Just in case you missed this earlier – I’m uploading it again in case you’ve run out of cake decorating ideas

Published: February 1, 2012 at 10:20pm

Left click on the image

This is a Joseph Muscat fan called Helen Cutajar. She had her picture taken with the Great Leader, then she had the photograph reproduced on her birthday cake along with the Labour emblem (she is one of the few people using it).

Sabih, eh? Il-vera najs.

56 Comments Comment

  1. Not Tonight says:

    I’m impressed! Both ‘happy’ and ‘birthday’ are spelt correctly.

  2. Richard Borg says:

    Tsk tsk Daphne, you had a good run going, interesting posts developing educated debates and invoking further interest in the subject matter, than you resort back to this. Have you been hitting the, ahem, earl grey?

    [Daphne – Then, not than. Earl Grey, not earl grey. I hate the stuff. I drink builder’s tea only. That’s the magical winning formula of this website, Richard: governing principle, ‘It takes a wise man to play the fool’. Hence the top ranking.]

    • Neil Dent says:

      ‘Then, not than’. Don’t get me started – pet hate # 1

      Made even worse when poor grammar/spelling/English is used by people trying to appear ‘more clever than thou’ (see Richard’s otherwise clever-looking post above), or as some attempt at ridicule. Oh dear.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      What about Darjeeling? And Lapsang Souchong? Lady Grey?

    • Chav says:

      top ranking of this site says a great deal about the followers.

  3. Frans Cassar says:

    Oh my god.

  4. U Le! says:

    She can use that format for St. Valentine’s. Classy.

  5. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Hamallata ta’ vera.

  6. Lupin says:

    Jaqtghalek l-aptit kollu.

    • FP says:

      L-aptit għal Joseph ilni li qtajtu – ma kienx hemm bżonn naraħ imċaftar fuq kejk illum.

    • Antoniette says:

      I agree, in fact I thought it might be a good idea to keep it handy at mealtimes, I’ve been trying to lose some weight and this puts you right off your food.

  7. C Falzon says:

    Did she actually take her picture with the Leader or is did she chop off Michelle’s face and replace it with hers?

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You have to wonder about boyfriends and husbands. Don’t they get upset?

  9. francesco says:

    Where’s the cake? I can see a pillow though.

    Il-lallu, il-leader jorqod in-naha tax-xellug bhali.

    Diga ghalaq fifty yearz il-prattikament PM? U ghadu fl-oppozizzjoni?

    Mela bil-fors ghadu ma giehx il-mument opportun.

  10. Angus Black says:

    Din bilfors Mintoffjana, Muskatella, ‘Moderata’, u Mhawwda (wahda sew).

    Il-Mintoff Labour Party ta Joseph mimli b’kampjuni bhal din.

    U donnu jidher minfuh, Joey taghna. X’faqa ta wicc ghandu fir-ritratt!

    Dnub li l-gwarnic madwar ir-ritratt heba l-‘hair-do’ ta Joey.

  11. Riff Raff says:

    I think it’s very sweet.

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    Helen Cutajar may be a fan but she has placed Joseph right where one has to plunge the cake knife.

  13. Chris Mifsud says:

    My God! This is real ?

  14. Joe Micallef says:

    Just a spoon full of sugar and the labour goes down, the labout goes down.

  15. Distressed observer says:

    Does she then proceed to eat Joseph’s face?

  16. Sarah says:

    That’s the most unappealing birthday cake i have seen.

  17. J. Farrugia says:

    Min jaf min ha the best piece of the cake…. i.e. the piece with the Great Leader’s face.

  18. Anon says:

    This has to be a joke. Can anyone be that simple?

  19. old-timer says:

    Have a heart!! I am more than sure that Muscat would not want such ridiculous manifestations.

  20. Allo Allo says:

    Aqtali slajs hej!

  21. Marc Gossel says:

    When ACTA is in place the owner of the above picture could simply let your blog shut down since you breached his right on the picture!

    The bad thing about ACTA is that there would not even be a court order required! Use your brain and think about it instead of repeating like a parrot what others tell you!

    [Daphne – Honestly. These scare stories. And even if that were the case, I would simply post a link instead of the actual picture, as I do with newspaper stories from organisations which police reproduction of their stuff, like The Times (London).]

  22. Anthony says:

    Simply tawdry.

  23. TROY says:

    Issa toqodx tibki Michelle.

  24. ciccio says:

    A classic example of how Labour supporters think that running the country is a piece of cake.

  25. Ghamilli slijs says:

    I heard she’s ditching the torca and her next birthday cake will be covered in blue icing – lejtest fexxin tal-Lejber.

  26. Francis Bonello says:

    Thajjart naghmel wiehed bhalu ghal-birthday.

  27. Mark Seychell says:

    Made me put down my coffee for a while.

  28. Riya says:

    Jien l-arma taffaxxinani wisq. Qisa ftit kuluri imcafalsin.Imma ghalinqas it-Torca ma’ tidhirx daqsekk aggressiva.

  29. A. Charles says:

    Godftey Grima had this cake in mind when he designed the PL emblem. It is so easy to replicate using coloured icing sugar.

  30. carmel says:

    Dear Daphne, you seem to have extra time tonight, not very interesting.

  31. Lomax says:

    The logo is still revolting- even if it’s made out of sugar/marzipan.

  32. Mark Camilleri says:

    What a great idea actually. I’m going to make some Joseph Muscat Figolli for Easter.

  33. old-timer says:

    Is there a Maltese word for “Birthday”?

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