Ah, that’s better

Published: February 21, 2012 at 11:57am

The Moroccan G-string story in The Times has a much better heading this morning.


That’s an appropriate sense of the ridiculous.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Micallef says:

    Thank God for that – I wasn’t enjoying my guitar without the vital string.

  2. Pedantiku says:

    Tut, tut. The woman is Moroccan, not the G-String.

  3. Vanni says:

    This is dedicated to the strong arm of the law:


    Carry it away boys.

  4. Ian says:

    In other news- have you seen this? http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120221/local/Laughter-is-a-serious-matter-in-yoga-class.407791

    [Daphne – Sigh. Each to his own, but it’s always best to mind the difference.]

  5. Claudette says:

    Take a look at this photo. The Times have used it several times with articles regarding football. One does not need to be a sport enthusiast to notice the blunder.


  6. Dunstan says:

    Would my Spanish Guitar`s D string be offensive?

  7. David S says:

    The Times appears not to have a proof reader / editor .
    Page 4 toda’s issue reads “1,000 voting documents undelivered” in bold print – you read the article and it’s 51,000 – the number 5 fell off the page .

  8. Riya says:

    Min jaf Daphne kemm igallhom isellu lil tat-Times ghax saru qishom tal-Maltastar.

    Insomma tista’ tghid pezza wahda, ghax hlief biex jipprovaw ikunu ta’ hsara u jirredikolaw lill-Dr. Gonzi u lill-PN ma’ jaghmlux.

    Ara lil Dr. Joseph Muscat hadd minnhom ma’ jaghmillu domandi biex forsi inkunu nafu x’se jaghmel il-Labour jekk u meta jkun fil-gvern!

  9. Housewife says:

    M’hemmx ghalfejn tmur il-qorti biex tkun taf dan. Tkun ghaddej minn xi rahal facli tara bejt mimli b’kull xorta ta’ tangas u panties kuluriti minxurin. Ghalfejn dan l-ghageb.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What about visible Y-fronts? This ruling discriminates against us gentlemen. What if it’s Armani boxers? What if I decide to go commando and expose three inches of plumber’s crack? What if I wear a G-string over my plumber’s crack?

    These are vital constitutional issues which go to the very heart of our rights as citizens. I expect answers.

  11. john says:

    An exposed G-string may not be a criminal offence, but it can be an offence to one’s aesthetic sensitivity.

    If I were at a restaurant, say, and the magistart plonked herself down at the adjacent table, G-string in my face – I would not take kindly to the vista.

    I must confess, on the other hand, that if the garment belonged to someone a little more delectable, then my protestations would be somewhat less vociferous.

    It’s not a matter of morals but a matter of aesthetics.

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    I assume that in any village market there would be stalls “exposing G-strings” so we should be thankful for this momentous judgement.

    It probably escaped the reporter’s notice but the woman had been accused of exposing her body, not the G-string.

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