Typical Labour reasoning (2)

Published: April 2, 2012 at 12:01pm

In The Times, today:

(Pierre Ellul) had invited the family to a special screening. It was not true that they had chased him, he organised the screening and had to postpone it once because Ms Mintoff had a PL commitment. And once the family showed up they came accompanied by other people who had not been invited but were welcome.

Imagine that: you’re invited to a film show and take along a bunch of other people biex jarawh b’xejn. Qabda bums – looks like Yana Mintoff has inherited her father’s scrounging gene.

Imagine all the scrounging opportunities she’s going to have as a member of parliament. “It’s on the house, Ms Mintoff.” “Why, thank you.”

11 Comments Comment

  1. elephant says:

    Who cares! This Mintoff offspring will get the votes Muscat worked out.

  2. Jozef says:

    Asking Yana Mintoff to be candidate could be his worst blunder.

    Each vote she gets will be considered a receipt, what these will be against could tip Labour further onto its past.

    Joseph will learn soon enough what pressure their type can put on a Labour government. At our expense.

  3. TROY says:

    and good looks.

  4. etil says:

    How very unfortunate – I thought I had heard the last of the Mintoffs – I sincerely hope we would not have to re-live those horrible times.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      @etil – my thoughts exactly – I shudder when I hear the name – too many terrible memories.

    • ciccio says:

      Joseph Muscat has said that he would like to see a woman as Prime Minister.
      Maybe he is lining up Yana Mintoff for the post?

  5. Lomax says:

    My thoughts exactly – nothing beats a free lunch for a good old, hard-nosed Socialist.

  6. ciccio says:

    “And once the family showed up they came accompanied by other people who had not been invited but were welcome.”

    Maybe it was the family lawyers?

  7. Anthony says:

    My grandfather, fifty years ago, made the sign of the cross every time the word Mintoff was uttered at his house.

    We thought this was quite hilarious then.

    Twenty years later the turn of events proved him right.

    Kliem ix-xih zomm fih.

    • D. says:

      My grandfather’s friendship with Dom ended the day Dom started those despicable lies about Sir Paul Boffa.

      Years later, he used to say that the whole world should thank God that the only piece of territory that Dom was ever able to terrorise for a few decades was tiny Malta. Had it been a much larger country in the then divided Europe, he could easily have dragged the whole continent into a third world war.

  8. Toninu says:

    Daphne you should change the last sentence. It should read: “It’s on the house, Ms Mintoff.” “Ah! just how I imagined it!”

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