Astrid Vella: dumb enough to vote Labour
The marauding hordes of thicker than thick suBlitRit!!!!! Laburisti (tejt jifmuwa din????????????) have come to believe their own rumour that I am using a fake profile called Alice Vella on Facebook, by means of which I am collecting information on people.
They have based this conclusion on the belief that:
1. I want/need to go to all that hassle because nobody sends me interesting screen shots;
2. nobody sends me interesting screen shots;
3. I am the sort of person who could be fagged, at the age of 47 and with so much to be getting on with, to do something as pathetic as that;
4. that I would bother wasting time with a fake profile when it is famously on public record that I won’t waste even a minute of my time with a real profile;
5. that their IQ is of cunning proportions while mine must obviously be of Baldrick levels, so given that my maiden surname is Vella, my gender is female and I used to live in Sliema, then it is elementary that Alice Vella, woman, from Sliema, is my alias, Watson;
6. Occam’s Razor does not apply.
Astrid Vella, who has built a pro bono career on redefining the parameters of stupidity and illogical thinking, has now joined in. She asks one of her Laburist ippatenjat Facebook friends how she can share this information with her contacts.
How about bringing out your megaphone and marching the information down Republic Street, Astrid? Another good plan might be to use some of that bright red hair-dye you favour to stain the words DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA IS ALICE VELLA in three-foot high letters on the facade of your Sliema block of flats (and then we’ll talk).
Get a grip on yourself, woman. For heaven’s sake, even you can’t be THIS dumb.
For the record, once more: no, I am not Alice Vella on Facebook. I am nobody on Facebook. I do not have a Facebook profile, real or fake. I couldn’t be bothered. And I have no need to bother because people flood my inbox with screen shots. This is one of them.
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You should at least say thank you to them. Have a look at Alexa. 25th.
Mrs Caruana Galizia, you seem to have many nicks in Astrid Vella’s imagination You are now Angus Black, too. Ignore her, Daphne – not worth the space.
Hey, Verita, leave me out of this, will you?
But thanks. This is the best compliment I have ever received!
The REAL Angus Black.
We should not be surprised if Astrid Vella is a candidate for the MLP in the coming election.
Daphne, you may have missed this.
‘Astrid Vella
Feb 6th, 17:56
@ Angus Black, a.k.a. Daphne CG: Yes, we know that legality is a petty, trifling thing to you, to be overlooked as long as the transgressor is of the right political colour, but I’m afraid that’s not the way it works.’
[Daphne – Marelli kemm hi stupida, miskina. This is in the ‘baroque house in Sliema’ category of total idiocy. I happen to know exactly who Angus Black is. Heaven knows how somebody who claims to have a degree in English can’t work out the dramatic difference between the two styles of writing. Or maybe she thinks I have a separate ‘Angus Black’ style. Exhausting.]
Daphne at this rate you will soon become the entire Internet.
*looks out of window to check whether it’s raining in Bidnija* …
I can imagine a new entry in extra big fonts, in the FAA website, warning the unsuspecting public that the evil Alice Vella is , in actual fact, she-whose-name-must-not-be -mentioned from Bidnija.
I think that the first time I noticed this rumour was on an entry on the tooth fairy’s fb about 4 or 5 weeks ago.
What utter tosh.
I see that Pawlu Richard was feeling a little perkier on Saturday after Luciano Busuttil almost gave him a heart attack over the Hamrun parking garage extravaganza. He probably thought that all those years sucking up to Luciano were for nought.
There are some who mellow with old age and attain some grace and dignity.
Astrid Vella is not one of them it seems.
Nor will she let us.
Her refusal to understand Piano’s work, who made it his duty to respect our collective, including her, is embarrassing.
When she insults Piano by mentioning Trevisan, contradicting herself by lobbying for an apology of Barry’s theatre, she’s this country’s bitterness made person.
When she compares Valletta to Victoria, and demands a gate, her snobbery is a contextual doubt to the validity of our aspiration.
I pray that Labour ask her to be candidate.
I truly cannot understand why all this criticism of Astrid Vella.
On the contrary we sholud be grateful to this lady who is doing what we all should be doing to protect the environment.
What is so wrong with this, or is this something personal?
[Daphne – You will notice, Silvio, that nobody ever criticises Din L-Art Helwa or mocks its leaders. Work out why.]
It’s not personal, Silvio.
What I cannot tolerate any longer is her insistence on denigrating the contemporary style in this manner. Piano’s proposal carries an inherent intelligence pertaining to this age. Style is not something which exists, it is done in the context and purpose required.
What she calls the gap is an algebraic, philological restoration of the bastions, the steps recreating the sense of place without reverting to a fake. Piano did not allow himself any mannerism, out of respect for that which existed.
This is what an architect does, and no literal argument by someone who won’t accept abstraction is worth considering.
Her latest lie, that Laparelli intended a piazza, conveniently removes the gate she insists on from the equation. If that isn’t being disingenuous.
Anything to contradict that which has been proposed, and that, in my view, is personal. She has a problem with the solution in its entirety and very nature. Astrid cannot tolerate the fact we’re doing something which has all the qualities to complement the city.
The fact that her views are pretty much identical to Norman Lowell’s should be a tell tale sign of her competence and goodwill.
Xbajt nisma lil din il-mara tipprova taqta’ qalb il-pajjiz. Bil-fors trid thassar dak li ma’ kenitx kapaci tohloq hi. Kwazi mdejqa li haddiehor jista’.
Immissha tisthi.
Jien ma’ rridx nisthi, u jekk hemm bzonn nitkellem hekk, ma’ gara xejn.
Apart DLH, there is also FWA, NatureTrust and Gaia who are all doing excellent work for the environment and our cultural heritage. Society owes them a debt of gratitude. Nobody mocks their leaders and rightly so.
Silvio, yes try and work it out for yourself. I will give you a hint: The end does not justify the means.
Jozef, you are so very right. She will say anything as long as she opposes the project.
At one point she campaigned for the construction of the national theatre over both Freedom Square and the opera house site, because the opera house site is too small for the national theatre.
Now she argues that the piazza should have been left open. This is what Astrid Vella wrote on (Feb 3rd, 19:43): “Now had one of our last big squares been left empty as Laparelli intended, the creation of a beautiful open square and garden would certainly have improved the quality of life of residents…”
Ms. Vella, were you not concerned about the quality of life of residents when you proposed a massive structure occupying BOTH the opera house site and Freedom Square?
Silvio, some background information to help you along.
This is what Stephen Calleja wrote (19 July 2009):
“Puerile. Barbaric. Pompous. Ridiculous. Blinkered. Patronising. Snide. Superficial. Arrogant. Bully. NGO-hater. Aggressive. Troglodyte. This is a selection of the names I was called last week by a number of Astrid Vella followers just because I dared write four or five paragraphs about their idol in the previous issue this newspaper. ……..As soon as someone dares having a go at her, the cannons are let loose. It happened recently to Robert Musumeci, after he took her to court. We had a string of letters condemning his legal action, as if the people writing had some sacrosanct right to judge before a magistrate hears the case. Now it has happened to me.”
Ms. Vella uses others to shut people up. Anyone who says anything not to her liking will be subject to a chorus of abuse from her toy soldiers.
In the meantime, is it the case that Astrid Vella confirms whether or not there is any relationship between her and Alice Vella? I mean, they too have the same surname.
They have the same surname and the same initials too. Like me.
Oh dear. What if it turns out I’m Astrid Vella?
I cannot understand how this Pawlu Richard arrived at the conclusion that Alice Vella is Daphne.
[Daphne – Read some books about the medieval mind, and then you’ll know.]
If the surname is “VELLA” and the name starts with “A”, it has got to be Ms DCG.
Car daqs il-kristall and logical, no?
So childish. I’m truly convinced that a lot (unfortunately) of Maltese women live in time warp and are still 16 in their heads. When are they going to grow up and learn to use Facebook in a mature way fitting for their age?
Ok, so Astrid says she doesn’t accept endorsements, one way or the other.
What someone wanted to carry out internal alterations and extensions to a baroque palazzo, resubmitting an amended application to turn it into commercial premises? Someone mentioned by reliable sources, as being in charge of ‘projects’ of a political party?
It’s only a stone’s throw away from the knights’ place she managed to misplace.
And what if someone else, plans to resubmit a proposal for extending a hotel and apartments ODZ? Someone who regularly hosts the leader of one of the parties?
What if someone had his ‘proposal’ linked to a party’s pledge to subsidise energy bills? Which proposal, it seems, still requires a thorough study, even when it’s envisaged to encroach onto Marsaxlokk bay and replenish oil companies with the CO2 needed to pump oil wells dry, not to mention adding a full quarter to the nation’s debt.
What’s so difficult to understand?
What if Labour are elected? Will a proposal by someone who returned Genoa to the people be stopped until it’s decided which pastiche of acanthus leaves and fluted columns is more appropriate for Valletta’s geometry?
Perhaps one which complements goats grazing below it’s arch, just as Ellis would have them. Imagine someone with a fetish for Pollock’s action painting en plein air.
C’mon Astrid, show us what you’re made of.
Hey! Come to think of it, ‘Alice Vella’ is more likely to be Astrid Vella from Sliema than it is Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Fake Profile who? Daphne?
Dawn bis-serjeta jew? Ara vera boloh dawn in-nies. Jien l-anqas nemmen li ghad ghanhom din il mentalita’ dawn in-nies.
Taf x’naf! Li Daphne fixklitilhom il-garigori ta’ mohhom. U jajruha kemm jajruha ghal xejn ghax qatt ma’ jirnexxielhom ilahqu maghha.
Kemm hi smart Astrid Vella marelli. Is-CIA qeghdin ifitxu profiler sabiex jibghatuha l-Afghanistan ghax hemm xi hmara li qeda iggib ruha ta’ debba u nahseb Astrid peress li hija ‘both’ (mhux boat ta’ Silvio) hmara u debba tista tkun ta’ ghajnuna w ssolvi dan il-misteru.
So these people add people who they do not know to their FB friend list. Then they complain that the ACTA is a threat to their privacy. Go figure.
Imma kif jista’ jkollok lill Alice Vella friend u ma tkunx taf min hi? Din xi friend hi? Cyber friend? “I think she’s hot, let me befriend her” friend?
It happens a lot, in circumstances like those in your question.
Dear Astrid,
Get the hell off Facebook. You don’t uderstand it, obviously. So just stop it. People can ‘SEE’ you there ta, marelli! Not just the person upon whose comment (or post! ‘Post’ – look it up), you decide to comment (post!?? Marelli!!).
Best to crawl back into the safety of your petty FAA cocoon, and be done with all this partisan/anti-DCG nonsense.
GREAT to see that your spoken Matese has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years, mind you. I mean, a woman of your, vintage, and such. Well done!
Neil Dent
(No, no! Really, that’s my nane! NOT Daphne, Alice, Angus…..)
For heavens sake, it’s Facebook, not FaceBaroque, Astrid.
Ms. Vella is even dumber than I first thought. This is her post: (Feb 3rd, 21:37 )
“Talking of other architects, I have been told by different local architects that leading international architects would have fought to carry out this project FREE OF CHARGE, as the opportunity to carry out such a prestigious major project in the heart of an old city only occurs very rarely in an architect’s career and hugely adds to the stature and esteem of such an architect. Our government, in its wisdom, has accepted to pay untold sums to one controversial architect against the will of the majority of the electorate instead of holding a local or international competition to select an architect and invite him to carry it out free of charge.”
(1) According to Astrid Vella, LEADING international architects are queuing up to do the job FOR FREE. Ridiculous! You will only get rubbish design for free from some weirdo failed architect.
(2) Ms. Vella claims that the majority of the electorate is against the project. There is no way of knowing or proving that. What we know for certain is that the decisions were taken by a Government elected into office by the majority of the electorate.
(3) Ms. Vella keeps arguing that a competition should have been held. I remind her that, many years ago, there was a competition for the site and nothing came of it.
Astrid has to state clearly whether she intends to lobby for the modification of Piano’s design when the work is finished. She seems to have concentrated on the entrance lately.
Blabbing away with a bunch of her ‘fellow patricians’ is one thing, assuming responsibility for what she’s saying and taking it to a logical conclusion is another.
All she’s doing, poor thing, is try to get her ideas pasted on top. It’s as if she’s in a panic to be included and if that doesn’t work, she’ll declare the memory SHE represents is being removed. If that isn’t blackmail.
She’ll be surprised what the controversial architect’s work can do to people. Maybe she knows it already and can’t face the day it materialises.
Does she realise how oppressive and shrill her mindset sounds?
Be still, Astrid – you’re so petty, scared and primitive.
1) Some of the best legal assistance in the world is carried out Pro Bono so your argument doesn’t hold water. Even more so when you consider the millions paid to this so-called world class architect for what is certainly rubbish.
2) The majority of people writing letters or comments regarding this project have been against it. That my friend is a fact which you are welcome to check back on. Furthermore it is being carried out by a Government who no longer have the support of the majority of the electorate. That is not something I have made up by the way but the advice given to them by their own advisors.
Joe Attard, you are not comparing like with like. The positive publicity that a lawyer would get from winning a high profile case is disproportionate to the time and effort he puts in.
As for architects, a lot of time and effort goes into the design of a complex project. It is the work of a team of people. If a leading architect were to work pro bono, where are the salaries of all the people involved going to come from?
As for PR, whatever the architect proposes there will always be criticism.
The more vociferous the objectors, the more negative publicity the architect is likely to get, especially before project completion. Every project is a risk and it is nonsensical for a leading architect to take such risks and not receive any payment for his work.
The name of Trevisan is being mentioned as someone who was willing to be the project architect for free. Who is Trevisan? What human and other resources does he have hin his practice?
Which of his projects received international acclaim? Which of his projects portrays a spark of architectural genius? How many of his projects have been featured in leading architectural journals and also in mainstream media?
Ms. Vella was one who referred to Trevisan. Ms. Vella, either reply to these questions or stop talking rubbish.
@mc. I’m surprised you don’t know who Trevisan is as he was born in Malta! The following links will provide you with the information you require. As for your request to Ms. Vella to reply to you that’s just silly as I doubt she ever comes into this dark place. I’m sure she has a life!
The great compromise, ‘a lightweight structure until agreement for its embellishment is reached’.
Postponing the decision to perpetuate the paralysing comfort. Trevisan’s offer may sound gentle, but it doesn’t address the future.
Our memory is tinged with the image of those ruins as they stand today. They are our present.
Bringing that place to life requires the knowledge that the memory will never come back.
What’s the fear, if it’s overcome in an ‘insieme’?
Joe Attard, Giovanni Trevisan was born in Malta. That is the only thing the links say about him. Do you and Ms. Vella seriously think this is sufficient justification for the government to entrust him with Malta’s most important project?
I will redirect the more important questions to you: which of his projects received international acclaim? Which of his projects portrays a spark of architectural genius? How many of his projects have been featured in leading architectural journals and also in mainstream media?
As for Ms. Vella, if she really had a life she would stop writing garbage about the City Gate project on
@mc. You state, “Giovanni Trevisan was born in Malta. That is the only thing the links say about him. Do you and Ms. Vella seriously think this is sufficient justification for the government to entrust him with Malta’s most important project?”
Well, now, I can’t obviously speak for Ms Vella but for myself I would ask, do you actually think about what you write?
Tell us where Piano was born because it sure as hell wasn’t Malta and yet the government trusted him with what you describe as Malta’s most important project.
A new Parliament building wasn’t needed. This is just that clown Gonzi’s excuse to put up a building which will have his name on it at public expense. Or maybe he is paying for it himself because at the moment he doesn’t seem to have decided where the money is coming from.
@Joe Attard
It is pointless discussing with you something which is self-evident.
There are a hundred and one reasons why government should have appointed Renzo Piano for the City Gate project. If you, or Ms. Vella, cannot see that, that is your problem.
There are ZERO reasons why government should have appointed Trevisan.
As for the need and location of the new Parliament building, that is another matter. I have no intention of entering into a discussion on that with someone whose sense of logic is flawed.
The 101 reasons you allude to all boil down to one, a new Parliament building at the entrance to the capital city with Gonzi’s name on it alongside the renowned Renzo Piano. Wouldn’t look so good from Gonzi’s point of view if the architect’s name was Joe Attard or Peter Sammut!
As for your refusal to justify the actual need or location of the new circus building, it is the usual way out when you have no answers to say that the others ‘logic is flawed.’
As an ex PN voter this matter goes beyond politics in my view. I am suffering and my family are suffering whilst this clown and his buddies are stealing money from us to line their own pockets and wasting more on stupid buildings that we don’t need. Would I rather see JM in power? To be honest I’d rather see a bloody monkey in power as it would probably be more trustworthy!
As I always point out, “people always judge by their standards” (kullhadd ikejjel b’xibru).
Is Astrid saying that Daphne – who wouldn’t bother calling for the resignation of a magistrate – is using FB under a false name?
People who truly believe that Daphne uses another name anywhere are wishful thinkers who think that she is spineless like they are.
I know of a prominent person who writes authoritatively on The Times comments board and uses at least six names.
“mark borg
Dan l-interess kollu ghal-ismijiet x’ghandek bzonnu?
Jien mghandi l-ebda interess sur jihn schembri …sempliciment qed insaqsi ghala tlett kwarti li jidefendu li gvern ghandhom nofs isimhom biss jidher !!!!!
Rigward il-hames ismejiet different issa kun ragel u semijomlna ha naraw ….QED NISTENNEWK
debbie voss,mary mifsud, cesco di luigi, lilly vella, dejjem jiktbu l-istess stil u nikkonkludi li huma l-istess persuna.
Il-hames isem se nzommu ghalija ghax hu il-veru isem ta’ min jikteb f’isimhom.”
There are more.
Daphne has been using her REAL name for ages – whatever she says is first hand; I cannot see why she would need to have another “name” Daphne definitely does not hide behing anyone – she is not afraid to speak her mind.
This is exactly what ‘they’ just don’t get.
“I have been told by different local architects that leading international architects would have fought to carry out this project FREE OF CHARGE, as the opportunity to carry out such a prestigious major project in the heart of an old city only occurs very rarely in an architect’s career and hugely adds to the stature and esteem of such an architect.” (Astrid Vella, on 3 February )
SKY NEWS: BREAKING NEWS; Following the departure of Capello, the English FA is considering a suggestion made by well-known Maltese activist Astrid Vella, namely to engage a coach for FREE. According to Ms. Vella, there are many international football coaches who would be more than happy to be coach of the England team without receiving any payment because as she put it; “it would hugely add to the stature and esteem of such a coach.” Sky News understands that senior English FA officials are kicking themselves for not having thought of the idea beforehand. Ms. Vella is renowned in Malta to be very knowledgeable and, notwithstanding that her training is limited to just a few lectures on baroque studies, she can give advice on architecture, environment, town planning, the arts and indeed on any subject under the sun including football.
Let’s see what she has to say about this. It’s right up her street.
I feel for this Ms. Alice Vella for the harassment she is being subjected to by these Labourite freaks. Why would Daphne hide behind a fake Facebook profile, when she uses her own name on her blog and newspaper column?
The same can’t be said of Labour-leaning hate blogs written by cowards who do not expose their real names.
Let’s put it this way: if I were ‘accused’ that my writings are Daphne’s I would feel quite proud of myself. If there was a percentage it would be well over 80%, I can’t always agree to what Daphne writes.
Alice Vella should be feeling very important.