The WAG who complains about the price of cabbages and gbejniet

Published: March 14, 2012 at 11:30pm

Here’s Michelle, the W in WAG – she even wore ‘Manchester tan’ foundation for a while there – brandishing the sort of handbags only Japanese tourists buy nowadays (everyone else has moved on to more subtle branding and, more specifically, to more subtle brands).

Double Gs printed all over one, so that even the proles know it’s Gucci (only the proles wear that print, Michelle) and LV all over the other one so that the social-climbing chavs and Marlene tal-Early Learning Centre know it’s Louis Vuitton.

Then last Saturday she ‘braved the weather’ – to quote Maltastar – to go out to vote in her Gucci silver printed rubber wellies. Chav-tastic.

And this is the woman who was on Super One TV the other day grumbling about the price of cabbages and gbejniet, and talking about how she makes soppa tal-armla for Joseph (which is made with cauliflower, anyway, not cabbages).

But you know what? I think she’s hit just the right note as an icon for a sizeable group of electors. She’s living their dream, in her silver Gucci wellington-boots and the sort of bags even WAGs have left behind.

43 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    The energy bills are so high that , according to her, she thinks twice about using the dryer for her washing nowadays.

    • ta' sapienza says:

      Ahjar ma tuzax il-washing macine u tahsel bis-sapuna tac-‘chavette’, forsi tiffranka xi ewro.

  2. DICKENS says:

    Il-perli huma ta’ Buttardi?

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:


    You’ve done it now.

    • katonz l-ahmar says:

      Yes, you’ve done it now

    • C Frendo says:

      What attakk fahxi fuq il-mara tal-mexxej? Come on, Baxxter. Daphne only commented on her dress and handbag. After all she is a public figure now. MS Muscat said that she finds it difficult to make soppa tal-armla with cabbages being so expensive. Whatever next.

    • ciccio says:

      Attakk fahxi fuq l-armla tas-soppa tal-mara tal-mexxej.
      How about that?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It’s ATTAKK FAHXI FUQ GHAJNEJJA in the second photograph. When the Muscats can’t dazzle us with brilliance, they go for optical illusions.

  4. Canon says:

    It must be a special recipe of soppa tal-armla. Can Michelle give us the recipe ,please.

    • DICKENS says:

      She does not cook it any more it seems .The price of gbejniet has skyrocketed you know, and only the romol who are hbieb tal-hbieb can afford to buy them nowadays.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Soppa tal-armla and ‘minestra’ are a healthier alternative to red meat which can cause cancer.

      I think ‘soppa tal-armla’ is so called because widowers could not afford meat.

      I bet you this woman hates your guts, Daphne. But you have a point, a party which speaks for the deprived and the poor should not flaunt luxuries beyond the means of the average man and woman.

  5. Jozef says:

    Unless she got them from a street vendor, wellies included, these being peddled along with umbrellas as soon as it starts to rain in every metro station.

    Joseph has to be careful what bag she’ll carry to meet Mario Monti next year. He risks returning empty handed.

  6. Xejn sew says:

    U nghid jien, if kabocci and gbejniet have become so expensive, why doesn’t she get some free ones from the PL? I would guess it’s full of both.

  7. ciccio says:

    Thank goodness that cabbages and gbejniet are not produced by Gucci and Louis Vuitton.

  8. Clifford says:

    Daphne, did you read Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici’s comments about Censu Tabone?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  9. Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

    Apology Daphne cause this have nothing to do with Ms Michelle.

    The times today reported the story of Sergeant Adrian Lia as he was granted bail for stealing €30000.00. TOM journalist forgot to remind their viewers the passed history of Srgt. Adrian Lia. So, if I may, I will do it on thier behalf on your blog.

    Srgt. Lia was awarded a medal for a heroic act, he never did in 1996, for saving a woman from drowning. After few months a bystander wrote a letter to the Commissioner of police revealing information of the real story, Sergeant Lia was just looking and never attempted to save anyone. Also same Srgt. Adrian Lia was the policman escorting the late Nicholas Azzopardi who misteriously was grieviously hurt at the police depo as he fell from height. The only way Mr. Azzopardi fell from height is two-fold: either he was beaten up and was running for his life or he was beaten up and was thrown out, can anyone think of any other reason?

    Although there was no evidence that he was killed by the police as was also reported by the magistrate inquiry, logically its the opposite and there is also evidence recorded by Nicholas Azzopardi himself on his death bed. “Tghawni xeba papali” Nicholas said few hours before he dead.

    If you look at it in administrative point of view one can find systemic failures in the workings of the Police Corps, failures which need not be criminal in nature, in such case nobody did anything. Were is Franco when you need him.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      It is shocking to hear about someone dying of serious injuries following arrest at the police HQ.

      This case should have been investigated by foreign police. Scotland Yard would have solved this case immediately. The PN failed miserably to reform the police force as soon as it took over from the Mintoff/KMB regime.

    • Alfred Bugeja says:

      There were two inquiries in this case and neither of them found any evidence of the wrongdoing by the police that you are suggesting. Even the injuries that he sustained were found to be compatible with those of someone who fell from a height. The only thing that came out of the inquiry by Justice Albert Manche was that there should have been a fence surrounding the boundary wall in question and that the room where he was being questioned should have been locked.

      If I recall well, Justice Manche had also remarked in his report that when the accident happened and Nicholas Azzopardi tried to flee, it was already clear to him that he was going to be arraigned in court and charged with sexually abusing his daughter.

      So you would do well to add a third option to your conspiracy theory – that Nicholas Azzopardi acted in the way he did in desperation. Sadly, we will never know whether he had committed the crime he was going to be charged with.

  10. TROY says:

    Things are so bad that we have to buy our clothes from charity shops.

  11. HANNS-G says:

    Dawn la jkunu fil-gvern, igibu l-Louis Vuitton f’Malta. Hadd ma irnexxa s’issa. Ghaliha biss wert it.

  12. klawju says:

    LV and Gucci handbag copies are sold in the Catania market.

  13. Dee says:

    Joe Muscat ‘s way of saying that he does not think much of his wife’s soppa tal-armla and so, has sent out his hordes in search of a decent recipe. :)

    ”Joseph Muscat, the liberal socialist leader in his 30s, told his people last Sunday that they should head for homes and “talk to women in their kitchens”. ”

  14. paddy says:

    isa hej, x’inhu gej issa li missejtilhom lil Evita.

  15. Riya says:

    Forsi il-gbejniet u l-kabocci li tixtri il-mara ta’ Joseph Muscat ikunu tad-ditta wkoll u ghalhekk ikunu gholjin.

  16. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    I thought Gucci was passe. Silly me.

  17. Chris says:

    Miskina x’ghaks.

    Maltese politics are a farce. Is there seriously one political party/figure worth voting for?

  18. Silvio farrugia says:

    But for these people fixing a BROKEN bridge after 60 years is ‘ lussu ‘ and ‘ hela ‘ and flowers planted on the roadsides are waste of money.

    For them the great unwashed should have only hobz biz – zejt u il-pilchards (reduced in price in one of their budgets). They will have a hard time convincing their supporters as under the ‘conservatives’ they take living well for granted.

  19. Mister says:

    I woke up to the news that Julian Galea has resigned from the Sliema Local Council. After getting the full wrath of the Labour media, no one can blame him.

    The Times, to boot, puts his face with his email and mobile as a headline image on its website. Never heard of Photoshop, I imagine.

    I’ve still got to get to The Times article which tells us that Dr Charles Mangion is going to resign too, for blurting out ‘in a public arena’ that Nationalist Party supporters have a different DNA.

    Julian Galea spoke in private conversation – or what he thought was private.

    The only problem that Nationalists have and that Labour doesn’t is that if the PN media were to put this in its campaign, it would actually make them lose the `swing` vote.

    The PL Media machine is working well as always with character assassination.

    • Etienne Caruana says:

      “The PL Media machine is working well as always with character assassination”

      Sad to say, but true. And it’s hardly surprising because they can only give what they’ve got.

    • The chemist says:

      ‘The only problem that Nationalists have and that Labour doesn’t is that if the PN media were to put this in its campaign, it would actually make them lose the `swing` vote.’

      The PN media have finally started doing just that. Sunday’s 7.45 news bulletin had such a clip. Time to up the ante unless we want these morons to ruin everything.

  20. P Borg says:

    You have to write an article about this news item Daphne! Edward Scicluna should resign now. What on earth does he think an MEP’s job should be?

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