What’s the state of your yard?
February 29, 2012 at 3:08pm
One of Anglu Farrugia’s Facebook friends has egged him on for a conversation about the state of Gonzi’s yard.
Raymond Micallef
aw sur ang nispera li inti ok, em bzon titkelmu iktar fuq limbierek state of the yard li gonzipn u shabu jiftahru tant bieh, ma najdx li mux sabieh ta, hafna sabieh anzi u ek andu ikun fuq kollox, imma is sitwazzjoni li em fuq gewwa veru tal biki u tal misthijja u missu jisthi il ministru meta jajd li il problema tas sodod fil kuruturi spiccat najdlu giddieb, najdlu tkellem mal pazjenti mux (…)
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Lie-down-and-tear-your-hair-out stupidity! Actually, when I read the title I thought the post would be dealing with another case of nimbyism. It took me a minute to figure out what was being referred to.
The PN is pressing charges against Cyrus Engerer for creating a Facebook page under the party’s name but with anti-PN sentiments. Perhaos Franco Debono is going do defend him again?
What is the equivalent for the Maltese language of ‘Oxford English’?
Malti pur.
As pronounced by Gadget himself:
‘Stayt off D-yartt’
Thank you, Neil, for explaining it in ‘Maltese’. I did not quite understand the ‘English’ version.
Could have been worse, like state of the fart.
Is-Sur Ang himself can’t even pronounce task force and thinks that the Empire State Building is the ‘Empire Station’ – so why are we surprised at his Facebook friend’s ‘state of the yard’?
I bet you, Anglu finds Raymond Micallef’s writing is perfect. After all, Gadget writes worse than Rainman.
This must explain why Parnis wished Alfred Sant the best for his gritting of his teeth. After all it was him who came out with that “state of the yard.”
I have the Gonzi/Gadget-Bondi/Gadget ‘Tuks Force’ clip bookmarked. Whenever I feel like a giggle I watch it.
please share…
Not a SINGLE word is written correctly. Unbelievable, but true.
Malti tal-biza, jaqbdek il-bard.
L-anqas huma kapaci jiktbu b’Malti tajjeb, l-anqas irrid nahseb kif jiktbu l-Ingliz ghax jaqbadni l-bard.
Meta taqra pagni ta’Facebooks taz-zghazagh tal-lum tinnota li din hija trend gdida. Ikkummentaw anke ezaminaturi li jikkoregu l-karti tal-ezamijiet (fosthom tas-Sec) li bla ma jafu hafna qed jiktbu ‘ek’.
Jien ma’ nistax nifhem ghalfejn dan il-garr u l-botti kollha kontra l-isptar.
Li miexi sewwa b’servizz eccelenti u li tahseb li qieghed go lukanda hadd ma’ jista’ jichdu. Kemm Mintoff u kemm Alfred Sant gew ikkurati gewwa fih u ma’ kellhom ebda tmaqdir.
Li huwa bla hlas ghal kullhadd huwa fatt. Li jekk jibqghu in-Nazzjonalisti fil-gvern garantit li jibqa bla hlas ghal kullhadd.
Anke l-barranin imbelhin b’dan l-isptar u l-Laburisti jgorru. Tithawwad!
Issa bdew igorru dwar in-numru ta’ sodod. Imma dan mhux fi zmien gvern Laburista kien gie deciz li jsir sptar generali u allura il-pjanti mhux fi zmien il-Labour gew ikkonfermati u approvati?
Dan missu qallu biex jghid dan il-habib taghna lil Anglu Farrugia, u missu qallu wkoll kemm il-gvern jaghti medicini li jiswew hafna flus bla hlas ukoll.
Even more laughable is the fact that Inspector Anglu Gadget does not need to set up a tuks fors in order to decypher what nonsense his friend Raymond Micallef wrote about.
Ara veru li ‘birds of a feather, flock together’
A happy coincidence that the LP is the perfect acronym for Losers’ Party.
Since I do not go anywhere near Facebook, it would be interesting to read whether Anglu answers such an enlightening comment.
Anglu Farrugia Grazzi siehbi tal- informazzjoni u hsieb
24 February at 11:00 · (Likes: 1)
There’s your answer.
Haha – hilarious.
Thank God for the internet.
Yes – It just highlights the banalities and ignorance by which we have always been surrounded, and yet of which we were previously blissfully unaware. I can’t look at people the same way any more after seeing the inanities they post on the internet.
The above masterpiece starting with ‘aw sur ang” leaves no doubt whatsoever that stupidity reigns supreme. I have now accepted not to be surprised if iz-zerbinott Muscat becomes prime minister.Tragedja veru, u se jkun tard wisq biex inregghu l-arlogg lura.
These two paragraphs are a masterpiece. Really hilarious. Well done Daphne.
Any chance of finding a cartoon artist to sketch them?
“If those who make Maltese carnival floats had any sort of satirical imagination or any wish to make a satirical statement without fearing the consequences that are largely in their own mind, King Carnival would this year have been Franco Debono (obviously), with Jeffrey as his jester, both of them riding on a massive Form IIC midyear report – with a flat tyre, of course – while an effigy of Jesmond Mugliett cranks up his relations to write anti-bus letters to ‘Ta’ Times’. This would have been followed immediately by a Sargas float, with John Dalli and Joseph Muscat using a little Libyan backscratcher on each other, towed by a Jolly Roger float captained by Bastjan ‘I Heard Voices in Prison’ Dalli, sinking under the weight of a cargo of green soap.
I shall keep my ideas for what should have been the inevitable Consuelo-Robert-and-Joseph float to myself, though you can imagine what fun that would have been. There was a great deal of scope, too, for an Astrid Vella-riding-on-Renzo-Piano float, complete with megaphone, bright red hair and martyred virgin outfit, in hot pursuit of Baħrija crabs.”
The float should be an easy one – the back of a bus.
Or, perhaps, something like this – http://muppet.wikia.com/index.php?title=The_Tournament_of_Roses_Parade&image=Roses1982-jpg
Mr.Palumbo may have started to worry that he had industrial acrimony brewing.
Faint, bash your head 20 times on the ground, then weep.
Hemm mohhom, biex yardaw il-pajjiz.
At least we know that Robert Musumeci put something in Gonzi’s yard.
Robert Musumeci on Facebook:
Huwa ta’ sodisfazzjon li fil- fazi finali ta din il- legislatura, se nhalli warajja centru civiku “state of the art” li jista jitgawda minn kulhadd. Irrid nirringrazzja lil kull min ta kontribut bla heda biex dan isehh – inkluz il- kunsilliera kollha li approvaw il- pakkett finanzjarju biex ix-xoghol setgha jitwettaq
‘Legislatura’, arem hej, Bloomberg mejjet biex jigi Malta ha jara l-kapolavur ta’ Musumeci.