Botox Jeff – proud to be square

Published: April 27, 2012 at 11:01pm

Not surprisingly JPO has struck a chord with a number of Maltese who either think of Europe as an exclusive club of Christian white men, or who still regard all other nations and peoples as a threat.

I was not surprised by JPO’s posturing to retrograde elements in Maltese society. He is a reminder that a stand in favour of divorce or gay rights does not make you a political liberal.

In fact it turns out that JPO is far more conservative than Tonio Borg in his views on what constitutes European identity. He was also far more conservative than Lawrence Gonzi when in 2009 he suggested that Malta should send immigrants back to Libya.

– James Debono, writing for Malta Today

10 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    James Debono could have titled his article:

    “A stand in favour of divorce does not make you liberal Joseph” and then explain about the return to Jurassic Park, the star candidates, like Yana Mintoff and Edward Scicluna, Labour’s prudent position about Libya, and the secret meetings with North Korean representatives.

  2. axegrinder says:

    M’ghadiex axe grinder il-Maltatoday?

    [Daphne – James Debono never was. I’ve said right from the start that he’s a fish out of water in that pond of weirdos and chippy individuals. I always read his columns with interest. He thinks rationally and writes sensibly. Another newspaper should make him an offer because he’s wasted there.]

    • Min Weber says:

      But they won’t. Because even James Debono is a weirdo.

      Let me explain.

      In a country where all sane people keep certain thoughts to themselves – for pretty obvious reasons – Debono has openly said on his Facebook account that he is in favour of partial-birth abortion.

      Now, abortion in itself is controversial. But partial-birth abortion is even more controversial – there are pro-choice people who find partial-abortion unacceptable.

      In my view, Debono is a weirdo because of this his inability to gauge the situation. His lack of judgment on the partial-birth abortion issue (not the issue in itself, but publicising his support for it) must therefore manifest itself in other circumstances too, because judgment is an integral part of who we are.

      This is why other newspapers don’t hire him, and he ended up in that pigsty called Malta Today.

      Indeed he’s a cut about the rest – but still a weirdo. I would invite you not to mix his above-Malta Today level with his good-for-mainstream-media potential. The former is there; the latter is wishful thinking.

    • P Shaw says:

      When will The Malta Independent become interactive online?

  3. Manuel Camilleri says:

    Check out what he wrote on his fejsbok about the prevailing uncertainty in the country

  4. xmun says:

    JPO – “I would like to remind those who criticise me simply because I appeal for a clearly charted way forward that it is definitely not in my personal interest if elections are held early.

    “I have already declared I will not be contesting the next elections and I will be very disappointed if I am not allowed to continue putting the Malta Council for Science and Technology on a sound footing-with the invaluable assistance I am getting from my board and staff.”

    Had he acted differently, he might have not pulled the trigger on his own political career. It all started by misleading everyone with his antics on Mistra. Now I just can’t wait to see the back of him

  5. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Besides the JPO hullabaloo which risks personalising an otherwise important issue, I am somehow very sceptical about Turkey joining the European Union, whilst at the same time, we, as a country, have to keep the best commercial/diplomatic relations with a very important interlocutor in the Islamic world.

    Many argue that Islam is not only a religion, but a liberticide political ideology bent on imposing itself wherever it is established. Moderate Islam does not exist, because the Koran is not a moderate book, and Islam is based four square on the Koran.

    It is as if saying that Catholics basing their beliefs on the violent, genocidal and misogynistic Old Testament are moderate. Impossible.

    Turkey says that it is an Islamic secular democracy which is quite contradictory in itself.

    My argument is that one can be liberal as much as he wants, but would that same liberal person be as far as liberal to the extent of letting someone in his own house that is so bent towards stifling that same liberty that was used to get him in the first place? I doubt it.

  6. Vanessa says:

    A country who deprives women from living a full and free life should never be allowed EU membership. Life in Istanbul may be acceptable for women but not in the villages. Having our politicians declaring their approval of Turkey as an EU member is an insult to women.

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