Joe Mizzi’s appropriate, dignified use of official parliamentary letterheads

Published: April 25, 2012 at 10:51pm

30 Comments Comment

  1. P. Attard says:

    Is-siegha tieghek riesqa; daqshekk pappi u maxtar!

  2. el bandido guapo says:

    He also managed to obtain mobile phone numbers of his constituents not all that long ago (who supplied them – I have no idea, but it certainly was someone at one of the big two mobile phone networks, illegally one presumes?) and used to spam them with text messages such as “awguri fil festa tal Fgura” or similar.

    X’dilettant patetiku.

    • mac says:

      I totally agree with you. I live in the 2nd electoral district and for the last few years I have been receiving text messages from this guy, on my birthday, on Christmas Day, on Easter Sunday and even to tell me awguri on the local feast day.

      Mur ghidlu li l-aktar gurnata li nitlaq nigri ‘l barra hija proprju on the feast day. Both my husband and I were not born and bred there.

      We just live there and couldn’t be bothered about the feast. I wonder from where he gets my mobile number. He is now starting to send me sms telling me about his coffee mornings. He is really a pest.

      I have phoned my mobile phone company about this and they said that they never pass on our mobile numbers to third parties. But this pest must have inside information

    • FP says:

      Oh give him some credit. He even managed to set up a website.

      HEALTH WARNING: Set aside a whole weekend if you intend browsing.

  3. Qegħdin Sew says:


    Christ, he’s still stuck in the 80s.

  4. lino says:

    U ‘sninek’ is misspelt by ‘maltstardards’.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      What is the correct spelling?

      • FP says:

        There’s nothing wrong with that spelling. We’re not talking about biting tools for eating cakes here.

        Actually, to his credit, he’s one of the very few that got it right.

  5. elephant says:

    P Attard – may I ask, who is “pappi u maxtar” you are referring to?

  6. Mario Borg says:

    Data Protection Commissioner please note. Is an MP authorised to keep personal data (name, surname, address and date of birth) of third parties? If keeping such data is not authorised, please investigate from where Onor. Joe Mizzi sourced the information, and take action.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Mario Borg – iva stenna ftit. You’ll soon see Mr Mizzi in court facing charges. As if.

      The PN are too busy packing their bags and collecting the last few ‘brown envelopes’.

    • C Falzon says:

      I think one can look up such information in the electoral register which is available to the public.

  7. something wicked says:

    Tacky as sin – sure to spoil anybody’s birthday.

  8. Mari says:

    Both he and Stephan Buontempo have been doing this for quite some time now.

    Each year, about a week before my birthday, I would receive their wishes (which quite frankly I don’t give a rat’s ass about), and I think they’ve being doing this for over five years now.

    They use official parliamentary letterheads, and send them out in official parliamentary envelopes. It costs THEM nothing.

    But such behaviour is not considered abuse of public funds, because it is of utmost importance to both parliament and country to have (at least) two MPs (I’m sure there are more) sending out their heppi berrtdejj greetings to the general public.

  9. Sowerberry says:

    This also applies to email addresses. I have been getting unsolicited emails from these scumbags, but the Data Commissioner is oblivous as to how my email address was obtained.

  10. ciccio says:

    Ghandu mhux hazin fejn tikkuntattjah. Meta tqis li kien Ministru bla Portafoll…

  11. Angus Black says:

    Ahsbu w araw kemm se jirrispettaw il-privitatezza meta jkunu fil-gvern.

    Tiftakru kemm plejtu qalghu fil-bidu ta din il-legislatura meta Pawlu Borg Olivier kien issuggerixxa li jekk xi hadd jiddiskuti xi problema ma xi ministru d-dettalji jghadduwhomlu biex ikun jista jsolvi l-problema jekk possibbli minghajr l-indhil tal-Ministru?

    U dawn ghandhom dettalji ta persuni privati, bhal gheluq sienhom, l-indirizz, u naturalment in-numru tal-karta ta l-identita, it-telefon u l-mobile u minghajr l-awtorita ta sidhom.

    U dan kollu, u ghadhom mhux fil-gvern. Mela x’gej?

  12. TROY says:

    Prattikament ministru taz-zejt, avolja milli jidher lanqas f’wiccu m’ghandu.

  13. Toninu says:

    Nistghu nassumu li jekk ikun fil-Gvern ha jkun Ministru tat-Tiftix taz-Zejt?

    Dawn bis-serjeta?

    • ciccio says:

      Fid-dinja tista’ tassumi li trid. Jien qed nassumi li jekk ikun fil-Gvern ha jkun Ministru tat-Tiftix tal-Gass.

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