I don’t quite know what to say, Charles
Labour stalwart Charles J. Buttigieg retired from Air Malta (no comment about how he got in) after a lifetime working there and now, bored out of his mind, spends most of his time cruising the internet, posting pro-Labour smart-ass comments on timesofmalta.com, maltastar, Facebook walls and the rest.
Today, Maltastar ran a story about Nicholas Azzopardi, the man who died after allegedly jumping off a height while being held for interrogation at police headquarters (I reserve judgement on that).
The only person to post a comment beneath that story is Charles J. Buttigieg. And you had better read it.
Charles, perhaps I do know what to say: that if you were old enough to remember your mother doing that, then you weren’t an infant or even a toddler.
And if you registered it and remembered, then it’s because it struck you as noteworthy even then.
And the answer to your question is: perhaps not the law, but certainly a social worker to point out that this kind of behaviour isn’t normal.
It was no more acceptable for you to tug at your sons’ willies than it was for your mother to tug at yours. For comparison purposes, imagine here that we were talking about daughters, not sons. That might give you some perspective.
I am taken aback, really.
Charles J Buttigieg
– Fri 27-Apr-2012, 07:18
I recall my mother affectionately pulling my private part when bathing me as a very young child and on numerous occasions I have done the same to my sons when they were infants. I also know of many other parents who show their love and affection to their offspring that way. Would the law be just if these parents are accused of sexually abusing their children?
UPDATED: I’ve just remembered something I’d written about Charles J. Buttigieg back in January, even before I knew he enjoyed tugging on infant willies. Enter Mintoffiani and their xHamster life in the search box up above.
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If I were one of Charles J. Buttigieg’s sons, I would be very worried and embarrassed after this revelation.
Perhaps they’re not at all embarrassed. They may be third generation tuggers.
And once we’re on the subject of the nether regions – is there one woman visitor to the prisons – at least one – who does NOT stuff her pudenda with drugs?
L-ewwel trid tkun taf x’inhi pudenda.
And if I were one of his daughters-in-law and the mother of hisc young grandchildren, I’d give him a very wide berth.
Besides the fact that I cannot begin to understand how Mr. Buttigieg cannot see what is wrong with his actions, I can just imagine how embarrassing it must be for his sons, to be publicly outed by their father, that he showed ‘affection’ by pulling on their private parts.
I might be in denial of the above shocking and disgusting news, however he didn’t say tugging, but pulling.
It means pulling down the foreskin of a baby while bathing him in order to hygienically clean the glans of the penis which would otherwise be covered by the foreskin and never bathed if this procedure wasn’t done.
[Daphne – Oh, indeed.]
Also it’s been proven that our earliest memories start from the age of two which is definitely an age when we are still being bathed by our parents.
Aren’t some people “experts taz-z……..” in the real sense of the word?
@Joan – One does not describe such an action as affectionate, anyhow.
Joan, there is no way on earth you can qualify the actions you describe as affectionate.
Scandalous fits the bill better, to my mind.
He didn’t say he pulled on their private parts for hygenic reasons, but to “show their love and affection to their offspring that way.”
Excuse me, but I have never shown that ‘kind’ of affection to my child.
What does this tugging at willies got to do with the Nicholas Azzopardi story anyway?
[Daphne – His wife had accused him of fiddling with their daughter, and that’s why the police had him locked up for interrogation.]
I truly cannot believe that someone would be so stupid and crass to write such personal details about themselves. Affection is normally shown in many other ways such as a kiss, cuddle or hug certainly not pulling anyone’s private parts, whoever that person, child, toddler or infant may be.
I agree with Ciccio that this so-called ‘show of affection’ would be an embarrassment to the whole family.
“I also know of many other parents who show their love and affection to their offspring that way.”
What a load of cock and pull. Oops.
Seriously though. The crass ignorance and distorted reality some people seem to live in never ceases to amaze me, especially considering the size of the island.
If I were this distinguished gentleman, I would file a report for child abuse pronto.
As I always say, kif ma jisthux?
I always thought that something was wrong with this Charles Buttigieg. But believe me, I never ever imagined this – not that he did something so stupid, but that he was stupid enough to say it and to write it down on the internet. Honestly, I never liked the person, but I am seriously sorry for him.
Maltastar think it’s normal.
I wonder what MALTASTAR would have commented had Mr Buttigieg been an ex-priest or monk.
[Daphne – Or Lawrence Gonzi.]
So how exctly did he get to know about these other parents? I’m trying to picture it.
Was he at a cocktail party, devilled egg in hand, discussing creative ways to show affection?
Was he at a BBQ with a group of parents and the subject turned to that while grilling sausages?
Did one of them mention doing that to their children, and the others agreed in unison saying ‘Oh yeah, jien hekk naghmel ukoll’. The mind boggles.
Maltese society has reached the zenith of exhibitionism. It’s not just that the act is so wrong. It’s not even that the comment is so unrelated to the article. It’s the fact that he felt the need to tell the whole internet world about it.
The internet has exposed the darker side of people who might otherwise have come across as respectable.
I, for one, can’t look at people the same way after knowing all their “ins and outs” which they have splattered so freely in cyberspace, all in the name of exhibitionism.
The forty-something generation is probably the worst of the lot, especially with many seemingly having a mid-life crisis, instead of just getting on with things.
His son is not very happy right now. I think he should tell daddy to shut his trap.
Or maybe affectionately pull his dongle to shut him up. Crass, eh, but then again it was Mr. Buttigieg who set the ball rolling.
Damn. Now I feel untugged.
This sort of behaviour qualifies as a paraphilia.
It is not uncommon.
I have come across it half a dozen times in fifty years working closely with people.
However I suspect that this might be the tip of the iceberg.
Where little girls (daughters) are involved the consequences can be frightening.
I am afraid I cannot elaborate.
It must be a very warped way of showing love and affection.
Fiddling with his son’s private parts? What a disgusting pervert.
He should be in the Labour housing consultant’s secretariat.
What the hell was he thinking? The guy comments on all and sundry, such is his boredom, but come on.
Even a quick proof-read should have rung a buzzer when he saw ‘my mother affectionately pulling my private part…’
If that is Mr. Buttigieg’s idea of normal bathtime activity, then he should be on some kind of register somewhere.
All this apart from the fact that, with his comments, the man is practically condoning a possible case of child abuse.
Maybe the sad old duffer can plead senility?
The Commissioner for Children should look into this.
I agree. And I’m serious.
Is this guy mad or what?
Did he use surgical gloves?
‘Sick’ is one word I can think of here.
Il-hniena dinja.
Dan vera mar minn mohhu biex jghid pubblikament dawn l-affarijiet li ghamel lil uliedu subien, anke jekk forsi saru minghajr skop hazin imma ghal ragunijiet ta’ igene, li, minn kliemu, ma jidirx li kien hekk.
Kieku kont ibnu jew mart ibnu jew his grandchild, ma nersaqx lejh aktar.
U meta kien jilghab mad-duda ta’ ibnu, martu kienet taf?
All of a sudden I’m feeling sad and unloved. My parents didn’t pull my duda. How sad.
OR should I thank God for that?
Thank God. They weren’t vulgar and ” injuranti”.
Damn Daphne you really ought to introduce a vote-up counter for each comment – some are too good not to be credited.
A very nice way to show affection to your children! X’injuranza u vulgarita’ ta’ nies.
No wonder these people grow up to be proper wankers.
Shades of Pitcairn. Send the lot of them there.
I’m in trouble. On meeting my boss yesterday, I was greeted with the usual Maltese “Orrajt, HP?” and an extended hand.
“Madam”, I replied, “I appreciate the show of affection, but I think it would suffice if you gave my willy a tug. I could reciprocate by tickling your fancy, as the English say.”
Next thing I know, I was lying crumpled near her office door, holding my bleeding nose.
Five minutes later I was told to clear my desk, and today I received a police summons. I’ve been charged with sexual harassment and will appear in court next week.
U ejja Baxxter, pull the other one – it’s got bells on.
Le veru. Jekk nispicca l-habs ma nahsibx li nkun nista’ nikkummenta hawnhekk, jigifieri be prepared.
Baxxter, se nimmissjawk. But don’t worry. According to CJ Buttigieg this thing about affection and the pulling at willies is a common thing in Malta. You might find that even the magistrate has the same habit, and he might show you some understanding and affection.
During the 16 years of the Labour regime, Charles was widely known in Mellieha as the person “to-go-to”.
Another person was Johnny “is-Sisu” (previous mayor). The latter’s brother (Michael), was employed by the government during the years of the regime, but amazingly, the first time he went to his so called workplace was on 13 May, 1987.
The only reason I know that parents touch the private parts of their very young sons is to prevent a condition called phimosis. I cannot see where affection comes in. Perhaps Mr. Buttigieg has some interesting stories to tell us about this sort of affection he had when he was a kid and when he had his own kids.