Those who voted for Franco Debono must be even more embarrassed than those who voted for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Published: April 26, 2012 at 9:14pm

Franco Debono on Facebook earlier today:

For his failures lawrence gonzi will blame you. From your successes he will try to steal the merit

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Lanqas biss jaf jikteb sentenza suret in-nies. How in God’s name are these lawyers permitted to graduate?

23 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    What a cheek.

    Just emigrate to Italy or something, Franco. You are so bloody boring.

  2. Sokrate says:

    Franco Debono is acting so stupidly that one day yet he might wake up to the full self-destructive horror of his actions. His immaturity is shocking: it’s one cry for help and attention after another.

  3. Osservatur says:

    Kumbinazzjoni mark borg kiteb (waqt il-Parlament?) hekk fuq it-Times ghal habta ta’ dak il-hin:

    ma liema pajjizi qed tqabbilna ??? kif tista tqabbel pajjiz economija ta pajjiz daqs gebla zghira ma pajiz ggant bi probli enormi ??? alla hares fdik is sitwazzjoni u fuq kollox mhux il pn dahhalna f din l-ixkora ta pajjizi falluti li qed nghamlu tajjeb ghalijhom ahna ??? hawn malta dan lahhar 35 /40 sena dejjem standard of living ahjar konna mil hafna pajjizi ohrajn ghax economija totalment differenti .jigifieri l-argument tieghek huwwa bazwi

  4. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Thankfully he removed me from his Facebook ‘friend’ list, so I don’t need to keep up with his tantrums any more.

  5. HOLYER says:

    Ghal glekk u l-ingravata biss tajjeb.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    Franco Debono can relax. lawrence gonzi (sic) cannot steal any merit from (again, sic) his nonexistent successes.

  7. Cportelli says:

    Wasn’t he an A student in English?

  8. A Montebello says:

    …. and the people will blame you, Franco Debono, for everything you’ve done. You’re through!!

  9. Dee says:

    I think that Franco is into master-baiting on a big scale.

  10. ciccio says:

    “From your successes he will try to steal the merit”

    Why, is Lawrence Gonzi going around showing off Franco’s Form 2c report, and claiming that he was a “top student”?

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, time to start another petition on rafts floating to Libya. This time with Franco Debono.

  12. ciccio says:

    “Respectful of the Creator of the Universe, the Hon. Dr. Franco Debono MP (wannabe PM), and His abundant blessings, we do ordain by this Constitution a Republic by, for and of the people of Malta founded upon respect for human rights, the human family and the fundamental importance of human labour in service of the peace and comfort of all.”

    With apologies to Professor Kmiec.

  13. Anthony says:

    The poor man’s had it.

    Lawrence Gonzi will not blame me for anything.

    Lawrence Gonzi will not try to steal the merit from my successes.

    What on earth is he talking about.

    He is completely gaga.

    Give him some Donepezil.

  14. FP says:

    He’s obviously trying for a quotable quote, failing miserably. Surprise, surprise!

    The only notable success he’ll remain in our memories for is the great damage he HAS inflicted on his own party.

    He’s lost all credibility now, even with the same people who want to see him bring down the government.

    The man is so dumb that he uses every opportunity he gets to dig his own grave.

  15. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Both the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party should put their heads together and tell Dr Franco Debono where he to get off. He is shamelessly and selfishly holding BOTH to ransom and paralysing parliament. His only loyalty is to himself.

  16. mattie says:

    Sentenza bla sens, ma tghallimt xejn minnha.

  17. Jozef says:

    What’s even more frustrating is giving him the vote, then moving somewhere outside the district.

    Walking past him down to the polling station would have been such a thrill.

    One long wet raspberry.

  18. Sarah says:

    I’m so so fed up of him. I can’t bear to hear his name anymore, more so see him lost in discussion with Charles Mangion yesterday in Valletta. What game does he think he’s playing?

  19. Antoine Vella says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Joseph Muscat – once installed in power – nominated Franco Debono on some government board, just to spite the PN.

    So no, the elections might not be the last we hear of him.

  20. Lomax says:

    I can assure you, not all lawyers are like Franco. Most of them refuse to be seen dead with him. I can tell you that much.

  21. Matt says:

    Maltese people are really nice to put up with him.

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