Nuxellina the Hostess: Labour’s new Qormi mayor

This is the photograph Labour's new councillor, Rosianne Cutajar, uploaded on an Italian hostess search site.
Labour’s been busy boasting about its new ‘youngest woman councillor’ in Qormi, who is also a Super One ‘journalist’. Kurt Farrugia should have advised her to clear up her web-act before she went anywhere near the candidate list.
Rosianne Cutajar is selling her wares – metaphorically speaking, of course – on an Italian website as a ‘hostess’. Perhaps the Italians define ‘hostess’ differently to the British euphemism, so let’s give the lady the benefit of the doubt.
The photograph she uses is, however, a bit….suggestive of the euphemism sort of hostess. Maybe she’s just naive, what with being the youngest woman councillor and all.
This is her listing – and it seems she lives in Catania, not Qormi.
Profilo di rosianne cutajar
Nome rosianne cutajar
Età 23 anni
Città catania
Regione Sicilia
Altezza 165
Taglia 38
Disponibile come hostess
Lingue italiano, francese, maltese, inglese
Her photograph file name is ‘nuxellina’. It turns out that Nuxellina is Rosianne Cutajar’s alter ego. She’s even got a Blog di Nuxellina, illustrated with the same photograph and closed to all but registered members.
In real life, she teaches Italian to schoolchildren. Life in the Super One newsroom must be fascinating, and it’s about to get really exciting in the Qormi council, I imagine, with a vibrant young hostess from Catania for a mayor.
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I like the bargain water-heater in the background.
Bil-geyser fil-background: ives new eaning to the word “hottie”, doesn’t it?
The water heater is probably switched off ghax miskina ma taffordjax.
Love the geyser in the pic.
What I found surprising and at the same time telling about the political “naïveness” of certain people, was the reaction of the outgoing major Aquilina.
He seemed surprised of the outcome, when it was very evident that the PL had been pushing Nuxellina full speed at his expense.
Minn estrem ghall-iehor go Hal-Qormi mela.
Mela l-ex sindku jerggha jtiha ghad-door to door jigbor ghall-murtali.
She is now the mayor of Qormi. Perhaps she should have hosted Jesmond Aquilina out of the counting-hall Sunday morning.
Vera artiklu vojt!
Jekk tuza google, malajr issir taf li hostess(di volo o di terra) hija ghat taljani dik li ahna nghidulha Air hostess.
Tista’ tghidli x’hemm hazin jekk kieku stess din it tfajla xtaqet ssir air hostess?
U x’qed turi ezatt f’dak ir-ritratt allura? How to put on your oxygen mask?
Hemm bahar jaqsam bejn “hostess” u “air hostess”.
hostess ghat taljani hija air hostess! Ma nafx what’s the big deal!
U nahseb escort girl hija tfajla issuq Escort. Kemm int fidil, Lucio.
What a connection! The one in the back left corner, that is.
You mean the one with adjustable nipples?
Hostess can also translate into ‘ragazza immagine’, which has lately become the only career opportunity in a region where unemployment amongst the younger generation exceeds 40%. Berlusconi was under fire for promoting this sort of mentality, using his media empire as a platform to offer some hope to these young girls.
Nicole Minetti, embroiled in the Ruby affair, was one who made sporadic appearances on TV before being selected, placed, on the Lombardy region’s council. She was responsible for the ‘hostess’ project with which his party intended to reach out to the young, providing amongst other things, intensive week long courses in political theory.
Interesting analogy we have here.
Awarded the special jury prize at Cannes with its trailer banned from Rai and Mediaset, the documentary Videocracy provided a harsh insight into the essence of ‘Berlusconismo’ as a political method.
Is this Labour’s solution to how to get women into the workforce?
Italy had Cicciolina.
Qormi has Nuxellina.
Manuel Pinto de Fonseca must be thrilled to bits.
He was notoriously fond of hostesses.
Just imagine walking into a gentlemen’s club, and Nuxellina walks up to you and says, ‘Hi, I’m Nuxellina and I’ll be your hostess for the night.’
Hostess can be another name for call girl or escort girl.
The Times reported “Muscat asks councillors to get back into the voters’ kitchens”
I anticipate a surge of intramarital trouble brewing in Qormi!
Mhux xi wahda li kienet mal brigata hux din?
Il-Pom Pom Girls ghadhom jezistu?
[Daphne – Le. Issa ghandhom is-Super One gurnalisti/vallette minflok. Hopefully, ma jaghmlux blue films il-Mile End bhalma kienet tahdem omm Byon Jo Zammit, cameraman tas-Super One (baqa fil-family business, speci), former pom-pom girl, mal-propaganda secretary taghhom.]
Meta fis-sala tal-ghadd tal-voti irrizulta li din Rosianne Cutajar gabet voti aktar mis-sindku li kien hemm f’hal-Qormi inqalla storbju u argument jahraq bejn is-sindku ta’ qabel u Toni Abela.
L-ex sindku ghamel ghalih u beda jaghjru anke b’Joseph Muscat. Inqala chaos bil-Pulizija kollha xoghol gewwa s-sala jigru lejn in-naha ta’ fejn kien sejjer l-ex sindku.
L-ex sindku flok gibed lejn in-nahha fejn jaghti ghal barra, ghal xi raguni mexa bil-kontra u aktar qam inkwiet.
Gie imdawwar mill-membri tas-sigurta’ tal-PL u gie eskortat il-barra fil-prezenza tal-Pulizija. Waqt li kien hiereg il-barra membru tas-sigurta’ tal-PL u li kien miexi ezatt mieghu qallu naqtghu il-paroli zejjed.
L-ex sindku dar fuqu u qallu jien is-sindku trid tghidli xi haga? Tipikament Labour.
Tilef u jibqa jghid li rebah ghax min ghalih ghandu dritt jibqa sindku.
Ahjar jara x’ghamillu il-partit tieghu stess biex jehles minnhu minn sindku.
She should have chosen a better background and not a geyser.
Apparently Joseph Muscat is styling himself as the next Berlusca…putting totty in power
Is the headmaster and education department aware of this ?
Why should they? there’s nothing wrong with this girl! She’s just beautiful and she is doing great
Are you kidding ? An educator a hostess ? Because she is pretty she cannot do whatever she likes.
What do you expect ? With the cost of living so high, she had to try to make ends meet ,