The Times can NOT be serious

Published: March 22, 2012 at 12:37am

How can a newspaper carry a story about the setting up of a new NGO to ‘protect valleys’, say that Botox Jeff is a founder member and was there at the launch, and NOT PUT THE DAMNED THING INTO CONTEXT?

What are reporting standards coming to at that august institution?

For heaven’s sake, this is the man who bought tracts of protected-status land at Mistra Valley, leased them out to a nightclub developer in a secret contract, lied about the existence and then the nature of that contract to his party leader, the people around him, his constituents and the media (including me), made out he was persecuted, helped chase the development permit for that nightclub (“just a piece of flat concrete, a dancefloor without walls and no structure”), then spent the last four years creating hell for his party bosses, his prime minister and his supposed team-mates because he’s projected his own guilt and bad conscience onto them.

They’re to blame for making a fuss about his nice little scheme to hatch a nightclub in Mistra Valley. He’s not to blame for wanting a nightclub in Mistra Valley or the money that would make him.

Now here he is, founder member of Widien Artna. And The Times po-facedly reports it, as though it’s his public relations machine.



Malta’s valleys should be regularly maintained to ensure that wildlife is protected and rainwater is collected without going to waste, according to a new NGO called Widien Artna.

The NGO, launched yesterday, is carrying out research to document valleys in Malta and Gozo and better understand their state, explained chairman Neil Azzopardi.


Labour MP Noel Farrugia, who was Agriculture Minister in 1996, and Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando are both members of the NGO and were present during the launch.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Will Astrid and her motley crew squeal now?

  2. Frank says:

    As we say in Maltese, ‘wiccu u sormu xorta wahda’, protecting valleys indeed!

  3. The chemist says:

    Could be a case of divine intervention. Seeing the light and all. As for The Times, manyt of the people there are of the cut and paste generation, with little or no insight and certainly no true journalistic skills. Starting to look like the other rags published here which some call newspapers.

  4. Jeremy J Camilleri says:

    and yet you believed him…..

    [Daphne – Yes and no. It was actually a case of ignoring my instinctive negative reaction and all the warning signals I was picking up, because I wanted to in that difficult situation.]

  5. Jeremy J Camilleri says:

    To be honest, I find it rather worrying in a sense that when the PL chose to use its full force to attack Jeffrey , the full weight of the PN and its supporters fought tooth and nail to defend him.

    Now it’s just the other way around.

    [Daphne – Yes, Jeremy, two MPs with serious personality problems are calling the shots and playing games with both the government and the Opposition. Thank heavens for parliamentary democracy, because somebody like Franco Debono would have driven himself to the top dictatorship spot. He needs to read a bit more history – and current affairs, for that matter – and discover that practically all dictators started out with that level of self-belief and contempt for everyone around them. Jeffrey would never have got that far. He’s too easily distracted.]

  6. JPS says:

    I think the name they’ve chosen is wrong because it is similar to Wirt Artna and could be confusing to the public. I cannot understand how one can stoop so low when in comes to creativity and professionalism.

  7. Peppi iehor says:

    I think this

    is the instigation behind this NGO.

    One person saw fit to call a spade “a spade” and was called a sourpuss. I wonder how he feels about his expressed opinions now.

  8. James says:

    Quote from The Times of today “Speaking this morning, Mr Darmanin Demajo did not name any suspects but said that the MFA inquiry took three months, during which more than 30 people including 23 persons were interviewed.”

  9. Adrian says:

    Who is Neil Azzopardi (chairman)??

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