I just watched a few minutes of Folji on Super One. Varist should call Noel Farrugia as a witness in the upcoming libel court case. Has anyone heard Noel Farrugia discussing Richard Cachia Caruana?
“Jien ma nafux u ma nafx imma nahseb li ghandu kwalitajiet tajbin ghal Malta.”
Yet he still has an opinion and discusses him on television. Il-veru turnip, kif qaltlek Daphne ftit ilu.
Don’t know why he was so agitated. He seemed very relaxed, wearing a jacket and sipping a drink with the golf club committee members some days ago. Nahseb sejjer jibda jilghab il golf.
Maria l-Maws – kif qabzitlu.
Tajjeb li ma kienx hemm siehbu Toni Abela hdejh ghax inkella kien jghidlu biex ma joqghodx jirrecta.
No…. that bright spark Nuxellina is
Mr Bartolo is in post-menopause. Please show him some solidarity.
He sounds paranoid but is actually just fake.
This commie will be the Labour’s Minister of Red-ucation.
I just watched a few minutes of Folji on Super One. Varist should call Noel Farrugia as a witness in the upcoming libel court case. Has anyone heard Noel Farrugia discussing Richard Cachia Caruana?
“Jien ma nafux u ma nafx imma nahseb li ghandu kwalitajiet tajbin ghal Malta.”
Yet he still has an opinion and discusses him on television. Il-veru turnip, kif qaltlek Daphne ftit ilu.
They simply changed to the worse.
Don’t know why he was so agitated. He seemed very relaxed, wearing a jacket and sipping a drink with the golf club committee members some days ago. Nahseb sejjer jibda jilghab il golf.
Dan il-buffu li qatt ma sewa xejn, issa jrid jiprova jkasbar lil RCC. Hallina Varist, ghax nohorgulek l-iskeletons mill-closet.
You’re just a washed-out commie and a has-been, still wearing clothes that were handed to you from the ‘zghazagh Insara’ days.
Ta’ pulcinell li hu, issa jibda jilghab il-golf biex taparsi sar pulit.
L-ewwel telaq mil-Mellieha biex imur joqghod is-Swieqi, ghax izzewweg wahda tal-pepe minn tas-Sliema, u issa jilghab il-golf.
Naturalment wara li jsir Ministru jixtri l-boat.
Vera juza l-haddiem bhala trampolin ghall-ambizzjonijiet tieghu.