Cyrus, they saved Private Ryan in the end

Published: April 27, 2012 at 5:05pm

A reader sent me this screenshot of Cyrus Engerer’s Facebook wall. Cyrus, I don’t know how to tell you this, but…they saved Private Ryan.

12 Comments Comment

  1. pazzo says:

    nice one

  2. John Schembri says:

    Austin Gatt (replacing Tom Hanks on the poster) will ‘die’ saving Lawrence Gonzi.

    Austin has said that he will call it quits and won’t contest the next election – and he will probably resign his cabinet positionto work on the electoral campaign for the party.

    Thanks, Cyrus, for this good news: Lawrence Gonzi will be saved and Austin will be the next president.

    With colleagues like Cyrus the PL has another one shooting at its feet.

  3. Andre says:

    I love how the Labour Party tries to be witty… but fails miserably.

  4. Stanley J A Clews says:

    In Sliema the other name for Cyrus is TRAITOR and it will stick with him for the rest of his political future – if he has one now?

  5. Wenzu Cole says:

    yes…. and they all end up dead!!

  6. ciccio says:

    “Cyrus, I don’t know how to tell you this, but…they saved Private Ryan.”

    Daphne, maybe you can tell Cyrus whether they saved Ryan’s privates?

    [Daphne – What, so that he can circulate the photographs?]

  7. Jozef says:

    ‘li qeghdin jiprovaw isalvawh’

    Alla jbierek, kemm jaf idur ghal min emmen fih.

    Ghalfejn m’intix kandidat Cyrus?

    Forsi ghax Joseph mhux cuc daqsek.

  8. Wistin Schembri says:

    Cyrus, why do you and your friends hate Lawrence Gonzi so much? Is this liberal? Progressive? Moderate?

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    it didn’t occur to Cyrus (and whoever made the manipulation) that Private Ryan was saved from the Nazis.

  10. NotMaltastar says:

    Cyrus, postok hu bhala stand-up commedien fuq banketta f ‘ bar fi sqaq f Casablanca.

  11. winwood says:

    L-aktar kalamita qawwija biex wiehed jigbed is-simpatija lejh mil fidili tal Labour hi li jibda idahhaq u jikkummidja.Kulhadd mifquh bid dahk .Nawguralek Ciru

  12. Warren says:

    I think Cyrus would rather save Ryan’s privates.

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