Astrid and her Toy Soldiers have a problem – oh dearie dear

Published: February 26, 2012 at 3:22am

If Lorry Sant built a swimming-pool, then Joseph must build one too.

When, some years ago, a development project was proposed for the quarry near Hondoq ir-Rummien, the Labour Party and NGOs kicked up a stink and the latter sought to create – with success – the false impression that the project would be in Hondoq ir-Rummien itself.

Some of those NGOs are still hyperventilating about it. Now, with the most incredibly amazing cheek, the Labour Party has actually proposed a development project for Hondoq ir-Rummien itself. That’s right – smack bang in the bay itself.

Labour proposes indoor pool complex at Hondoq

Labour leader Joseph Muscat said today that the dilapidated building which used to house a desalination plant at Hondoq Bay, Gozo, could be replaced by new facilities including an indoor swimming pool.

Speaking during campaigning for the local council election, the Labour leader said Labour was proposing the demolition of the old building and its replacement, on the same or a smaller footprint, by new facilities.

Architect Clint Camilleri,one of the candidates, said the site could be used for an indoor swimming pool and fitness centre, public toilets and changing rooms as well as a restaurant and cafeteria. The structure would use recycled aggregate, recycled concrete, geo-thermal energy and photovoltaic panels.

There are still no hysterical comments beneath that story, written by Astrid Vella and her Toy Soldiers, including her biggest fan James Tyrrell.

They have been presented with a major problem: should they criticise the Labour Party, and if so, what sort of tone should they use? Could it usefully be the generally strident one they use with gONziPn and his Evil Government? Or would that upset the applecart?

33 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    Astrid has another problem, regarding St Augustine school: should she agree with MEPA and incur the parents’ wrath or criticise MEPA (for a change) for following its policies.

    For the time being she has taken a leaf out of Joseph Muscat’s book and sat on the fence.

  2. John Schembri says:

    Wouldn’t there be a lot of traffic through Qala because of this project?

    This was a main objection from the Qala Council for the Hotel Project in the disused quarry?

    What about the fresh water pipe installation connecting Hondoq, Commino to Cirkewwa?

    Wouldn’t it be better if there was a feasibility study to see what demand there is for such a project for an aging population of around 40,000 (the young are leaving Gozo) ?

    Who will pay, how much would it cost, and who will run it sustainably?

    Geothermal energy from a sight by the sea at sea level? I have my doubts.

  3. xdcc says:

    Marco Cremona drafted a report on the Nadur cemetery, which is being used by those who object to the cemetery being built there.

    From today’s The Sunday Times:

    “He also said that a hydrologist report commissioned by opponents to the cemetery had relied on water samples provided by the farmers themselves. The hydrologist in question is Marco Cremona, who told The Sunday Times that farmers had provided him with water samples as well as photos of silted water emerging from the spring.”

    Astrid Vella and her Toy Soldiers are in the habit of rubbishing the opinion of architects because, they say, they have an interest to promote more development and therefore, according to them, they are unable to give an unbiased opinion on environmental issues.

    In line with what she said on architects, is Astrid Vella or any of her Toy Soldiers willing to rubbish the views of Marco Cremona?

    As for Marco Cremona, he often speaks about the Nadur cemetery without saying that he is the paid consultant of the objectors. When he speaks about the Nadur cemetery (or any other controversial issue), the ethically-correct thing to do is to say whether he is talking as an environmentalist or as a paid consultant.

    • Josef says:

      A real scientist worth his salt would never come to conclusions without ensuring the integrity of the samples! Definitely not from smeone who has an axe to grind and/or there are vested interests.

      • xdcc says:

        My thoughts exactly. He derived his conclusions on the basis of SAMPLES PROVIDED BY THE OBJECTORS! Also, it seems he did not even bother to visit the site when he prepared his report for the objectors. How unprofessional.

  4. Farrugia says:

    Perit Camilleri proposes the use of geothermal energy at Hondoq ir-Rummien. Have they discovered a volcano there by any chance? What nonesense.

    There is more to the geology of Hondoq ir-Rummien than what meets the eye. There will be a few surprises if these megaprojects go ahead there.

    • James A. Tyrrell says:

      Well obviously you have no idea how geothermal energy works however I do agree that it is nonsense. It’s just pie in the sky election talk that would never actually happen. Being a Nationalist supporter you will know what I mean.

      Surprised Daffy didn’t jump on you for spelling nonsense wrong. She doesn’t like that sort of thing!

    • James Butigieg says:

      Geothermal power does not need to be near volcanos, these are not gazers. it only needs a thin crust, and for your info a feasible study was done in 2007 and malta is a good candidate for geothermal energy. i studied the subject for years. go search Gerom malta and you will find all the info you need. is it not strange that you barely hear about this? ….think

  5. ciccio says:

    “Naaajjjs” (that’s an Onslow’s “nice”).

    So first the Labour party of Joseph Muscat uses these “environmental groups” to oppose projects proposed by the private sector – the ones which will be “save” under Labour -so that then the Labour party pushes its own interests in the property.

    Will there also be a Kazin Laburista in the complex?

    And can the architect Clint Camilleri be made to explain further how the project will make use geo-thermal energy? Perhaps a “journalist” of the Times can ask a question in that sense.

    And, while at it, can Camilleri declare his full interest in the project – architect fees, etc?

  6. Francis Bonello says:

    Kollox jaghmel ghal ftit voti.

  7. dudu says:

    Joseph Muscat promised to support controversial projects in Gozo.

    Now we know what he meant.

    I wonder how Astrid and Tyrrell reacted to this statement.

    For the time being we shouldn’t expect any public statement given that their main aim now is to see the PN out of goverment.

    • James A. Tyrrell says:

      Can’t speak for Ms Vella but my statement is above and you will also find it in The Times.

      • Vanni says:

        If Ms Caruana Galizia is “Daffy” (couple of posts further up) , does it follow that “Ms Vella” (Astrid) is, as far as you are concerned, Assy?

  8. el bandido guapo says:

    “geo-thermal energy” – Wow, that’s a new one, I suppose the project will come with its own conveniently located mini-volcano.

    Perhaps they can tie Joe Debono Grech to a nearby electricity pole which has been topped off with the PN flag.

  9. johnnie come lately says:


  10. drewsome says:

    Hmmm. “Geo-thermal energy”. Clean, free, limitless. Widely used by countries with hot springs, geysers and other volcanic activity.

    Am I missing something here?

  11. James A. Tyrrell says:

    If this is an example of Labour thinking then I think Gozo can well do without it. Whilst I agree that the desalination plant is an ugly eyesore I think the correct thing to do is remove it and return the area to the way it was, not to build another concrete eyesore in its place. I would suggest that Joseph Muscat thinks about what will benefit the people of Qala in particular and Gozo in general before coming off with such stupid ideas.

    It is obvious that something will happen at some point in time at Hondoq and that whatever that something is will cause a lot of problems for quite a while for the local people. It is therefore important that whatever happens benefits the majority of people rather than the few. The marina idea would have destroyed forever the look of the area and would have been of benefit only to those who could afford it. Whilst a swimming pool and activity centre could be of benefit to a lot of Gozitans I can’t imagine a more stupid place to consider building it. That has nothing to do with the fact that it would be beside the sea, my local pool is right on the seafront, but more to do with access to the area. If Labour want to build a pool for the Gozitan people to enjoy then build it centrally in the area of Victoria when it can be easily accessed.

    As for the people asking how FAA are going to react to this to be honest I doubt if they will react or indeed need to. We can’t expect FAA to campaign against pie-in the sky projects such as this which will probably never see the light of day, when there are so many real threats going on at the moment, like the cracked Gzira lido proposal and the Manoel Island debacle that’s looming. So Joseph I think it’s back to the drawing board if you are trying to gather in votes with this daft idea!

    As for upsetting apple-carts as I have said in the past I don’t support one political party over the other unlike yourself. If Labour come up with a stupid idea which this obviously is then I will criticize it.

    [Daphne – Don’t talk tosh, Tyrrell. You first began to stick your oar in Maltese national politics by working for the anti-EU membership vote. This translated into support for the Labour Party and very transparent antagonism towards the Nationalist Party, which affects you still. Look at the tone of your criticism of this project, and compare it with the scathing, vicious and spiteful tone you use to criticise government-sponsored projects like the new parliament building.]

    • James A. Tyrrell says:

      Damn, I’m so sorry I wasn’t scathing, vicious and spiteful enough for your liking. I mean shit that will really keep me awake at night! Yes I was against Malta joining the EU and I think if you run a poll now you will find a great many people agree with what I was saying then. Where you make the big mistake is by saying, ‘This translated into support for the Labour Party and very transparent antagonism towards the Nationalist Party.’

      You just don’t get it do you? I don’t give a shit about the Labour Party or the Nationalist Party and you can quote me on that. I think Gonzi is a prick to be honest and I wouldn’t trust him to run a used car lot never mind a country. As for Joseph if he comes up with any more stupid idea like this then he will become prick number two and I will be going for him in the press.

      The only thing I care about is the country, the harm that’s being done to its heritage and environment and the hardships being put on the ordinary people. That is not happening because of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party, at least not yet, it’s happening because of the bunch of corrupt bastards who are in power at the moment who have only one concern, that being how much they can steal from the people before they get their asses kicked into opposition.

      So you keep sticking up for your corrupt friends Daphne and I will keep kicking their useless asses at every opportunity. When Labour take over if they step out of line in the same way this bunch of idiots have then we can attack them together. Won’t that be fun?

      [Daphne – Tyrrell, if I were to colonise the Northern Irish press and Northern Irish internet sites with reams of opinions about the British in Northern Ireland and what “pricks”, to quote you, the various political players in Northern Ireland are, and bang on about whether Northern Ireland should carry on being part of Britain or become part of Ireland, campaigning for either one or the other, wouldn’t you think me rather strange and weirdly obsessive and out of place? Well, that’s how I and others think of you.]

      • James A. Tyrrell says:

        Actually no I wouldn’t. Outsiders have been sticking their noses into the business of N. Ireland for years. It’s called freedom of speech.

        [Daphne – There’s the world of difference between international commentary and actually going there and butting in directly over the course of a decade, Tyrrell, while calling yourself a tourist.]

      • Angus Black says:

        So, Tyrrell, if you don’t give a shit about the Labour Party and don’t give a shit about the Nationalist Party, how come your comments only favour the Labour Party? Have you ever experienced life under an (M)LP administration?

        You must be suffering from a severe case of constipation Go take a laxative and crawl back under your favourite rock.

  12. U Le! says:

    Not related but my DVD was not working. Daphne get a copy of Min Imissu on TVM tonight. A life time supply of clips! Especially the Freudian slip of what a minister’s job should be (check on the sofa bit).

  13. Silvio Farrugia says:

    They will make a mess again concerning the environment.They will be much worse than this government.

    They lack taste so much too. One only has to look at the extremely ugly government flats they built. They are such an eyesore.

    No wonder they are against MEPA.

  14. Angus Black says:

    Mark my word, she will be silent or, maybe, use one of her toy soldiers to speak on her cue.

    Yes, James Tyrrell from County Antrim will do just fine.

  15. Jozef says:

    She’s proposing a hostel for university students. A couple of years ago it was a nature park, including a Fantozzi type human aquarium.

    (How cute of her to call concept sheets posters)

    What both Joseph and Astrid ignore however, is that the land in question is privately owned. Which is why their proposals are rubbish.

    • James A. Tyrrell says:

      The land had been stolen by the Government but was handed back and shortly afterwards a planning application for a marina complex complete with hotel, shops and apartments was received by MEPA. Wasn’t that a coincidence? I guess one of the Government monkeys thought they were going to get a big fat brown envelope once they pushed the application through MEPA. Oh and by the way the old desalination plant and the ground it sits on is not in private hands, it still belongs to the Government.

      [Daphne – Actually, James, the land was owned by the Catholic Church in Malta and was bought for a great sum of money by an investor in Gozo. Stick to the facts, not to the gossip.]

      • Jozef says:

        This is exactly why the FAA has no credibility, you don’t bother to check the facts, let alone acknowledge the importance of such a minor detail as to who the land belongs to.

        Not to mention that the project proposed by the developer was also in line with the extinction of the hardstone quarry, which happens to be THE eyesore.

        You see James, it’s not that difficult to get to know the facts and maybe even meet the investor himself. I can assure you he’s no cowboy.

  16. Ruby says:

    Is James Tyrrell living in Gozo or is he from Northern Ireland?

    I think it’s better for him to start writing about how jobs can be created in Gozo instead of mooning on everything.

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Maltese infrastructure project checklist:

    1. Facilitajiet fancy ghall-familji Maltin u Ghawdxin, anke jekk ma juzawhoms (pool): CHECK

    2. The bleeding obvious (toilets and changing rooms): CHECK

    3. The obligatory restaurant and cafeteria: CHECK

    4. The silly green buzzwords (recycled anything, renewable twaddle): CHECK

    5. The even sillier and more confusing euphemisms (structure): CHECK


    • ciccio says:

      Baxxter, the next thing you need to CHECK is the headlines of the Labour leaning newspapers (that’s all of them, except in-Nazzjon, perhaps) tomorrow morning. Your name will be on all the front pages:

      “Environmental NGOs call for resignation of Baxxter from Mepa Authority – project approval scandalous – Mepa Authority needs reality CHECK”

  18. gianni says:

    Labour are pushing this idea of proposing projects in localities in which council elections are due. These projects are proposed by aspiring new Labour councilors who practise as architects.

    Even though it may seem as not quite logical since a sole aspiring councilor cannot embark on a project designed by himself using the council funds without getting the approval from the whole council, this move may be very effective in gaining the trust of the residents in such areas.

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