Look who’s talking
The Labour Party’s ghetto group for lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender people has spoken out against the latest homophobic attack on two girls on a bus.
“Il-mentalita’ f’pajjiz ma tistax tinbidel sakemm ma jinbidlux il-ligijiet tal-istess pajjiz”. Dan qalu Cyrus Engerer, kelliemi ghall-intergroup LGBT Labour b’referenza ghall-ahhar attakk fuq zewg tfajliet ohra, din id-darba fuq karozza tal-linja, li qieghed jigi deskritt bhala attakk omofobiku iehor mill-gurnali lokali. L-LGBT Labour temmen fid-diversita’ u li f’pajjiz demokratiku kullhadd ghandu d-dritt fundamentali li jghix il-hajja tieghu u dik tal-familja tieghu fil-liberta’.
Cyrus Engerer, eh? My. the irony. Isn’t he the very same who emailed photographs of his ex boyfriend, engaged in acts of homosexual lust, to his employers and colleagues in an attempt at….what, exactly? Getting him fired?
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Irony? Irid ikollok wiccek imcappas bic-cikkulata.
Is this another strategy adopted by the Labour Party at winning votes, by glorifying homosexuality?
Is this their definition of liberali? Giving gays rights? And giving a voice to a minority. The problem when you give a voice to minorities is that minority group, even if they are completely unrelated, will join forces in a show of force in a vulgar attempt to topple the majority.
Any party who includes LGBT rights in its electoral manifesto is a sure loser next election.
I’m afraid we have now passed the limit.
Of course we don’t as yet know the full details of what happend to the two girls (?) on the bus, but if we were to accept what has been reported as the whole truth, we must for sure, say THIS Is Enough.
By what stroke of imagination do persons who are diverse from the rest of us expect preferential treatment?
What right do they have in flaunting their unfortunate condition in public?
What is so democratic in being a nuisance in public places?
Would normal persons be allowed to disgust other people in such a way?
As for Cyrus, we Sliema residents knew all alongvwhat you are, and we still voted for you, but the S..T hit the fan when you emailed those photos. That is when we accepted that I am right not to ever again trust persons like you to occupy public posts.
Daphne, you have on various occasions implied that I am homophobic. If this actually means my conviction that persons like this should indulge in their deprivation only in private and stop offending others, Well then, yes I am, and proud of it.
These persons should be thankful they are living in our country. Don’t they know that there are countries where they would be sent to prison, and even others where it is a capital offence.
How exactly is lesbianism an “unfortunate condition”?
I said “unfortunate condition” because I could notbring myself to write “sickness”
Silvio, there is nothing to be “thankful” about not being thrown into prison just because one is homosexual. We’re not being kind in not doing that; we’re just being fair. That said, there is behaviour that is unacceptable on a public bus, be it done by homosexuals or heterosexuals.
I agree with the last comment – the root problem here isn’t, I think, necessarily glorifying homosexuality (which is a strange idea), but normalising a culture that treats sexuality itself as nothing more than a commodity and worse, a political weapon.
Have we arrived at a stage where the sexual orientation, religious beliefs and colour of the skin of victim and alleged criminal matter when a crime – ANY crime -is committed?
If so , then I believe that white, heterosexual Christians are in for a rocky time if Labour will be in power.
Cyrus the blackmailer turns yellow…….or is it red now?
He surely doesn’t go red in the face, ghax xejn ma igielu jisthi.
This guy should be in hiding, rather than showing himself off on the media.
Condemning homophobia in public while using that same homophobia in private against his boyfriend. Rich.
I’ve been following the movements of LGBT activist groups in different countries for some time now, where these groups have gained political power to the point that any opposition to the lifestyle constitutes a ‘hate crime’.
Even students are afraid to speak out in the classroom, lest they be suspended. Now it looks like our own gay rights lobby is conjuring up the same arguments.
Here we have the false notion that government endorsement of homosexual behaviour – and I would appreciate it if you were to differentiate between the person and the behaviour – would somehow eliminate homophobia.
A reality which most activists fail to grasp is that you don’t need to agree with homosexual behaviour to condemn acts of violence and unjust discrimination against people with same sex attractions.
They are people, just like the rest of us, with inherent dignity. Likewise, one need not favour obesity to defend obese students from bullies at school.
We’re not even sure if the bus incident was a homophobic attack, as the dispatcher made no reference to their orientation. Ironically, he was on the receiving end of a homophobic slur. Please, let’s for once let all the facts come in before passing judgement.