Typical Labour reasoning (1)

Published: April 2, 2012 at 11:53am

Prime ministers don’t inaugurate new buildings because they’re personally responsible for them as individuals, but because they are the prime minister, head of the government.

With the sort of reasoning manifested below, Lawrence Gonzi had no business leading the celebrations to mark Malta’s entry into the European Union, because it was ‘Eddie Fenech Adami’s project’.

It’s disturbing to see another Labour leader who can’t separate the person from the constitutional role.

In The Times, today:

Should the project at the entrance to Valletta be completed under a Labour government, Joseph Muscat, as the new Prime Minister, would personally invite Lawrence Gonzi to inaugurate it, Dr Muscat said this morning.

Interviewed on One News, Dr Muscat said when asked whether a new Labour government would continue the project, that his government would first see what stage the project was in.

No one had an idea when the election was to be held but a Labour government would definitely not be an incompetent one and it would use the money available in the best possible way for the benefit of the country and the artistic community.

13 Comments Comment

  1. sandy says:

    Has anyone got any news of the sudden disappearance of Bundy from Bongu Bundy on One TV?
    Things are so quiet.

  2. Jozef says:

    He seems to be in favour of the project, even though he lacks the courage to say so. He must miss so much the days when he was fresh, young and willing to call things by their name.

    It’s all polls and bridges to nowhere these days. And the balcony still awaits.

  3. ciccio says:

    It seems that Joseph Muscat is worried that the Piano Project might cost him the elections…

  4. Francis Saliba MD says:

    We must be relieved that Joseph Muscat prophesises that a future Labour government would not be an incompetent one.

    The last time time round an MLP government had the astounding “competence” of lasting barely a year and a half, most of which was spent in internecine warfare.

  5. Angus Black says:

    “…Joseph Muscat, as the new Prime Minister, would personally invite Lawrence Gonzi to inaugurate it (City Gate project)…” “asked whether a new Labour government would continue the project, that his government would first see what stage the project was in”.

    First of all, Dr. Muscat, under the circumstances he describes, will have to find out,whether Dr. Gonzi would even accept his invitation. Secondly, at what stage would he decide not to continue with the project? Would he leave it unfinished? Was this intended to be an April fools day joke?

    Like it or not, the City Gate project will always be a Nationalist government project whether Dr. Muscat cuts the ribbon or not. It was Dr. Gonzi who, after 70 years of procrastination by various governments took the proverbial ‘reluctant horse to the trough and MADE it drink’. No 16 years and 22 months of Socialist governments even gave a thought about a project of this size, let alone finish it.

    If Dr. Muscat is sincere and one can take this as some sort of olive branch, then he should start now and let pending legislation through and stop hindering government business. He should start with the Education Bill which the Opposition had agreed with but which it intends to vote against ‘because it is a money bill’!

    There is no shred of evidence that the Labour Party is clear, transparent, sincere and above all accountable. On the contrary, there has never been a more hypocritical bunch, than the circle of has-beens and wannabes around the inexperienced leader.

  6. R. Caruana says:

    Most probably protocol would require the president to be given priority if the PM doesn’t inaugurate a national project like this; just thinking, as most probably Muscat has, once more, ignored protocol as he has done more than once.

  7. silvio farrugia says:

    For these people all is ‘lussu’ and ‘hela’. The Maltese deserve the worst u qamel.

    Flowers by the roadsides are ‘hela’ and restoring a broken bridge in Grand Harbour is ‘lussu’. Building a new airport was a waste of money.

    [Daphne – And building Malta’s first-ever parliament house, almost 50 years after we achieved statehood, is also wasteful in the eyes of those with scant respect for the meaning and symbolism of democracy.]

  8. Manuel says:

    What a buffoon.

  9. Toninu says:

    U intom tahsbu li l-istess persuna li mar jigri jinawgura car park gol-Hamrun (ghalkemm meta nduna bl-izball li ghamel innega kollox) ha jirrifjuta l-opportunita li jinawgura progett bhal dak ta’ bieb il-belt?

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