Look what I’ve found
March 7, 2012 at 9:57pm
Jeffrey and Franco really need to post the first one on their Facebook walls. You never know, they might find a couple of takers.
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That’s a perfect match for our friend Joe Grima. He’ll have plenty to grope there.
On TX tonight Dr. Deborah Schembri proclaimed herself disgusted at what she considered as hate speech from Nationalists holding official posts (eg sindki).
What about hate speech from those holding, or who held, official posts with Labour past and present, like Mintoffian ex-minister Joe Debono Grech who is going to be contesting next general election again in the hope of being given a ministerial post?
Has Dr Schembri forgotten that Debono Grech was a minister in the era when according to what she disclosed on the same programme, she was bullied at school for coming from a family of Nationalist supporters?
Dr Schembri had better see what Laburisti have been writing, are continually writing and will continue to write whatever it takes to damage the PN and its leader as much as possible.
Absolutely hilarious! I can’t stop laughing.
I tell Deborah Schembri to listen to Joe Debono Grech’s speech: before he said “parastita” he was going to say “gvern tal-har” and did not finish the word.
Hate speech!
Do we forget that Notary Mangion, a shadow minister and a prominent spokesperson for the PL, had said that the Nationalists have a different DNA? And that he said this in a mass meeting during a general elaction during an electoral campaign. But maybe Deborah still voted PN at the time.