
Published: March 21, 2012 at 1:15pm

Franco Debono, writing in The Times, last Friday:

In fact, I have campaigned for political, constitutional and justice reforms, which compare to and complement the great reforms piloted by Eddie Fenech Adami in the late 1980s and 1990s leading to a modern state based on liberty, fraternity, meritocracy and accountability. Democracy is a dynamic system and it needs constant upgrading.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Compare to?

  2. Oscar says:

    Madonna mia, dan genju.

    Google ‘NPD’ mate and seek help, before it’s too late.

  3. DICKENS says:

    One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

  4. St Matthew says:

    There’s that voice again, crying in the wilderness. Surrounded by idiots. Miskin.

  5. SM says:

    What an inspirational plonker

  6. Mister says:

    Has anyone ever tried a Word Find – Replace text with a couple of Chuck Norris facts? Our own Franco Debono meme.

    Franco Debono remembers the future.

    When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had three missed calls from Franco Debono.

    Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is chlaustraphobia, fear of Franco Debono is called logic.

    Franco Debono doesn’t call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone.

    Franco Debono won American Idol using only sign language.

    There used to be a street named after Franco Debono, but it was changed because nobody crosses Franco Debono and lives.

    Franco Debono has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. The bear isn’t dead; it is just afraid to move.

  7. ciccio says:

    “…liberty, fraternity, meritocracy and accountability…”

    Napoleon Debonoparte.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Was he breastfed as an infant?

    [Daphne – My God, his poor mother. I don’t even want to think about it.]

  9. silvio says:

    And yet he placed THIRD in line for the eventual leadership of the P.N.
    Where does that put all those P.N.supporters who voted for him?

    [Daphne – Indeed. Higher than your Johnny Dalli at 2.8%. I would have loved to see his face when he read that – Dalli’s, I mean.]

  10. silvio says:

    Wouldn’t be surprised if he became OUR Johnny. The world is full of surprises.

    [Daphne – When hell freezes over.]

  11. Bob says:

    To think that we will be governed by Labour in a few months because of this nut-case.

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