Thank you, Waylon – you certainly gave me a laugh this morning

Published: February 23, 2012 at 12:06pm

After the Moroccan G-string which failed to offend public morals, Waylon Johnston finds more that is utterly hilarious in that sad mire which is the law courts.

The Times, today

By Waylon Johnston


A group of police officers on the beat in Żabbar following feast celebrations last year were allegedly subjected to name calling by a group of about 10 people who also made animal and farting noises as they passed by.

The group told the officers that they could smell bacon and also called them pigs, Police Constable John Paul Young testified in the case against four of the group.

The accused, Luigi Scerri, 50, from Marsascala and his brothers, Carmelo, 54 from Tarxien and Jesmond, 44, from Msida, together with 26-year-old Francesco Scerri Harkins, from Dingli are pleading not guilty to a series of charges. They include threatening the officers, challenging them to a fight, assaulting them at the Żabbar police station, violently resisting orders, breaching the peace and swearing in public.

PC Young said that he was walking along with some eight officers down the practically empty main street of Żabbar when from a side road he heard the group making noises.

When the policemen approached the group Mr Scerri Harkins became aggressive towards one of his colleagues and as aggression spread through the group the police arrested them and escorted them to the police station, PC Young said.

The case continues.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Simon says:

    No decent English-language newspaper in the world uses the word ‘farting’ in an article.

    Not even The Sun does.

  2. Scerri S. says:

    Court reports on have lately become quite fun to read:

  3. Paul Bonnici says:

    Daphne, I wonder what sort of noise you made to the police at St Julian’s police station! They took you to court for a made up offence which was eventually thrown out by court.

  4. Ray says:

    Was Franco Debono the lawyer too?

  5. Neil Dent says:

    I didn’t know that ‘farting’ was now deemed acceptable for inclusion in an article in The Times (no less)? It’s still taken as rather a crude expression in ‘proper’ English. Mind you it does add to the comic value of the piece.

  6. paddy says:

    This has been one of the best jokes of the year and waste of public money.

  7. xmun says:

    Labour proposes indoor pool complex at Hondoq

    NGOs including FAA and Ramblers Association have been campaigning against any form of development at Hondoq. I hope that they will remain constant in their criticism and not applaud this new proposal by Joseph Muscat.

    “The environmental NGOs therefore urge MEPA to refuse such a project and to revert the land to its original designation as a nature park.

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