Nuxellina the Hostess? I’d forgotten about Manuel the Stalker

Published: March 13, 2012 at 11:16pm

Oh FFS, it's 1am. It must be that Manuel Cuschieri trying to get a date again.

Talk about Manuel Cuschieri in my previous post brought this back and fortunately, somebody posted a link and saved me having to look it up.

The Malta Independent – 17 November 2006

A woman yesterday told the court that the anonymous phone calls she received from former Labour Party president Manuel Cuschieri were an unfortunate incident and she forgave him because he was going through a “bad patch.”

Marika Micallef was testifying in a compilation of evidence against Manuel Cuschieri who is charged of illegal use of a mobile phone and harassment.

Ms Micallef told the court, presided over by magistrate Miriam Hayman, that she filed a report because she was receiving anonymous phone calls in the early hours of the morning. She added that when she answered the phone, the person on the other end would not say anything.

However, she explained, as soon as she realised who was behind the phone calls she spoke to Mr Cuschieri and forgave him, adding that it was an unfortunate incident.

Prosecuting inspector Chris Pullicino told the court that on 1 February, Ms Micallef filed a report at the Qawra police station because she was receiving anonymous telephone calls late at night.

She told the police that the number was withheld and that the phone calls were made in the early hours of the morning.

In his testimony, Mr Pullicino explained that the woman did not receive any information from the Qawra police station and she approached the inspector to follow it up.

He told the court that Ms Micallef sent a letter to Vodafone requesting a call profile of her mobile number and he instructed Ms Micallef to keep track of when she received the anonymous phone calls.

The call profile revealed a number of phone calls had been made from a go mobile number, and the network identified the caller as Manuel Cuschieri.

Mr Pullicino said he showed Ms Micallef three different numbers, including Mr Cuschieri’s, and Mrs Micallef recognised his number, adding that she had it saved on her mobile.

The inspector told the court that when he spoke to Mr Cuschieri, he said he was not aware he made those phone calls (ma kienx konxju li ghamel it-telefonati), and that he was asleep when the phone calls were made.

Mr Cuschieri also told the police that only he used his mobile phone and added that he knew Ms Micallef.

Mr Pullicino told the court that Ms Micallef did not want to take the case further and told him that it was an “unfortunate incident”.

Police inspector Chris Pullicino and Therese Sciberras prosecuted and Dr Anglu Farrugia and Dr Joseph Brincat appeared for Mr Cuschieri.

The case continues.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Allo Allo says:

    “The case continues”…. How did it end?

  2. Allo Allo says:

    “He was going through a bad patch.” Doesn’t it show in everything he says and does?

  3. Luigi says:

    I knew about this story, but I thought the victim was a man and not a woman.

  4. Dee says:

    Tassew partit tal-Pervs Liberali.

  5. TROY says:

    Imma miskin dak kien iccemplilha sabiex iwassal il-kelma ta’ Alla. Minn xiex kellu jghaddi povru Don Cuschieri.

    Blessed are those who suffer in my name.

  6. Riya says:

    Maybe Mr. Manuel Cuschieri has a special phone like that of Franco Debono.

    Franco Debono’s phone receives calls even when off, but Manuel Cuschieri’s makes calls when its owner is asleep.

    If only Anglu Farrugia were ‘tekniku’, he might have told us what this means.

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    “The inspector told the court that when he spoke to Mr Cuschieri, he said he was not aware he made those phone calls (ma kienx konxju li ghamel it-telefonati), and that he was asleep when the phone calls were made.”

    May I suggest a new fan club

    “Wonders of Mobile Phones” WOMP (Starwars pun not intended)

    I propose Cuschieri and Debono as honorary founding members

  8. Jozef says:

    Is he capable of answering calls in his sleep? Take messages? Make good coffee?

  9. Anthony says:

    Cuschieri and Franco Debono both own very strange mobile phones.

    One rings when it is switched off and the other one phones people when its owner is fast asleep and ‘mhux konxju’.

    I am not quite sure whether the problem lies with the phones or their owners.

  10. David S says:

    Another Franco Debono telephone – it rings when it’s off.

  11. William Grech says:

    That’s nice. Franco Debono’s mobile phone rings when it’s switched off. Now we see that Manuel Cuschieri’s makes calls on its own.

  12. A. Charles says:

    Ms. Marika Micallef was charitable not to press charges against Manuel Cuaschieri for those 80 anonymous calls which his phone took the initiative and made.

    It is time to have anti-stalking legislation in place with harsh penalties.

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