It’s a woman’s right to change her mind, so Mary Mifsud changed hers
In 2009, it-tifla tal-Botom interviewed Franco Debono. Here’s an excerpt.
Fi crieki intern ital-PN hu fatt maghruf li wiehed mill-persuni li ghandu kuntatt dirett mieghu hu Richard Cachia Caruana. Hafna qed jargumentaq li ghax kien qed ihoss telfa RCC ma deher imkien.
“Ma naqbilx mieghek. RCC ftit ilu deher f’konferenza mal-Prim Ministru. RCC ta kontribut kbir lill-PN u jien nahseb li jekk RCC kien hemm f’dawn l-ahhar 20 sena u rbahna hafna ghandu mertu. Ma tantx kellu diffikulta ma jidhirx RCC dan l-ahhar ghax irbahna hafna jekk tifhem l-argument li qed naghmel.”
Now it’s all hysterics in parliament about technocrats who went to St Edward’s, individuals who are not elected as he was by the people of Hal Ghaxaq, cunning plans with the Labour Party for motions against, and so on.
Well, they do say it’s a woman’s right to change her mind, and clearly, Mary Mifsud has done so.