They have the vote

Published: April 18, 2012 at 9:58am

The Times has run a story about how the new parliament building is beginning to ‘fall into place’ as it is dressed up with a pattern of hard stone from the Gozo quarry.

Beneath, you’ll find the usual Mintoffian mentality (his courtyard is more important than the parliament building; we shouldn’t have a parliament building so that he can buy cheap hard stone for his courtyard; issa holom bil-hardstone ghall-bitha?):

J Farrugia
I wanted to use hard stone in my courtyard but was out priced due to high demand from this project, so thanks again, for nothing.

And here’s one who doesn’t understand the separation of powers, that it is parliament and not the government which legislates, or that parliament buildings are the architectural symbol of democracy wherever democracy exists (and not the symbol of the government), which is why they are always in a prominent position and not hidden away, and given their due importance through use of an impressive building dedicated solely to that purpose.

Joseph Brincat

21 Comments Comment

  1. Galian says:

    Victor Laiviera also put in his two cents worth now, poor man.

  2. Rita Camilleri says:

    Am I the only one who feels like crying when reading these banal comments?

  3. Kenneth Cassar says:

    A question immediately comes to mind for Joseph Brincat: Considering that a parliament has to house both government and opposition, shall we place opposition MPs in a sub-standard garage as well?

  4. maryanne says:

    Even this one has a vote. Tal biki! You can’t weep enough in Malta.

    “Where, in my opinion, Mr Mintoff erred was in concentrating so much on his goals and the everyday herculean efforts necessary to sustain the drive towards progress, detaching himself from what was going on down the chain of command.

    When violent incidents were becoming a regular feature of political life in Malta, he was too absorbed in his administrative duties to do something about it. By the early 1980s, things had got out of hand to such an extent that even a political giant like Mr Mintoff had lost control of the situation.

    For the sake of historical accuracy, it is important to note that arguments about Mr Mintoff being a vindictive type of person and that violence was an intrinsic part of his policies have no historical basis.”

    Times of Malta‎

  5. Jozef says:

    We can thank those who implied that a new parliament will belong to the elite and that democracy should have baroque features.

    The knights were common men bent on mixing with the locals you see.

  6. Dad's Army says:

    This evening, Joseph’s modern progressive Labour party will be officially celebrating the 91st anniversary of Manwel Dimech’s demise. Yes, 91.

    The jamboree will take place at Castille Square at sixish, or whatever time Joseph decides to show up.

    As Gorg tad-downats would simper – Narawwkommmmm!

  7. Jozef says:

    Then there’s the one who wants a bed at Mater Dei, someone please give him a pillow.

    Not to mention the one who thinks there’s an arena in Verono and The Karakala in Rome. He seems to have an issue with the fact that the building is hollow, as opposed to the SOLID BASTIONS.

  8. etil says:

    Maa x’injoranza ghada tirrenja f’dan il-pajjiz. Joseph Brincat is the epitome of such ignorance and he thinks he is being funny.

    But after all he is just voicing his party’s buzzwords and has been for many many months now. Could it be that he does not understand that parliament is for the elected representatives of the people, whatever political party they are in?

  9. Dee says:

    Where was this apologetic clown living in the 70s and 80s? Not in the Malta most of us remember.

    He would have us believe that Mintoff was too absorbed with his prime ministerial duties to be aware of what his aristokrazija tal-haddiema marmalja was up to when the Times got burnt down, the leader of the opposition’s house ransaked and his family manhandled, doctors were beaten up whilst being dragged bodily out of St Lukes, honest people lost their jobs for taking Mnarja off , Nationaists were beaten up black and blue on a regular basis and midnight raids on private homes were made by special police on the look out for –colour television sets!

    The Labour propaganda machine sounds more and more like the Mintoffian-controlled Dardir Malta with every passing day.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Did not read, will not read. I see the writer’s name and basically know what to expect – a heap of propaganda, cunningly disguised as a heap of crap.

  10. A Montebello says:

    Why does The Times insist on uploading banal comments (and I miss this across the board – not just PL comments)?

    Surely an immature comment like the one about the garage does NOTHING to elevate the standard of the paper which, let’s face it, has been sinking fast anyway.

  11. Saviour Mamo says:

    The building looks ugly with Lawrence Gonz as Prime Ministeri but with Joseph Muscat as Prime Minister, it will look very nice.

  12. Neil Dent says:

    Better you see how YOU talk on MINTOFF defnij, ghax anke you hav it the Vot tenks to HIM – THe GREAT LEADER MiNtOfF gave it the VOT to the woman (and femlij allowins, plotjiet b’xejn, djar tal-gvern, etc. ad nauseum).

    • ninu says:

      U min hadhom il-plots tal-Gvern? Tghid mhux in-Nazzjonalisti. Hemm min tawh zewg plots, u wahda bena dar bi tlett sulari/zewg garages u l-ohra ghamel gnien u garage iehor.

      Kien hemm min teghla bil-polza u KUMBINAZZJONI il-plots tal-missier u ta’ ibnu gew fejn xulxien.

  13. gb says:

    Ah, this one takes the biscuit: I’d hate to ask about her favourite books, films or TV shows.

    Alexandra MalliaBorg
    “Great-Brilliant. Thomas Anders is a great singer and Modern Talking are or were one of Germany’s best duo. in My books they were on the same level as Queen with the late Freddie Mercury. Modern talking great numbers including the ones mentioned in the article. It is worth paying a visit to Ghaxaq to see and listen to some of his songs, a great singer in my book he is no.1. . This will show previous British 60’s70’s80’s Liverpool bands who the greatest singers and harmonising due sound like. WELCOME TO MALTA THOMAS.”

    • mattie says:

      Quote: “in My books they were on the same level as Queen with the late Freddie Mercury.”

      This means she never heard songs by Queen or the late Freddie Mercury.

  14. SC says:

    Well, we all know Joseph is the expert when it comes to garages.

  15. silvio says:

    Such a beautiful building

    Shame on who chose the wrong place..

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