So it was Super-Thick Luciano

Published: May 15, 2012 at 1:30pm

No prizes for guessing which notoriously stupid Labour politician extrapolated from fact to fiction, then. On, this morning:

Cachia Caruana says he only saw a Labour MP in hotel on Sunday

Richard Cachia Caruana, Malta’s representative to the EU, has denied having met the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Francis Zammit Dimech, at the Westin on Sunday afternoon, as claimed by the Labour media.

Dr Zammit Dimech himself has repeatedly denied the claim.

Mr Cachia Caruana said the labour media’s report as an invention from beginning to end. At the time mentioned by the Labour media he was not in any hotel.

Mr Cachia Caruana said that while it was normal for him to meet Dr Zammit Dimech in view of their duties, the meeting claimed by the Labour media had not taken place.

The the only member of the Foreign Affairs Committee whom he had seen on Sunday while he was in the mentioned hotel was Labour MP Luciano Busuttil, and they exchanged greetings.

The Foreign Affairs Committee is this evening due to start discussing an Opposition censure motion against Mr Cachia Caruana.

12 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    He even shouted on his Facebook:


  2. Sue Borg says:

    Oh! So that is why the report carried by Maltastar used the wrong preposition – Malta’s permanent representative at the European Union, rather then Malta´s represenative to the European Union.

    He got it wrong again ……

  3. Lomax says:

    The plot thickens, literally, with thickos. What idiots. So, RCC meets up with a Labour MP who then cooks up a story.

    Imma dawn xi jkunu? Imgienen?

  4. Anthony Briffa says:

    Ma jifilhux jaqaw ghan-nejk.

    These the people who are expected to be governing Malta should either the electorate be foolish enough to elect them or the Nationalist supporters, for any reason, decline to vote.

    Miskina Malta u ulieda.

  5. Dad's Army says:

    Has the post of next Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the EU been promised to Dr. Luciano Busuttil when Joseph Muscat hits the jackpot?

  6. ray says:

    Even if Cachia Caruana and Zammit Dimech had met at the Westin, what would have been wrong with that?

    If they wanted to have a secret chat which was against the rules, they wouldn’t have chosen one of Malta’s busiest and most public hotel lobbies to do it in, where there would likely be a Labour MP present.

    They wouldn’t even have met. They could have used the telephone.

  7. Alfred Bugeja says:

    Well, what would you expect from a former-journalist-of-the-infamous-Super-One-stable-turned-lawyer?

  8. ta' sapienza says:

    The same prat is going on in parliament about the cost of bringing in foreign witnesses in the Richard Cachia Caruana witch-hunt.

    So it’s OK to sling mud and try and destroy a person on the grounds of some Wikileak (mis)interpretation, but who is going to foot the bill to bring over the witnesses is a problem for these…tossers.

    • Angus Black says:

      They have yet to catch up with modern technology which makes possible video and audio link-ups to/from all corners of the globe. But, give it to them, they have recently discovered Teleprompters!

  9. Neil Dent says:

    ‘Luciano Busuttil (PL) said the government should explain the relevance of the witnesses and who would pay for their trip to Malta.’

    ‘Dr Zammit Dimech said they could give evidence through video-conferencing or other means without having to come to Malta.’

    What a total prick – and please include ‘prick’ here, Daphne, if you would.

    As for the rest of the whole bunch of incompetents, they are obviously now crapping in their shorts, having set this particular ball rolling only to realise how completely out of their very, very shallow depth they are.

    Apologies for my sentiments, but earlier I posted something on – not half as animated as I have been here – but, again, they didn’t publish it.

    Some idiotic posts made it through, obviously. But that’s just the way they roll these days. What a shame.

  10. Mister says:

    Joseph Muscat and his trolls are already embarrassed by the situation into which they have painted themselves.

    No wonder they were cr**ping their pants when they saw the list of witnesses.

  11. Riya says:

    Luciana Busuttil ahjar qalilna x’kien qed jaghmel hu fil-lukanda? Forsi mar weekend break?

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