How comedy duo George and Luciano passed the wrong sort of motion

Published: April 20, 2012 at 11:59pm



Il-mozzjoni mressqa dalghodu, turi li l-Opposizzjoni Laburista (Dr George Vella u Dr Luciano Busuttil) lanqas biss fehmet il-cable li Wikileaks qalet li ntbaghtet mill-Ambaxxata Amerikana lill-Unjoni Ewropea fl-10 ta’ Novembru 2004.

Din il-cable tirreferi ghal-laqgha li saret f’Novembru 2004 (waqt li Malta ir-ri-attivat is-sehem taghha fil-Partnership for Peace fl-2008) bejn ir-Rapprezentant Permanenti ta’ Malta ghall-Unjoni Ewropea u diplomatici mill-Ambaxxata Amerikana ghall-Unjoni Ewropea biex Malta jkollha access ghad-dokumenti tan-NATO li ghandhom x’jaqsmu mal-Unjoni Ewropea u hekk Malta tkun tista’ tippartecipa fil-laqghat strategici bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u n-NATO.

Hu car li d-diskussjonijiet kienu fuq is-security (of documents) agreements man-NATO li Malta kienet iffirmat fl-1996 u ma kien hemm ebda proposta minn hadd fl-2004 li Malta ghandha tissieheb fil-Partnership for Peace.

Il-fatti huma bic-car il-maqlub ta’ dak li sfortunatament fehmet l-Opposizzjoni Laburista. Pajjizna jixraqlu Opposizzjoni aktar serja.


How refreshing to see that it’s a Wikileaks cable. Given the choice of spelling in some other government communications – some ministries are greater offenders than others – we would have expected it to be a kejbil.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Amanda Cortis says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. These two clowns could be government ministers by this time next year.

  2. Jozef says:

    They remind me of Wile E Coyote and his acme plans.

  3. xmun says:

    Remember Muscat’s words: Vote Labour, get Labour.

  4. AE says:

    What plonkers. And these are the people who are going to be running our country? God help us.

    This is exactly why Muscat keeps silent on most issues. Like that, no mistakes are made.

    As soon as they open their mouths, they bungle it. In opposition, the damage is contained. In government they will be mistakes that will affect us all.

    Rather than ask for Cachia Caruana’s resignation, should they be in government, they would do well to ask him to stay on. Where in their ranks are they going to find someone with his knowledge? the question is more whether he would want to do that.

    The Nationalist Party is an empty shell – most of its people are working for the government, which currently is suffering from an appearance of arrogance. How can this be shed in time before the election to save us from these morons. This is the question.

    • Jozef says:

      Inside sources confirm the current leadership wished they had someone with RCC’s calibre, experience and portfolio of working relations.

      They know replacing him will be an arduous, if not impossible, task.

  5. FP says:

    Daphne, it’s not refreshing at all.

    What is obvious to me is that most government departments are as incompetent as the next one when it comes to communicating in print.

    It should be neither cable nor kejbil. The Maltese word is telegramma.

    [Daphne – Well, that would make the English word ‘telegram’.]

    There is no Maltese equivalent for the English “repeat” shortcut. “Ri-” something or other in Maltese is simply not written, and hyphenation is only used to separate articles from nouns. It seems that to the writer the English word is “re-activate” when it actually is “reactivate”. Having simply written “riattivat” would have been more accurate, though “reġgħet attivat” is the preferred translation.

    Another minestrification (before you hit the ceiling, that’s Bush babble for making a minestra out of something) is the word Opposizzjoni. Obviously not a typo, having been repeated no less than three times. The Maltese word is Oppożizzjoni.

  6. B Azzopardi says:

    The opposition is banking on a couple of government backbenchers irrespective of whether they have interpreted the cableinformation in the right manner. They aim to keep weakening the government and the Nationalist Party.

  7. PedantikuMichaelvella says:

    Passed a motion: bil-Malti, hrawa, i.e. kif il-PL jirnexxilhom jaghmlu dejjem.

    • FP says:

      “Jirnexxilhom” implies an effort.

      They’re so good at this that they do it effortlessly, all the time, and without fail.

      Għaqal fit-tmexxija. Progress u stabbiltà.

  8. Anthony says:

    We all know that diplomats accredited to Malta follow events like hawks.

    This PfP shambles has afforded them a golden opportunity to assess our next foreign minister even before he takes office once more.

    I shudder to think what conclusions they have reached.

    I am sorry for George Vella.

    He does not seem to look before he leaps.

    This does not augur well for the direction of Malta’s diplomatic service in the near future.

    “My son, hold your tongue and keep thy friend”. (Chaucer).

  9. maryanne says:

    What if George Vella becomes our next president? Would Jeffrey tell us not to criticise him?

    • Sowerberry says:

      Lino Spiteri appears to have presidential aims as well despite his “deprecating ” attitude in this context.
      George Vella would have to consult with Natius (?) about his eyebrows .

      • ciccio says:

        Let us say that the Wikileaks cable has raised some eyebrows at the Centru Nazzjonali. SOME EYEBROWS, I’d say.

  10. ciccio says:

    Geoge W. Vella is a political expert of Withdrawals and Witholdings. The government of which he was Foreign Affairs Minister in 1996-1998, withdrew Malta from PfP and witheld Malta’s application to join the EU.

    I wonder if that is why he has a W in his middle initials?

    Maybe he can now withdraw the Opposition’s motion…

  11. Frankie's Barrage says:

    In yesterday’s Xarabank Joe Debono Grech recounted this “funny story” that took place when he and (the late) Joe Fenech were acting as election monitors during an election in Palestine.

    Apparently this Palestinian thug turned up with a suitcase full of votes and when Joe Fenech challenged him he said that these were votes of people who were ill and could not come to the polling station.

    Joe Fenech did not want to accept this blatant ballot-stuffing and turned to our hero for support. Big boy Joe was more concerned about being beaten up by the Palestinian thug then about election fairness, (“Joe Fenech kien ser iqghallani xebgha”), so he asked the thug who the votes were for. “Arafat” replied the thug. “Ok then” said our hero “go ahead”.

    Those are Labour values and tough guy posturing for you.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Yes, that was SO revealing, says a lot about Labour’s “u ijja…” standards.

      No wonder corruption was institutionalized in Joe Debono Grech’s days.

    • maryanne says:

      He should not have done what he did but to go on national television and boast about it – that’s really insensitive.

  12. Village says:

    Labour in its pseudo democratic vest is using motions in parliament hoping they would secure a vote of one of the conspirators and embarrass government.

    When in government though rest assured they will resort to more tangible and effective means. Afterall they are so experienced at persecuting opposition, throwing objectors and dissenters in prison to cleanse themselves….if they survive the ordeal that is.

  13. paddy says:

    Can the Labour Party now tell us, please, where it stands on Malta’s participation in Partnership for Peace? Is it for? Is it against? Will it pull us out (without parliamentary approval…) when it wins the general election, as Sant did in 1996?

    We need to know.

  14. Jozef says:

    AD think divesting an investor of contractual rights is in the national interest.

    Tell that to the people who put their savings into the bonds issued by the Plc. I don’t get it with Alternattiva, instead of building on the recent interviews and statements, they resort to the usual fatwa to polarise matters.

    Are they so lacking in content to demand this kind of attention? I presume it’s their card against the offer to a coalition.

    Briguglio calls himself an economist, he should know better.

  15. lino says:

    This story about JD Grech’s adventure during elections in Palestine irks me. Imagine what he would do in local elections if his party were to gain.

  16. lino says:

    Complying was cowardice, telling it was idiocy. Two very important virtues to present yourself for election. Vote Labour get Labour.

  17. Martin says:

    I haven’t been this way for some time, but not much seems to have changed.

    Still the same half dozen sad souls enjoying their group-think.

    [Daphne – You were here only yesterday, Martin, when you posted a comment in favour of AST at 12.37am and got your metaphor wrong, prompting others to correct you. If a day constitutes ‘some time’ then seek therapy, because you must be addicted.]

  18. DICKENS says:

    Take that as a complment from Mr Martin, dear Madame,Staying away from your blog even for less then a day seems like eternity to him.

  19. Angus Black says:

    Now that President Abela has a panel discussing the remake of our Constitution would it not be opportune to include, in a new constitution, a requirement that any prospective candidate for a general election would require to submit to an aptitude test and an IQ assessment?

  20. NoPi says:

    So if I get this right Mr. RCC was trying to bypass parliamant. But why ? There was no Debono issue in parliament pre-2008. Why was it so urgent for Malta to join PFP and why not discuss it in parliament ?

    [Daphne – 1. ‘Mr RCC’ is not an autonomous entity. He takes orders from the prime minister and is accountable to him. 2. The decision on whether Malta should join Partnership for Peace is taken by the government and not by parliament. It does not have to be ratified or discussed by parliament. 3. If anything, decisions on such matters are voted for ‘by the people’. The Nationalist Party won the general election and those who voted for it knew exactly where it stands on Partnership for Peace because, in the 1990s, it successfully worked to have Malta join. We also knew where the Labour Party stands on the matter because, in 1996, Prime Minister Sant and foreign minister George Vella withdrew Malta from Partnership for Peace, and without asking parliament what it thought.]

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