F’kollox jifhem, gotbles: issa se jkollna colonies of nightingales singing in Hal Ghaxaq square
March 28, 2012 at 11:35pm
From Malta Today’s report on Franco Debono’s latest manic episode (this time it was detailed rapporti on songbirds and police pensions):
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Bejn is-song birds ta’ Franco u il- gay marriages ta’ JPO qedin sew.
Lawrence Gonzi is indeed a saint to have been so patient with such as these two in recent years.
JULIET: It was the nightingale, and not the lark.
ROMEO: It was the lark, the herald of the morn,
Not nightingale.
It was neither. It was the chicken of Hal Ghaxaq.
Song bird colonies? Is he mad? It is bad enough that some people keep song birds in cages on their roof that make a din all day. Pity the neighbours that have to hear all that screeching and noise.
Legislation should curb noise and not add more noise.
Franco Debono, what a guy! ( with credit to Ace Rimmer )
This thing he has with bird trapping could be the motivating factor to the knee jerk reactions. He could have issues with Richard Cachia Caruana and Simon Busuttil, both based in Brussels, on matters related to EU legislation affecting his hobby.
Is this what pushes him to call these the oligarchy? If so, he’s no different to Jeffrey with his Mistra deal, Robert with his planning applications and John Dalli with his powerplant.
There was Robert Musumeci on radio yesterday, trying his damned hardest to justify the behaviour and inconsistencies of each one of them. If I’m not mistaken there was Josianne Cassar as well, agreeing, the cheek, to the impasse we’re supposedly going through. (Obviously the moderator of this blog was referred to as one of ‘the usual sources’).
It seems some people didn’t realise what the EU meant.
If this report keeps him busy, let him to it. Saviour could invite him to his studio again.
il-Kanalin maghadux jkanta. Mort il-petxop u qalli biex nixtrilu qtar halli jibda jkanta mill-gdid immma l-kanalin ma jridx jaf. Ili nkelmu, inmelsu, intaptaplu rasu, mimmassagjah imma ma jridx jaf mghaxxex kien u mghaxxex baqa. Tghid niehu cans u nkellem lil Franco forsi jghidli kif nista naghmel halli l-kanalin jiehu r-ruh?
Some farmers will be thrilled by the “colonies” proposal.
Many are in his district.
Yana Mintoff Bland does not like the film about her father:
“….hunting and trapping issues should not be a political controversy”.
Why, in Malta even the punctuality of a bus becomes a political issue! Fih politiku wkoll!
Franco Debono’s own programme on History Channel.
Songbird colonies of cuckoo land.
Madonna kemm hu bravu! Mhux li jilhaq Prim minn flok Gonzi!
“It was a detailed plan which established viable colonies while at the same time it safeguarded a balanced eco system.”
I am sure that Franco Debono’s detailed plan would be quickly adopted if it “safeguarded a balanced ego system” instead.
This is the most pressing problem facing the country. Without a solution, our democracy is threatened.
Y – a – a – a – w – n
Ghatti halqek, kev.
What do you think of the 4-week recess?
Oh, I see. Debono jifhem fil-kant. Maybe he got his spelling wrong.
Saqsieh kemm ilu jilghab bil-kokka!
Sena u nofs fuq il-progett tal-Barn Owl u kull ma jonqsu hu li japplika…imma naturalment, jekk xi hadd jistaqsieh, zgur li se jghid li tort ta’ xi hadd iehor.
Ma tarax li doer, reformer u motivator bomba bhalu mhux se jorqod fuq kokka?
Ghax ma tmurx torqod raqda twila twila, Franco?
I wish you well.
Is there any chance that the Hon. Franco Debono brings a Private Members’ Bill in Parliament about the rights of songbirds to have a fair process in court, assisted by a lawyer during the investigations phase, before they are jailed in a small cage for the rest of their days for the only reason that they attempted to migrate over Malta?
Shhh… mela trid taqla l-inkwiet ?
Ittihx idejat lis-Sur Franco Debono.