Jaf dan l-imbecilli li il-mussulmani tal-Ahmadijja huma ikkonsidrati bhala eretici f’ pajjizi Mussulmani u ippersegwitati ghax huma ma jikkonsidrawx lil profeta Mawmettu bhala l-ahhar (u il vera) profeta ta’ Allah?
Dawn isegwu BISS l-aspett tolleranti u pacifiku tal-Koran u mhux kelma b’ kelma kul ma hemm miktub kif jaghmlu il-bqija lohra tal -Mussulmani.
Jekk jiccekkja il-website taghhom, isib li anke bhala headquarters lokali taghhom ma jaghtux l indirizz tac-centru Izlamiku li inbena bil-flus ta’ Gheddafi imma ghandhom iehor.
Il-gurnata li nara lil Imam tac-centru Izlamiku jaqsam pastizz tal-halal mal- leader tal-Ahmadi ta’ hawn Malta u jehodlu b idejh u jghannqu nghid li waslet l-ahhar tad-dinja.
Kif ma ghidt xejn fuq Julian Galea, Daphne? Mur kieku kien Laburista kemm kont tattakkah.
[Daphne – Lanqas xejn. I accept these sentiments as a fact of life. Anybody who makes out that Julian Galea is some kind of freak is a hypocrite. His mistake was to be a total idiot and speak out his feelings in a situation where there were people who clearly could not be trusted, and who recorded him on their mobile phone. In the scale of abusive behaviour and sentiments, I am firmly of the belief that letting yourself into your ex-lover’s home, raiding his hard drive for embarrassing sex pictures, and emailing them out to his colleagues and bosses in an attempt at getting him sacked, is far worse. In fact, it is a crime, and what Julian Galea said is not. The irony is that it is probably Cyrus ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Engerer who probably recorded him.]
I agree with you that distributing private sex pictures is lower than low and vile behavior, but what Galea said was very shocking – hatred should not be part of people’s lives and those who are infested with it must not run for public office and if Julian has an ounce of common sense he should withdraw.
Shocking? Why, didn’t he echo what so many think and feel but do not say out loud?
It is wrong, certainly, because we’re all Maltese at the end of the day. But let’s not be hypocritical.
This Julian Galea was most naive, of course. Nowadays, what Sir Humphrey had told the Prime Minister in “Yes, Prime Minister” – that is to treat every microphone as a live microphone – applies to mobile phones as well, particularly if one is saying dangerous things or if one occupies a certain office.
It might make us all paranoid but it is the consequence of having recording (both video and audio) devices in our pockets all the time, 24/7.
He was naive to trust others with such sentiments, and naivite makes us pay a very high price.
I agree with you (as always) that what Julian said is no crime, but we all have to admit that these type of statments can only breed hate and contempt for one’s adversaries.
Maybe he would have been more careful if he was a man with more experience, but the fact is he said them and no amount of apologies will undo the harm he has done, mostly to himself.
It is now getting more difficult for us Sliema residents to decide, not to whom we give our vote, but whether it is worthwile to cast our vote at all.
On my part I have made my decision. I have been disillusioned too many times by the recent events, that I just hope there will be a good football match on T.V. next Saturday.
Whats the point??? Can you tell us Dr. Caruana Galizia, you insolent little piece of shit why you posted this>?? What’s wrong with Sylvio Parnis’s comments?
Stuff your jealousy… your hatred is all result of your inferiority complex, and this website stinks… stinks of mental illness!!! and I, must say, if H.P Baxxter, Mahdi and the others are real, this illness is inefectous… but NO!!! they are all result of your contorted mind, and YES.. Your mental illness is ALL YOUR OWN!!!
You are entitled to your opinion of Silvio Parnis as we all are.
No need to use vulgar language to express your views.
What is it with your sort that you have to resort to vulgar language to make your point? You do not seem to see the difference between poking fun at a person and insulting a person.
You also ended your comment ‘Die Daphne’ – what a fundamentalist attitude towards those who do not agree with you.
I advise you to try and work on your sense of humour, because you really are coming across as a very sad man/woman indeed to have to resort to that type of language.
You can also choose not to read this website if it makes you so unhappy.
Qed tisma’, Daphne? Mhux billi Malta Kattolika int ma tilqax hawnhekk nies bit-twemmin Techno. Ahna wkoll ghandna dritt insalvaw. Amen.
Jaf dan l-imbecilli li il-mussulmani tal-Ahmadijja huma ikkonsidrati bhala eretici f’ pajjizi Mussulmani u ippersegwitati ghax huma ma jikkonsidrawx lil profeta Mawmettu bhala l-ahhar (u il vera) profeta ta’ Allah?
Dawn isegwu BISS l-aspett tolleranti u pacifiku tal-Koran u mhux kelma b’ kelma kul ma hemm miktub kif jaghmlu il-bqija lohra tal -Mussulmani.
Jekk jiccekkja il-website taghhom, isib li anke bhala headquarters lokali taghhom ma jaghtux l indirizz tac-centru Izlamiku li inbena bil-flus ta’ Gheddafi imma ghandhom iehor.
Il-gurnata li nara lil Imam tac-centru Izlamiku jaqsam pastizz tal-halal mal- leader tal-Ahmadi ta’ hawn Malta u jehodlu b idejh u jghannqu nghid li waslet l-ahhar tad-dinja.
Malta now has one cardinal and surely, it seems from this stenbah interview, a strong contender for a second one “in pectore”.
Kif ma ghidt xejn fuq Julian Galea, Daphne? Mur kieku kien Laburista kemm kont tattakkah.
[Daphne – Lanqas xejn. I accept these sentiments as a fact of life. Anybody who makes out that Julian Galea is some kind of freak is a hypocrite. His mistake was to be a total idiot and speak out his feelings in a situation where there were people who clearly could not be trusted, and who recorded him on their mobile phone. In the scale of abusive behaviour and sentiments, I am firmly of the belief that letting yourself into your ex-lover’s home, raiding his hard drive for embarrassing sex pictures, and emailing them out to his colleagues and bosses in an attempt at getting him sacked, is far worse. In fact, it is a crime, and what Julian Galea said is not. The irony is that it is probably Cyrus ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Engerer who probably recorded him.]
I agree with you that distributing private sex pictures is lower than low and vile behavior, but what Galea said was very shocking – hatred should not be part of people’s lives and those who are infested with it must not run for public office and if Julian has an ounce of common sense he should withdraw.
What happened to that virtue called “dignity”?
Shocking? Why, didn’t he echo what so many think and feel but do not say out loud?
It is wrong, certainly, because we’re all Maltese at the end of the day. But let’s not be hypocritical.
This Julian Galea was most naive, of course. Nowadays, what Sir Humphrey had told the Prime Minister in “Yes, Prime Minister” – that is to treat every microphone as a live microphone – applies to mobile phones as well, particularly if one is saying dangerous things or if one occupies a certain office.
It might make us all paranoid but it is the consequence of having recording (both video and audio) devices in our pockets all the time, 24/7.
He was naive to trust others with such sentiments, and naivite makes us pay a very high price.
I agree with you (as always) that what Julian said is no crime, but we all have to admit that these type of statments can only breed hate and contempt for one’s adversaries.
Maybe he would have been more careful if he was a man with more experience, but the fact is he said them and no amount of apologies will undo the harm he has done, mostly to himself.
It is now getting more difficult for us Sliema residents to decide, not to whom we give our vote, but whether it is worthwile to cast our vote at all.
On my part I have made my decision. I have been disillusioned too many times by the recent events, that I just hope there will be a good football match on T.V. next Saturday.
Never trust Cyrus: amazing what a snake he was, making friends and recording people behind their backs.
Snake he was? Still is.
Cyrus is giving us a window into the dirty upcoming general electoral campaign. This is a local council, for Christ’s sake.
You can’t trust anyone.
Prattikament Ministru tas-Sawt.
Love the way he compares Labour to the church in the second clip.
Vote Silvio and get your plenary indulgence.
Whats the point??? Can you tell us Dr. Caruana Galizia, you insolent little piece of shit why you posted this>?? What’s wrong with Sylvio Parnis’s comments?
Stuff your jealousy… your hatred is all result of your inferiority complex, and this website stinks… stinks of mental illness!!! and I, must say, if H.P Baxxter, Mahdi and the others are real, this illness is inefectous… but NO!!! they are all result of your contorted mind, and YES.. Your mental illness is ALL YOUR OWN!!!
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed or what?
Someone needs a hug.
You are entitled to your opinion of Silvio Parnis as we all are.
No need to use vulgar language to express your views.
What is it with your sort that you have to resort to vulgar language to make your point? You do not seem to see the difference between poking fun at a person and insulting a person.
You also ended your comment ‘Die Daphne’ – what a fundamentalist attitude towards those who do not agree with you.
I advise you to try and work on your sense of humour, because you really are coming across as a very sad man/woman indeed to have to resort to that type of language.
You can also choose not to read this website if it makes you so unhappy.
Learn some English please.
Some fan Silvio Parnis has. With fans like you, who needs adversaries?
Who, in his right mind, would develop an inferiority complex because of the likes of Silvio Parnis or indeed be jelous of HIM, of all people?