Joan aka Yana Mintoff joins Joseph’s troupe of Star Pensioners

Published: February 23, 2012 at 11:21am

Joan aka Yana Mintoff, one of Joseph Muscat's fresh and progressive youthful new candidates

Joseph Muscat’s New New Labour, with its much-touted fabulous new names, is looking increasingly like a bingo outing for pensioners.

After all the fuss about Star Kendidejt Edward Scicluna, who has been a permanent fixture on state television since the early 1980s and who holds a Kartanzjan, and Manuel Mallia, another Kartanzjan holder, we have the throbbingly exciting news that Mintoff Yana is going to be yet another Star Kendidejt aged 60+.

Well, I certainly look forward to many more of those political speeches which sound just like something made up on the spot and at gun-point by a Sacred Heart girl from the 1950s who prides herself on ‘not knowing Maltese’ – if only for the sheer pleasure of watching those delegates as they squirm and long to mock and sneer, except that they can’t and must applaud instead ghax it-tifla ta’ Dumink.

The most laughable bit of this is that certain elements within the Labour Party have gone on (and on) about ‘hereditary politics’ in the Nationalist Party, pointing fingers at Mario de Marco, Beppe Fenech Adami, Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici and others, aided and abetted in that exercise by that nincompoop, Franco Debono.

Now the Labour Party’s supporters are being asked to vote for a pensioner who hasn’t lived in Malta since she was in her teens, can barely speak the language, knows about the country only third-hand and from what she observes on fleeting holidays, and who is probably a US citizen anyway after all those years spent living and raising a family there. Even if she has dual nationality, that would still be somebody with a US passport sitting in Malta’s parliament.

The reason they’re being asked to vote for this stranger? That she’s Mintoff’s daughter. You know, hereditary politics. Her father was il-Kink, now vote for the princess.

The irony is that after all those decades of fighting western imperialism as her father’s very irritating daughter, the United States of America is where Joan Mintoff made her home. Typical.

She’s lucky the United States let her in in the first place.

‘Are you or have you ever been a Communist or have you taken part in Communist activities?’ No/Yes.

No. I opposed the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Yes, ma’am..

But I’m that Red Bastard’s daughter.

Don’t worry, ma’am. We’ve got Josef Stalin’s daughter here already, so another one won’t make much difference.

Yana, whose real name is actually Joan and if it’s good enough for the supremely glamorous Ms Collins it should have been good enough this old bat, is in Malta to look after daddy, so the newspapers tell us, because daddy is 94. Indeed.

The last time we looked, daddy was being looked after night and day by his man Baldacchino.

Maybe Mrs Bland is here to make sure nobody else gets his filthy little paws on daddy’s grillions. Or maybe she’s here out of pure love and filial piety, because she’s a socialist and socialists are not interested in money, except how they can get their hands on other people’s for ongoing distribution to the poor and needy who have been starved and laid waste by Smellimara imperialists.

The impression I got from those news reports is that while she’s cooling her heels in Malta thousands of miles away from her real home in the United States, waiting to see daddy off, she’s going to take a stab at getting elected.

Because you know, if daddy lives to be a hundred, as well he might, she can usefully fit in a year of campaigning and five years in parliament, then go back to California or wherever it is that the CIA has suffered Red Dom’s girl to live.

Welcome home, Yana. Except that it isn’t, is it, because you left in the 1960s. Now, like the typical patronising returned emigrant, you’ve flown back in to tell the natives how to run their show.

Maybe Joseph Muscat, the 38-year-old son of a diehard Mintoff fan from Burmarrad, is impressed. But many of the rest of us are not. If you’d like some idea why, quiz a bunch of Chileans about how they’d feel about Pinochet’s daughter standing for election.

Cyrus Engerer was the one who broke the news, on his Facebook wall. You can always trust him to be discreet.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    According to The Times she was an activist for the Palestinian and Irish causes. Gaddafi, her daddy’s chum, also did all he could to help.

    It’s just that he didn’t rely on manure to leave a mark.

  2. Frankie Narcono says:

    Maybe she will pump all her father’s grillions back into the economy once she is elected.

  3. ciccio says:

    “Joseph Muscat’s New New Labour, with its much-touted fabulous new names, is looking increasingly like a bingo outing for pensioners.”

    Hence the natural role of Silvio Parnis in the Partit Laburista.

    • Mister says:

      You`re reminding me about Silvio Parnis…… hear this.

      Silvio Parnis has some woman calling mobile phone numbers. Here goes the phone call:

      Woman: Hello, qeda incempillek mill-ufficju ta’ Silvio Parnis.
      You: Eh? ( Silvio? Il-ministru tas-sawt ? )

      Woman: Iva qeda incempillek ghax Silvio jixtieq jirringrazzjak tas-sapport li tajtu f’dan iz-zmienijiet.
      You: Eh? ( thanking me for what? )

      Woman: Silvio jixtieq ifakkrek ukoll, li jekk ghandkom bzonn xi ghajnuna, jara kif jista jghin.
      You: Ehh… ok. ( what cheek )

      Woman: U Silvio japprezza ukoll jekk fl-elezzjoni li jmiss, tahseb fih.
      You: Ok, ux. ( still perplexed how the office of Silvio Parnis got your number )

      Hangs up.

      Silvio Parnis is smart however… using Go’s unlimited calls package… mhux itella kont miskin.

    • Jo says:

      Perhaps we can start calling Joseph Muscat’s party “The Darby and Joan: club.

  4. winwood says:

    Would anyone be surprised if Muscat asks Cicciolina to join the PL to compliment the already fantastic list of 60+ star candidates?

  5. ciccio says:

    I thought the Star Candidejts would include names like Quinton, Byon, Tyson, Tyron, Derston, Jason, Charlon, Brendon, Gordon…

  6. Rover says:

    Funny how they’re all coming out of the woodwork these crusaders for civil rights.

    While many of us were defending freedom of speech at Tal-Barrani or at the Rabat shootings, Yana the champagne socialist was living in the US. Soldier of steel indeed.

  7. gianni says:

    Who is this man Baldacchino?

    [Daphne – Anton Baldacchino, Mintoff’s ‘batman’ and now, carer.]

  8. GB says:

    Well said Daphne, you couldn’t have explained the situation better. Din jonqos issa.

  9. peppi ic cuc says:

    Jien ukoll kont iltqajt ma’ Joan u lanqas kont naf min hi, go dar privata, waqt party tal-gays u lesbians, San Gwann.

    Cyrus ma kienx hemm ghax kien ghadu lanqas inholoq, ghax dan kien fi 1979.

  10. Lomax says:

    Yana Bland (a non-resident who doesn’t even know how to speak Maltese but she’s Dom with a wig and hence she will attract the diehards’ votes), Cyrus Engerer, that hypocrite who (I guess Joseph hopes) will attract the gay votes and Joseph Muscat himself who accepts both in the party he leads.

    I mean, how can you accept a reject of another party who decides to just switch allegiances overnight? How can you switch allegiances just like that, to start with? Overnight? I really don’t know.

    Besides, how can Joseph expect us to believe his is a moderate and young party (I hate the word “progressive” because it means precious nothing except allowing same-sex marriage, abortion and similar “rights”) with the former dictator’s daughter in the fold? Indeed, I am always the first one to say that children do not blame for the mistakes of their parents and that they should be left alone.

    But it’s very rich for Yana to come here, insult our way of living as though we were living in the Bush and then expect us to elect her. You, Daphne, really hit the nail on the head when you said “patronising returned emigrant” when she was not even here to see how much we all suffered, Laborites and Nationalists, in those horrible horrible years.

    U bil-wicc tost kollu (no English express can really express what this Maltese phrase expresses) that paragon of civil rights Cyrus Engerer ( who violated in the most heinous of ways his ex-partner’s right to privacy also cowardly betraying his ex-partner’s trust) preaches about “more civil rights”. Lanqas jisthu ma jafu!

    And I can assure Cyrus that no Labour candidate can ever speak about civil rights. If we have any civil rights to speak of today it’s because of the Nationalist Party. If Cyrus Engerer can speak out his mind on Facebook, it’s only because the Nationalist Party worked hard to safeguard those rights and no Joan-Yana-Mintoff-Bland will ever teach US and ME what civil rights are and that we need more.

  11. Marku says:

    With a face like that, who wouldn’t want to vote for her? Quick, someone find her a belt with a giant buckle.

  12. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Jumping on the bandwagon little baby Cyrus enjoyed Joan’s company – easily pleased now he’s a PL blue-eyed (or now red-eyed?) boy.

  13. Fidelio says:

    It’s a shame for Joan Mintoff that she missed the Golden Years.

  14. Ganna says:

    If Cyrus is really interested in job creation and business, he should Have stayed in the PN.

  15. Angus Black says:

    This proves how ‘new, progressive and moderate’ the Labour Party of today, really is.

    Here is a relic who still thinks that her dad’s era was ‘golden’ and that “Malta has never had it so bad as today”!

    She may yet be the nail in the (M)LP’s coffin because nothing will act more as an incentive for Nationalists to go out and vote, whether disgruntled at their Party or not!

    Yana, go and do what you do best – throw dung around. You are in the right Party, after all.

  16. Mickey Mouse says:

    Cyrus Engerer talking about civil rights?

  17. xmun says:

    The news was reported on Cyrus Engerer’s fb page and PL have so far declined to comment.

    Could this be a repetition of Grace Borg’s candidature but with a difference? Perhaps Cyrus has been delegated to fly a kite: if the response is positive, Labour will publicly confirm Joan’s candidature. If the response is negative, Labour will distance itself from Cyrus’s comments without hurting the feelings of the returning Mintoffians.

    Bringing Joan Mintoff back into the fold is a clear sign that the PL has not yet managed to bridge the gap with diehard Mintoffjani and are pulling out all the stops.

  18. Riya says:

    Ara biex irridu naghabbu u nmexxu l-pajjiz!

    Kellna xorti kbira hlisna min-missiera. Ghax issa bilhaqq, Duminku Mintoff m’ghadux traditur ghax Joseph Muscat u l-bella kumpanija tal-Labour modern, u tal-bidu gdid, qed jipprovaw jigbru il-voti tieghu. Nesew xi gwerra ghamlu kontrieh u kemm ghajruh u din Yana xorta marret tilaghqhom. Minn jaf? Forsi ghandha bzonn xi haga?

  19. Zian says:

    I wonder if Labour is going to take her to court to see if she qualifies to be on the electoral register.

  20. Matt says:

    The people seem to be getting tired of the PN in spite their being infinitely the better party to lead the country.

    Yana Mintoff and Joe Debono Grech have scared a lot of people who have become nonchalant lately. Lets hope their past frightening history will translate in big turnout for the PN.

    We need to hear more of Debono Grech’s speeches.

  21. Galian says:

    I have just witnessed the ultimate signal that Labour will return to government: Catch is back on sale on the shop shelves.

  22. Zachary Stewart says:

    If Mintoff himself wanted to live here he probably could. :) Truly the land of the free.

  23. Village says:

    Oh how exciting to have Dom’s daughter around to participate in Maltese national politics. Who is better suited than Yana as a standard bearer of the Mintoffjan legacy?

    The Nationalist Party will have a field day at exposing the atrocities her father so odiously inflicted on the Maltese and more reason for doing this.

  24. Dee says:

    Joseph Muscat’s party is fast becoming Dad’s Army.

  25. ciccio says:

    According to Wikipedia, Joan Mintoff Yana is a Superintendent of the Katherine Anne Porter School in Texas, but the link to the school website does not work.
    One has to try directly, here:

    Under the menu “about us,” there are sections about “finance” and “employment.” Knowing that Joan Mintoff Yana is “an economist by training,” and that she now specialises in Labour issues, I thought I’d have a look at those items.

    The links under “finance” do not work. And under “employment,” there was just blank space.

    See for yourselves.

  26. H.P. Baxxter says:

    She’s lived abroad all her adult life. I hereby demand a rikors legali. Justice now, Anglu and Toni!

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