Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando wants Israel to join the European Union – but not those nasty wogs in Turkey

Published: April 20, 2012 at 10:22pm

This gem was buried deep within the folds of Malta Today and I missed it until somebody pointed it out to me this evening.

Monday, 16 April – Malta Today

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has stood fast by his stand against Turkey’s accession to the European Union, but believes Israel should be offered EU membership.

The MP, who last week poured cold water over Malta’s warm reception of Turkey’s chief EU negotiator by declaring he would not vote for Turkish accession, has retained his stand that Israel should become a member of the European Union.

“Comparisons are odious and it would be embarrassing to stay comparing one country with another,” he told MaltaToday.

“[But] Israelis are culturally European since they are descendants of people who had emigrated to Israel from Europe during World War II.”

No to those ‘Arabs’ but yes to the Israelis. Jeffrey is turning out to be something of a cliche, isn’t he. What next – calling for the death penalty? Mandatory military service for two years when you turn 18? Forced labour for junkies? Public whippings for muggers?

Come on, Jeff – now that you’ve started, don’t stop.

P.S. Did you really say “stay comparing”? Tsk tsk.

29 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    If Jeffrey is serious about this one, does he realise what issues the EU would be involved in if Israel were to become a member state?

    The EU borders would be extended into the Middle East, and the Palestinian and other regional issues become EU problems.

    Until the Middle East resolves peacefully the old disputes within it, Israel’s membership of the EU carries major risks, especially of war.

    And the last thing the Middle East needs is more conflicting interests.

  2. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Two weights, two measures this JPO chap.

    Mind you, if it were entirely up to me, I’d admit neither Turkey nor Israel. The EU is not a second British or Nazi empire and a line should be drawn somewhere. It being called ‘European’ and all, I’m afraid that line has to be a geographical boundary.

  3. NOTMLP says:

    I wonder where this one gets’s HIS Earl Grey Tea;


    Today, 14:14

    WE THE PEOPLE back this MOTION as RCC has never any right to hold such autocratic powers, let alone run literally THE BRUSSELS SHOW [ with so much to it ] on his own steam ignoring completely that he is a Malta Citizen where in democratic terms WE THE PEOPLE hold sway. OFF WITH RCC – WE THE PEOPLE have had enough. Well done to the PL.”

    • The Phoenix says:

      More like Magic Mushroom tea…….this guy is completely off his rocker

    • Jozef says:

      From the Mad Hatter.

      His website is worth a visit. There’s a photo of him sitting at a desk captioned ‘chairing a meeting with associates’.

      It’s only him in the photo.

      • FP says:

        Another twat.

        This guy doesn’t see the irony in bashing a non-elected official by writing “WE THE PEOPLE”.

        The 21 Bezzinas who voted for him in 2008 are hardly “the people” now, are they?

        [Daphne – Rest assured that the Bezzinas would be the last people to vote for him. They have enough trouble with him as it is.]

      • Jozef says:

        From the ‘meet Emmy’ section of the website.

        ‘He was given a profound religious education with the Franciscan Nuns and later eight years as a border with the Jesuits at ST. ALOYSIUS’ COLLEGE – MALTA where at the end of his term, Dr. BEZZINA was awarded the BEST ALOYSIAN PRIZE, a prestigious award for the overall best student in a complete period of secondary scholastic studies.

        He distinguished himself as a versatile communicator, leader, excellent public speaker and a student who spoke his mind in a truthful way. He proved an excellent actor in Drama Performances, obtaining the leading roles in such musicals as THE KING & I and THE SOUND OF MUSIC, Shakespearean roles as ARIEL in THE TEMPEST and other plays with amateur & professional Drama Companies.’

        It seems he was into delivering Christmas sermons as well.

      • FP says:


        I can believe that.

        I’d move to another district just not to see his name on the ballot paper.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “Border”. Good Lord please strike me down this instant.

  4. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    “stay comparing”- typical Maltese-ism. Using the verb “to stay” as some sort of auxiliary verb. I used to call that structure the Stationary Continuous.

    [Daphne – It’s a literal translation from Maltese: ‘toqghod tipparaguna’]

  5. La Redoute says:

    Another one who does not check his facts.

    1. Many Israelis are Arab: Moslem, Christian and Druze.
    Arab Christians (yes, they exist) make up the population, particularly around Galilee. Not uncoincidentally, the presence there of Arab Christians dates back a couple of thousand years to the times of another famous inhabitant of the area – the man born a Jew from whom Christianity takes its name.

    2. Mizrahi Jews are not of European descent.

    3. Sephardic Jews are mostly not of European descent. Those whose roots are traceable to Europe came from Arab southern Europe.

    4. The Druze are not of European descent.

    5. The Bedouin are not of European descent. They didn’t move to Israel. They were already there.

    6. The Circassians are not Arab, but they are Muslim. They arrived in what was the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century when Russia captured their country. They didn’t move to Israel. They were already there.

    7. The Samaritans are not of European descent. They didn’t move to Israel. They were already there.

    8. The Armenian community is not of European descent. Their country is now part of Turkey. Turkey is not allowed to join Jeffrey’s EU. What will he do about Israeli-Armenians?

    9. Is Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando going to allow Russia into the EU? Many Jewish families in Israel are descended from Russians.

    10. Is the US allowed to join Jeffrey’s EU? Many of those who made Aliya are originally from the US.

    • tbg says:

      We should also ask the US and Canada to join the EU since most North Americans are of European descent. At this point it would be unfair to leave out Brasil (Portuguese) and most of Latin America (Spanish).

      • DICKENS says:

        What about the Aussies? Their ancestors were shipped off to Botany Bay from England to kick start a colony..

    • dudu says:

      Although the Samaritans are not European and could not join the EU, one has to consider that their cousins, ‘the Good Samaritans’, joined in 2004.

  6. I can think of three reasons why Israel is OK but Turkey isn’t.

    a) The Israelis didn’t feature in the Great Siege.

    b) To highlight the fallacy in the adage “Rabti u Zebbugi aghar minn Lhudi”.

    c) To rub Norman Lowell the wrong way.

    [Daphne – And because Jews can join a Christian club but Muslims can’t.]

  7. FP says:

    JPO is a twat, and the more he opens his mouth, the more he proves the fact.

  8. Anthony says:

    I can very well understand why JPO wants Israel in the EU.

    As an old friend of mine used to say about a common friend with an abysmally low IQ :

    “Miskin, mohhu sa hemm jasal”.

  9. ciccio says:

    Maybe there is a big botox culture in Israel, and not in Turkey. Who knows?

  10. Jesmond Farrugia says:


    As you well know, Istanbul is the spiritual heart of the Orthodox Church. The Ecumenical Patriarchate is also styled Patriarch of Jerusalem (as well as New Rome). If you include the much maligned and persecuted Oriental Orthodox, we are talking of 500 million people.

    Does JPO know what he is messing with?

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