A class act
Rosianne Cutajar, the new Labour mayor of Hal Qormi and assistant to the Fat Controller on Super One TV’s gabble-show Inkontri, who promotes herself on Italian websites as ‘Nuxellina’ the ‘hostess’ (yes, really), is also an employee at St Albert the Great school for boys, where she teaches Italian.
To prove that Laburisti know how to use interactive whiteboards, she has uploaded on Facebook a photograph which shows her using one in her St Albert the Great classroom.
Like her political boss Joseph Muscat, who thought nothing of appropriate the words of Francis of Assisi and making out that they were his own, Nuxellina is-Sindku sees no problem in using her day-job for political propaganda. I very much doubt that she sought, still less obtained, permission from the principal of St Albert the Great College to use that photograph with that message.
Now here’s the thing: if she is reprimanded, or asked to please keep politics separate from her work at the school, she will scream ‘diskriminazzjoni fahxija kontra l-Laburisti’ and get her entire party and the Jason Micallef Super One propaganda machine behind her. You know, like that woman mole had done at RTK.
I suppose it’s a matter of the typical Labour political attitude: taking advantage of whatever comes your way for your own purposes, safe in the knowledge that nobody’s going to try to stop you because you’ll yell blue murder if they do.
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Thats not an interactive whiteboard. Thats a projected image.
It is an IWB but whoever installed it was an idiot because the image is only projected on 2/3 of the screen.
[Daphne – What is this lazy compulsion to acronyms? How does an interactive whiteboard become an IWB?]
Interactive white board (IWB)
Well this means that she does not know what an interactive whiteboard does, as she is not using one in the pic. You can see the shadow her arm has made on the image. Ridiculous.
No David.
That IS an interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards have a projector to display images, and shadows are inevitable.
What makes it interactive is the board itself which is touch sensitive, thus providing input feedback to the computer that is connected to the projector.
I have checked this lady facebook page and it doesn’t say that she is using a whiteboard. So have you made a mistake or just a lie?
[Daphne – You didn’t have to bother checking her page, because there’s a screen-shot right here on this one. Left-click on the image and read Nuxellina’s own message right there.]
I think it’s an overhead projector.
I saw one and it uses a projector(hence the shadow) , so it is likely to be an interactive white board.
And so what if she knows how to use an interactive whiteboard? Boiling an egg is even more difficult than using such whiteboards. i don’t get her point….
Why is a boys’ school – or any school – employing a ‘hostess’ as a teacher?
Not just a boys’ school: a Church school.
if one considers the Vatican to be an independent state, which, for all intents and purposes is politically equivalent to a country (let’s stretch the definition here), then “l’Italia confina con 5 paesi” …
… oh and there’s San Marino too …. so that makes it 6 with our stretched definition
so she may know how to use a white board, yet her teaching abilities (and classroom dress code) require a bit more care
It is six countries when you include San Marino and the Vatican City. So it’s not a stretched definition; it’s official.
During local election time, and especially when she got elected, boys in her classroom were permitted to chant Viva l-Labour and the school authorities did not stop them.
Maybe now that she’s mayor of Qormi, she’s become Ghaloxxellina.
Ok. So that’s at least your second post with direct references to the genitalia, of the male and female sort. (For the benefit of whoever’s reading this, Troy commented about Franco Debono’s “fighting cock” tag, stating he does not know about the fighting bit, but as for cock, as we say in Maltese, “qisu z…”).
Troy, consider yourself lucky, you seem to get away with murder with DCG. I’ve tried on two occasions to go down that path, and got the red card. Twice.
[Daphne – That’s because I happen to know Troy. You, on the other hand, could be anyone.]
Fiha daqqa ha nghidlek!
[Daphne – What a vulgar thing to say about a woman. Are there any courses for Maltese men and seduction skills? I see there’s been no improvement in smoothness levels since the ‘Aw sex’ and ‘Aw gisem’ of my day, and those are just the mentionables.]
So right Daf, that vulgar ‘aw’ should be replaced by a mild seductive word.
L’italia confina con 4 paesi. La volgarita’ non ha confini.
Jaghddi kemm jaghddi zmien, u jsir kemm isir progress certu nies ma jinbidlu qatt.
Strauss-Kahn has just announced the setting-up of his new company dedicated exclusively to running courses for seducing women. He’ll be guest speaker in every session.
Live demonstrations on “equipment” will be provided on a one-to-one basis at an additional charge.
You should listen to her when she opens her mouth (for talking of course). ‘Slow-gun’: great diction.
Hear this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkVAvXL9oHA
Min kien dak il-Laburist li qal “il-Laburisti ma jafux juzaw l-interactive whiteboard”?
Judging from the comments posted here, and assuming that most of these (if not all) come from PN supporters, one can safely state that its not the exclusive domain of Labour supporters that know little about interactive boards. Giovanna please note.
Considering that middle-aged Maltese people grew up in Mintoff’s era it’s a wonder we can read and write at all, especially the poor kids who had to go to state schools. Interactive whiteboards would have seemed like something out of Star Trek to us.
Philip Muscat, who was education minister, went to Verdala American School to see a computer once as there were no others in Malta because his government did not allow the evil things into the islands.
Actually Italy shares land borders with another two states, San Marino and the Vatican.
Warning: Interactive Whiteboards are not intended to replace the intelligence of their user.
I(nteractive) W(hite)B(oards) do involve projectors. The shadows are inevitable. Whoever said that she isn’t using one should man up and admit his mistake.
Actually, this is rubbish – Italy borders six (6) not four (4) countries – the four on the projection plus San Marino and Vatican city…
Judging from what she wrote on her Facebook, her Maltese spelling leaves much to be desired.
This teacher seems keen on letting us know that she is a Laburista.
The Laburista, however, is not a very good teacher. She does not know that whiteboard is not a proper noun, and is not spelled with a capital ‘W’. She may know what an interactive whiteboard is, but she does not know how to write it correctly.
I know for a fact that every classroom at St Albert the Great College is equipped with an interactive whiteboard. I also have it on good authority that (1) she lets the boys sing ‘Viva l-Labour’ to their hearts’ content and (2) most of her classes are pure mayhem.
Being reprimanded by the school authorities might be a bit sticky. The Head there is involved with Alternattiva Demokratika.
One thing is sure. Nuxellina has really good looks. Is anyone jealous of her?
[Daphne – Jason Micallef, perhaps? Michelle Muscat?]
Jien ma nafz ghalfejn dan il-kliem kollu dwar din il-mara. Li naf hu li issa ghandna Sindku li jipprogetta ruhu bhala ‘hostess’.
Din bidla kbira fil-PL, u l-Qriema ghandhom ikunu kburin bis-serjeta tas-Sindku Laburista gdid.
Wara kollox kien Dr. Joseph Muscat, il-kap modern u zaghzugh, u l-bella kumpannija li irsistew u ippromwovu lil din il-mara biex tkun sindku, halli fil-kunsilli jkollna aktar serjeta’.
Imma dawn in-Nazzjonalisti ghal kollox jghijru u l-bidla ghas -serjata; ma’ jifilhuwiex.
Most of the Qriema are proud and happy with the new mayor. Only the ones who made part of the ex-mayor’s “klikkek” are not.
Miskin is-Sindku ta’ qabel. Difficli jikkompeti ma’ Nuxellina Hostess bhal dik. Ma jiehux ghalih, imma hija zgur isbak minnu. Ghalxejn ihabbat fuq il-perspex!
Vera Riya, ghax Joe Debono Grech, Karmenu Vella, AST,Leo Brincat u MintoffYana, huma zghazagh u moderni.
Long live new Labour.
ps. jekk il-perit johrog mid-dimenzja jista jkun star candy-date ukoll.
How is it that a “black” board is not politically correct but a “white” board is?
Ghax il-white boards ghamilhom il-PN. Il-black boards huma ta’ zmien is-socjalisti.
I know her, she’s a very good teacher. Came first 2 years ago among italian newly graduate italian teachers
I wonder if Nuxellina had to do a lot of hard work to come first :)
She has it all!!
Well she is actually the producer of Inkontri! Don’t know her but I think she’s a very smart girl.
Qualifications only, do not qualify a person. The point is, you need to do more than just sell yourself with qualifications in the real world.
If a graduate gets good grades but he is not practically effective in relationship-buildings and solving crises or proper planning, even though he may be successful in getting good grades, it will not lead him far.
On the way he is sure to fade out.
In fact, many successful entrepreneurs even benefit from not having academic qualifications, because going to University and taking examinations, forces people to learn and think like millions of other graduates. Case in point, il-merhla prezenti f’dal-pajjiz.
Jien ghamilt 5 snin nattendi dal-kullegg u hmar dhalt u izjed hrigt imma qatt ma kont ixurtjat li jkolli teacher bhal dik. Dejjem xi patri zmagat kelli!
Kieku kellek lil Nuxellina forsi kont tmur tajjeb fil PSD, pero hadd ma zammek milli tiftah ktieb.