UPDATED: And now…the WEDDING video

Published: May 24, 2012 at 7:54pm

Gosh, apparently there are loads more.

And here's the bride, from Facebook

She’s a boxer, too:

31 Comments Comment

  1. Housewife says:

    Jaqq, mill-bidu sa’ l-ahhar.

    • Anthony says:

      I am sorry to say that the word ‘jaqq’ is very out of place.

      Sad yes, and pitiful also, but not jaqq. Never jaqq. That expression betrays sheer bigotry.

      These are probably very nice Maltese men and women with their own mores and folkways.

      I have come across thousands of them in a career lasting half a century.

      It never ever even crossed my mind to think of them in terms of jaqq.

      Maybe jahasra and msieken. That is all.

      • AJS says:

        I agree – I wouldn’t call them jahasra or msieken either because that presumes my way of life is absolutely better than theirs. It isn’t.

        It may be for me but their way of life appears to make them happy. No one should look down on anyone.

    • Space says:


    • Space says:

      hekk ikun.

  2. The Phoenix says:

    Unbelievable. Was the bridal party going to a funeral? It seemed anything but a joyous occasion judging from their set, grim expressions.

    And I’m getting a bit confused. The bride’s father looked suspiciously like the bridegroom.

    Did you see the groom slapping on the Tal-Lira aftershave? And the candles besides what is presumably the Wedding Nite Bed?

    And does the groom have a son with the same hairstyle, MiniMe like? Who ARE these people?

  3. yor/malta says:

    The Daily Mail today uploaded a piece about how human beings are wired to expose themselves visually, because finding a mate was and is still a powerful way of ensuring the survival of one’s lineage.

  4. L. Gatt says:

    Mill- libsa tal- “brajz” ghamlu anki il-bedsprett.

  5. K. Calleja says:

    Apparently they like to be original when it comes to names.

    Andhis hairstyle is so ingenious that it just had to be passed on to the next generation.


    • Grezz says:

      I can understand a boxer wanting to look the part with such a “tough-looking” hairstyle, but why anyone would want to inflict such a style on their toddlers completely defies my imagination.

  6. Grezz says:

    I remember the couple. I believe they had appeared on Xarabank about tattoos or something. They had appeared at the same time as Robert Galea, “the singing priest” ( http://thatsworship.com/about ), and I remember thinking what an odd combination of guests it was.

  7. NotMaltastar says:

    L-aqwa r-ritratt ta’ Padre Pio mal-hajt.

  8. L. Gatt says:

    Have you seen part 9 on YouTube?

  9. Min Weber says:

    THIS is the underclass.

  10. M. Bormann says:

    Anzi mhux Dione Jo, bhal Byon Jo, jismu.

  11. M. Bormann says:

    Probabbli ghandhom misluta hemm iself ukoll.

  12. Riff Raff says:

    Pre-wedding OK but viewers may now be tottering on the brink of sin … though I doubt how many would even covet the wife, let alone go the whole way.

  13. Dave says:

    Baby jinhasel go sing 29-10-2010.


    [Daphne – This is her third new baby and she’s still washing his face and eyes with the same water and sponge that she uses to wash his nether regions. Tal-ghageb.]

  14. D.Azzopardi says:

    Oh yes, very bright idea.

    Let’s all tell the tough looking boxer what ugly names his children have, what a stupid hair cut he gave them, and that his wife is jaqq.

    Genius level:Infinite.

  15. heidi1015 says:

    I happen to know the groom and actually he is a very decent chap and a very nice person.

    He is a boxer and has his own boxing gym.

    He is also somewhat fanatic of video clips and tends to film anything and post it on Youtube. Admittedly their tastes and choices could be dubious to some but if they do not hurt anyone, they are not causing a problem.

    We were all born different and thank God for that and what is classy and wonderful to someone might be totally unacceptable to another but this does not necessarily make this other a bad person.

    • Dave says:

      Yes. he seems to be a decent chap and seems to love his children, which is a great thing, but why give them strange names and haircuts not fit for 2 year olds?

  16. Alex says:

    Daphne, I am a fan of your particular brand of journalism. However, I fail to understand why this couple should be of any relevance to your readers. Granted, they are not exactly mainstream, but hey, if there lifestyle works for them, why not? It should not be anyone’s business to judge their way of life.

    [Daphne – I imagine that it’s precisely because they want others to look at and discuss them that they have uploaded 1,000+ videos on YouTube, documenting most aspects of their lives. I am happy to oblige.]

  17. gb says:

    Delaoya is probably named after the famous boxer Oscar De La Hoya (silent H in Spanish)

  18. valuri says:

    Daphne, I am really curious what are your thoughts about this Gozitan couple’s wedding photo:


    • Keith says:

      This is John Magro’s son. Everybody likes what the Magro brothers have achieved in export for Malta. Even our highest authorities.

      [Daphne – That’s right.]

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