not because you have any principles, but for your own greed and lust for power. You are one of the culprits who helped get the party in the state in which it has currently fallen. Please go anywhere, but don’t come hiding in Brussels!!!
[Daphne – ‘our party’, eh? That would be why you’re posting Laburist ahdar comments all over this website and elsewhere. Half a brain = Labour voter. Maybe you thought I’m so slow I wouldn’t notice.]
About as ridiculous and transparent as the “I always voted for the Nationalists but I will never vote for them again as long as you keep on writing” comments.
kemm sejra zball jahasra! YES OUR party, cos we were in the forefront when the going was tough!!! Where were you at tal-barrani? how many times did you taste tear gas? how many times did you hear gunshot rip into your car simply cos it was adorned with a PN poster or two? convinced now huh??? You really can’t beleive that Nationalists hate you more than any Labourite?
I wil not be voting PL come next election, I never can, but I’ll be sending my vote to (what used to be) the stamperija of (what used to be) the PN, before people like you fucked it up!!!
Ps/ And, I wouldn’tve to post anywhere else, if you didn’t choose to censor my truth here … cos truth hurts huh :)
Pps: 1/2 a brain huh? … and yet I’ve achieved so much for a non-Bruge EU studies graduate huh? LOL :):):)
But of course, you won’t publish this … coward!!!!!
[Daphne – On the contrary, I shall take the greatest pleasure in uploading it to show others just what an embittered half-wit you are. You weren’t even born in 1987, were you? You think I can’t tell by the vernacular you use.]
TRUE Nationalists do not spit at people, TCB, let alone crawl.
It seems you forget your moderate progressive agenda traversing party lines as soon as you get a glimpse of a possibility.
Funny how you keep playing this card, maybe it’s intoxicated your wits. What’s the problem? A vague possibility that Labour’s irreversible dissolution may be closer?
Ask any so called exGonziPn (itself a contradiction in terms) what they would prefer, you’d be surprised.
Maybe there wasn’t streaming based on ability, but there was filtering based on gender.
Unofficially, girls needed a minimum of nine O-levels to get into sixth form, though the official minimum was six. Boys needed those six, but being an old boy helped enormously.
I have the impression that the class attended by Debono and Muscat was overwhelmed by these two characters and that the other 20-30 students in the same class had no significant role to perform in the future life of this nation.
Are there any ex-colleagues of these nutcases who can illuminate us what type of people we have inherited from those far off days?
His school report has EVERYTHING to do with his politics. He is behaving like a spoiled child who expects to be praised and told ‘keep it up’, ‘very good’ and ‘excellent work’ and so on.
Everybody must have prizes, especially Franco Debono.
Yes we were allowed to take the bible in with us. But apart from referring to a colourful orgy /incest passage in the Old Testament we did not use it much.
Life at St Aloysius College was fun, mine was full of all sorts of punishments, ‘after schools’, Wednesdays and Sundays and I never got 100 in religion. Don’t be fooled we were not all mum’s nerds like Franco.
One thing I know for sure, we were taught respect, leadership and team spirit, so maybe Franco was sick with his period when we had that lesson.
I agree with you Anton. The sovereign majority wanted the PN in power for 5 years and Franco is going against the will of the majority.he should resign
Qrajt l-ittra tal-Onorevoli Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni lil-iSpiker mehmuża hawn fuq u jidhirli li m’għandix inħallijha lixxa lil min għamel xenata fil-parlament Ewropew għax ma kienx hemm interpreti u inqeda bl-ilsien Malti biex jirbaħ ftit popolarita magħna l-Maltin.
Jien il-Ġaħan Malti u naħseb tagħdruni jekk ma’ għandix sabar nikteb bl-alfabett Malti u forsi tizloqli xi għajn mhux f’postha meta nikteb lis-Sinjura Daphne.
Imma biex f’isem l-għaġġla għal-kisba tal-poter jigi Dottor Joseph Muscat u jikteb ħnizrijja t’ittra bħal dik lil min imexxi l-għola istituzzjoni tal-pajjiż tassew missejna l-qiegħ lejn l-imħabba tagħna ghal-ilsien Malti.
‘sighat’ tinkiteb ‘siegħat’ sa fejn naf jien.
‘titnehha’ tinkiteb ‘titneħħa’
Qabbżittli għax il-bieraħ smajtu jitlaqha b’ilsien barrani il-frażi “he must give them back”.
Tassew tal-mistħija kif lesti jbiegħu kollox għal dak is-siġġu ! Waqt il-prova kollox !
Niżżik ħajr għat-tiswijja tiegħek sur Sammut, imma issa la dħalt għaliha jkollok toqgħod għaliha għax minghajr ma’ taf qed tqabbel lil-kap tal-oppożizzjoni ma’ Ġaħan!
Biex tiskonġra trid tassew tkun pur.
Naħseb nutar jew partit għandu jkollu kijbord bit-tipa Maltija.
Jien bis-sabar kollu qadt naqta’ u nwaħħal minn hawn biex insewwi, tal-anqas ippruvajt.Lil Daphne kont qed nikteb mhux lil-Prezident ta’ Malta.
Where did I hide my suicide pills?
Tomorrow Dr Gonzi will be making his first Sunday meeting of this year at the PN Party Club at Marsaxlokk.
Marsaxlokk would be a showdown for Franco. It’s the place where his antithesis/nemesis the PN activist and hopefully candidate Dr Hermann Schiavone has his political stronghold apart from Zurrieq and Imqabba.
Marsaxlokk is where Franco also lives.
I noticed that he’s not able to finish an argument/sentence. He maybe conveniently skips from one subject to another. I cannot define this as ‘normal’ behaviour.
PS: I am starting to suspect that there’s a hidden hand behind all this. It looks like all Franco wants is to cause trouble to Dr Lawrence Gonzi personally.
You better prepare your plane tickets cos when the time comes, which seems soon, many TRUE Nationalists will be crawling to Bidnija if need be, to spit at you after the damage you’ve done to our party not because you have any principles, but for your own greed and lust for power. You are one of the culprits who helped get the party in the state in which it has currently fallen. Please go anywhere, but don’t come hiding in Brussels!!!
[Daphne – ‘our party’, eh? That would be why you’re posting Laburist ahdar comments all over this website and elsewhere. Half a brain = Labour voter. Maybe you thought I’m so slow I wouldn’t notice.]
About as ridiculous and transparent as the “I always voted for the Nationalists but I will never vote for them again as long as you keep on writing” comments.
kemm sejra zball jahasra! YES OUR party, cos we were in the forefront when the going was tough!!! Where were you at tal-barrani? how many times did you taste tear gas? how many times did you hear gunshot rip into your car simply cos it was adorned with a PN poster or two? convinced now huh??? You really can’t beleive that Nationalists hate you more than any Labourite?
I wil not be voting PL come next election, I never can, but I’ll be sending my vote to (what used to be) the stamperija of (what used to be) the PN, before people like you fucked it up!!!
Ps/ And, I wouldn’tve to post anywhere else, if you didn’t choose to censor my truth here … cos truth hurts huh :)
Pps: 1/2 a brain huh? … and yet I’ve achieved so much for a non-Bruge EU studies graduate huh? LOL :):):)
But of course, you won’t publish this … coward!!!!!
[Daphne – On the contrary, I shall take the greatest pleasure in uploading it to show others just what an embittered half-wit you are. You weren’t even born in 1987, were you? You think I can’t tell by the vernacular you use.]
TRUE Nationalists do not spit at people, TCB, let alone crawl.
It seems you forget your moderate progressive agenda traversing party lines as soon as you get a glimpse of a possibility.
Funny how you keep playing this card, maybe it’s intoxicated your wits. What’s the problem? A vague possibility that Labour’s irreversible dissolution may be closer?
Ask any so called exGonziPn (itself a contradiction in terms) what they would prefer, you’d be surprised.
sew jghidu…. PBS aghar mil-80’s
2C ! In my time at college top of form were in A and B, C was reserved for the wannabees who weren’t.
During my years there (1982-1991), SAC was never streamlined.
Maybe that’s what you thought or were made to believe.
We had A,B,C and D we were never streamed.
Maybe there wasn’t streaming based on ability, but there was filtering based on gender.
Unofficially, girls needed a minimum of nine O-levels to get into sixth form, though the official minimum was six. Boys needed those six, but being an old boy helped enormously.
Ummm…St Aloysius College, religion 100%? At least show your university transcript.
He won’t. It’s not impressive. He resat a few of his exams.
Debono on track to make a dishonourable exit from the political arena. Prima donna days are running out.
I have the impression that the class attended by Debono and Muscat was overwhelmed by these two characters and that the other 20-30 students in the same class had no significant role to perform in the future life of this nation.
Are there any ex-colleagues of these nutcases who can illuminate us what type of people we have inherited from those far off days?
Daphne, belated Happy New Year to you and family. Wow, what a start to 2012.
The PM has few options at this stage.
We’ll wait and see for tonight’s interview on Dissett.
Franco’s Form IIC show on TVM last night proved (if any further proof was required) that he’s not fit for negotiating anything.
It is about time Debono grew up and faced his constituents.
He should ask their opinion as to whether they want him to represent them. Give him a lollipop! What has a school report got to do with his politics?
His school report has EVERYTHING to do with his politics. He is behaving like a spoiled child who expects to be praised and told ‘keep it up’, ‘very good’ and ‘excellent work’ and so on.
Everybody must have prizes, especially Franco Debono.
I’m still looking for my Form II report but I’m afraid that the marks will uncover my narcissistic personality disorder.
Or worse still, my sexual fantasies, especially my mathematics with all those tangents! And the graphs!!
But he only got 73 in maths. Form II mathematics syllabus does not yet include algebra – it consists of a few elementary equations.
He got 100 in a pontification subject where one memorises the answers, but got 73 in a simple and practical problem-solving test.
That’s why he became a lawyer.
Some church schools even allowed students to take the Bible with them to the exam. That was even before calculators were allowed in maths exams.
Yes we were allowed to take the bible in with us. But apart from referring to a colourful orgy /incest passage in the Old Testament we did not use it much.
Life at St Aloysius College was fun, mine was full of all sorts of punishments, ‘after schools’, Wednesdays and Sundays and I never got 100 in religion. Don’t be fooled we were not all mum’s nerds like Franco.
One thing I know for sure, we were taught respect, leadership and team spirit, so maybe Franco was sick with his period when we had that lesson.
Equations – the ones with letters and numbers, i.e. – are part of algebra.
We were doing algebra in Form I – expansions, factorizations etc – with Fr Louis Scerri SJ.
Franco, life’s tests are not the Form II mmidyear exams, but life itself, and you have earned yourself and your mama a big F (life failure).
I hope that you read this, and please note that I live in the 5th district.
You have played with people’s lives, and you should pay for this, because you swore allegiance to the country when taking your seat as an MP.
I agree with you Anton. The sovereign majority wanted the PN in power for 5 years and Franco is going against the will of the majority.he should resign
Is the man doing a Thomas a Becket?
Franco is the best panto dame wehave had this festive season.
What does he plan to do with his old school reports? Iqattahhom bicca bicca u jaghtihom lil tal-Labour ghad-devozzjoni?
What a jerk.
Min igib 100% fir-religjon ghandu jsir Papa minghajr ma jkollu jaghddi minn martirju bhal dak li ghadda minnu id-Dottor Franco Debono.
Qrajt l-ittra tal-Onorevoli Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni lil-iSpiker mehmuża hawn fuq u jidhirli li m’għandix inħallijha lixxa lil min għamel xenata fil-parlament Ewropew għax ma kienx hemm interpreti u inqeda bl-ilsien Malti biex jirbaħ ftit popolarita magħna l-Maltin.
Jien il-Ġaħan Malti u naħseb tagħdruni jekk ma’ għandix sabar nikteb bl-alfabett Malti u forsi tizloqli xi għajn mhux f’postha meta nikteb lis-Sinjura Daphne.
Imma biex f’isem l-għaġġla għal-kisba tal-poter jigi Dottor Joseph Muscat u jikteb ħnizrijja t’ittra bħal dik lil min imexxi l-għola istituzzjoni tal-pajjiż tassew missejna l-qiegħ lejn l-imħabba tagħna ghal-ilsien Malti.
‘sighat’ tinkiteb ‘siegħat’ sa fejn naf jien.
‘titnehha’ tinkiteb ‘titneħħa’
Qabbżittli għax il-bieraħ smajtu jitlaqha b’ilsien barrani il-frażi “he must give them back”.
Tassew tal-mistħija kif lesti jbiegħu kollox għal dak is-siġġu ! Waqt il-prova kollox !
Qabel taqbizlek Sur Gahan qed nassumi li …
“he must give them back”… hija loghba bil-kliem fuq il-kwotazzjoni ta’ Margaret Thatcher meta riedet rifuzjoni mill-Unjoni Ewropea.
“We are simply asking to have our own money back”. M.T.
Li maz-zmien giet kwotatha hazin ghal “I want my money back”.
Ha nghidlek, siehbi:
Jien m’ghandix tipa Maltija. B’danakollu se nghidlek li trid tikkoregi dawn li gejjin:
(i) inhallijha
(ii) ma’ ghandix
(iii) ghal-kisba
(iv) hnizrijja
(v) l-oghla
(vi) ghal-ilsen
(vii) Qabbzittli
Ghandu mnejn hemm xi ghelt iehor ukoll.
Ma nafx tafx li l-Malti jghid, biex tiskongra trid tkun pur.
Igbed il-bieb warajk!
Niżżik ħajr għat-tiswijja tiegħek sur Sammut, imma issa la dħalt għaliha jkollok toqgħod għaliha għax minghajr ma’ taf qed tqabbel lil-kap tal-oppożizzjoni ma’ Ġaħan!
Biex tiskonġra trid tassew tkun pur.
Naħseb nutar jew partit għandu jkollu kijbord bit-tipa Maltija.
Jien bis-sabar kollu qadt naqta’ u nwaħħal minn hawn biex insewwi, tal-anqas ippruvajt.Lil Daphne kont qed nikteb mhux lil-Prezident ta’ Malta.
Ġ Ħ Ż ġ ħ ż
Bilħaqq… il-bieb dejjem baqa’ miftuħ.
Is-sena t-tajba.
mela la ġiet fuq il-kitba (u nispera li ma nagħmel l-ebda għelt jien!!!) l-iżbalji li l-aktar jispikkaw huma:
lil-iSpiker ; inħallijha ; u inqeda ; ma’ għandix ; tizloqli ; għal-kisba ; ħnizrijja ; l-għola ; ghal-ilsien ; Qabbżittli
u ‘sigħat’ niktbu (kwistjoni ta’ aċċent)
il-frażi “give them back” (bakk) lissinha ta’ vera lejber
He intends to do a Brutus.
What’s that music at the end of the video?
It wasn’t in the original broadcast.
The first part of this:
Form II Religion Syllabus does not include the virtue of humility, apparently.
I am 86 years old but unfortunately I lost my Form 2 mid-year report. I wish I had kept it. I might have become Malta’s next prime minister.