UNBELIEVABLE. What are these people LIKE?

Published: April 28, 2012 at 2:47pm

Has anybody found Jeffrey's marbles yet?

Get a load of Botox Jeff on Facebook today:

I would like to remind those who criticise me simply because I appeal for a clearly charted way forward that it is definitely not in my personal interest if elections are held early.

I have already declared I will not be contesting the next elections and I will be very disappointed if I am not allowed to continue putting the Malta Council for Science and Technology on a sound footing-with the invaluable assistance I am getting from my board and staff.

Paraphrased: Jeffrey doesn’t want an early election – after doing his damnedest to bring down the government – because IT IS NOT IN HIS INTEREST AS HE WANTS TO CARRY ON BEING CHAIRMAN OF THE MALTA COUNCIL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.

Much as I can’t stand people who quote lines from music tracks, this is what I think about him and his co-freaks.


So presumably, if his longtime girlfriend, Labour activist Carmen Camilleri Ciantar – who is marketing manager at Yellow Pages which is, presumably, why Yellow Pages features conspicuously in the ‘Gonzi Kcina Frog’ Labour billboards – persuades her political bosses to let Jeffrey stay on as MCST chairman, then he will have no problem at all with an early election.

22 Comments Comment

  1. AJS says:

    Haa haa haa! And he is really trying hard to be the one next to the spotlight, while ‘Mary Mifsud’ stands in it.

  2. Groucho says:

    Who let all this riff raff into the room?

  3. Susan R says:

    Maltatoday.com.mt reported on 4 March:

    “The Labour leader promised a united front in the governance of the country if elected to power. “I would employ the aid of my worst enemy if it could solve the problems faced by this country and its people… we are here because we want to use part of our life to improve families’ quality of life, to give children the chance to be a success in their life.”

    Quod erat demonstrandum…. ?

    • maryanne says:

      Maybe it means that Jeffrey and Franco will be rewarded or rather, Joseph will not be able to do without their problem solving abilities.

  4. Rover says:

    Wiccu u sormu xorta. Stabbing PN voters in the back and sucking up to Labour. Some people really don’t know when to shut up.

  5. Book Worm says:

    Will anyone bet that he will get his planning consent to develop Mistra once Labour are in government?

  6. Money talks says:

    I am morally convinced that he has already struck a deal with Joseph to secure his position as chairman in case of a Labour victory.

    By the way, can we get a copy of his contract? I am interested in a particular clause… the one about being removed prematurely.

  7. Tal_Maduma says:

    Dan x’ hasibna – cwiec? Aqta kemm hu boot-licker li sahansitra stieden il Joseph u mhux lil prim ministru fil Kunsill Malta Ghal Xjenza. U wara kollox mhux kulhadd jaf li bl-gharusa tieghu u bil-hbieb Lejburisti li ghandu fuq Facebook ser xi hadd ikeccieh minn hemm.

  8. M. Cilia says:

    Thanks, Daphne. I have long been wondering what those Yellow Pages volumes were representing in those Labour billboards.

  9. Min Weber says:


    Why hasn’t he been sacked from the Council? To avoid an early election?!

  10. Miss O'Brien says:

    Hasibna cwiec

  11. Jozef says:

    Joseph had better watch out.

    It is a given that the chairman of a public entity offer his resignation to a new administration. What Jeffrey is saying is given that he doesn’t expect the PN to be re-elected, he won’t hand in his resignation to Muscat.

    This could be interesting, as if Labour candidates who won’t make it to parliament will accept.

    Joseph’s reluctance to disappoint is obviously clear in his mind. Franco could do the same, in Castille, oh dear.

    It’s one long hot summer.

    • Jozef says:


      If Marlene becomes the ‘super energy minister’, he risks having to report to her.

      We will have something to look forward to after all.

  12. ciccio says:

    But if the general elections are called early, wouldn’t he have more time to dedicate to the administration of botox injections and uvederm fillers on his Facebook fans?

  13. maryanne says:


    “Dr Muscat said that Malta had to increase pluralism in tertiary education…”

    Yana Bland has her future job secured.

  14. Enid Blyton says:

    Anyone thinking that PL will be leaving any crumbs for anyone to feed on is far wrong. After 200 years in opposition they are very hungry and understandably so. L-ewwel jieklu il-Lejburisti, imbaghad il-Lejburisti, imbaghad il-Lejburisti.

    Good luck JPO & Co. May God give you double of what you gave to others.

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