Miskin – la tlaqna, tlaqna

Published: March 13, 2012 at 11:02pm

Franco Debono on Facebook:

off to parliament. when is there going to be the next vote by the way? maybe richard cachia caruana would know

16 Comments Comment

  1. thinker says:

    Ma nafx. Mohhu ghadu ta’ tnax-il sena. He still survives in the political sphere because his party cannot afford to kick him out at this stage.

    • mandango70 says:

      “Cannot afford” or is it a question of “need to hang on to power at all costs including humiliation”?

  2. ciccio says:

    Oh, he’s looking forward to voting this time, rather than abstaining. Good.

  3. PR says:

    Next headline on The Times “I should be Malta’s Permanent Representative to the EU, ghax jiena tghidx kemm batejt – says Rebel MP.”

  4. Dee says:

    Ghidlu lil Franco Debono, mhux ahjar ma jkunx hemm vot halli hu ikompli ipappija kemm jista ikun fit-tul bis- salarju ta’ mp u ta’ assistent parlamnetarju?
    Il-vera BULLFROG!

  5. TROY says:

    I heard through the grapevine that some weeks back, Franco Debono went to Castille in his suit and wearing flip-flops.

  6. Riya says:

    Issa RCC? Nahseb b’dan il-kliem qed jerga jistieden lil tat-Times ghal xi intervista dwar RCC. Kellu bzonn kellu xiber tal-intelligenza li ghandu RCC.

    U mela jekk tkun bniedem matur issemmi lil-RCC fuq Facebook.

    Dan Franco jahseb li kullhadd tal-kalibru medjokri tieghu, jew ghandu hbieb injoranti bhal ma’ ghandu hu?

    Dan Franco jahseb li qed jaghmel il-hsara lill- PN imma min ghandu mohhu f’postu qed jirraguna bil-kontra.

    Forsi Franco Debono, ghal xi raguni, forsi personali, jaqbillu li tal-Labour ma’ jkunux kontrih?

  7. JOHN says:

    He who is drowning is not troubled by the rain.

  8. Mercury Rising says:

    As you said earlier, I am sick and tired of this man, the media aura that surrounds him and blames him and all his bitching for the current Maltese economic slowdown.

    Unfortunately it (he, JPO etc) makes me think twice about voting for anyone new.

    I will stick with the tried and tested next time round, the newer candidates will have to be make do with my number 7 onwards.

    • DICKENS says:

      I agree with you. I am not impressed by the antics of the new young faces elected four years ago. This time round , new faces will figure very low down in my list of preferences.

  9. Jozef says:

    Franco’s mistake, as with a good number of Maltese, is to revert to spiteful sarcasm to prove some point. It just indicates insecurity in one’s arguments alienating listeners.

  10. Frank says:

    ‘when is there going to be the next vote by the way?’ Brilliant syntax.

  11. Jonathan says:

    It’s such a pity that the PN and us PN supporters (I have voted for PN in every election since 1981- and that was the first time I voted ) remain with our heads stuck in the sand and cannot even, after a clear message from the electorate, understand that Franco rightly or wrongly felt the pulse and the deep gut feeling many of us are feeling.

    He hit the nail on the head on practically every criticism he made of the present admin and he really should have been given the task that Simon Busuttil now is performing.

    Sometimes if only one can remove their pride and look deeply into their soul to reflect instead of all out defence, things will be so much better. Today politicians are no longer there to serve, but to be served.

  12. HANNS-G says:

    Keep digging your own hole, Franco.

  13. Riya says:

    ‘I heard through the grapevine that some weeks back, Franco Debono went to Castille in his suit and wearing flip-flops’

    Very true.

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