Today is Europe Day – a good day to remember what Joseph tried to do

Published: May 9, 2012 at 10:26am

Today is Europe Day. A good day to remember that Labour – and Joseph Muscat in particular – wanted to keep us and our children OUT.

I, for one, will never forgive him. The worst of it is that he takes it all so lightly, as though it was just a game and not a real-life situation which would have ruined the lives and prospects of two generations at least and sent this country plummeting down the spout.

He’s contemptible. There’s no other word for it. He cares only about himself, and that woman he married, Alfred Sant’s personal assistant – my, he must have thought he was being really clever and strategic – is the classic enabler who encourages a situation in which it is all about him.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Is this photo official? It’s quite a mistake; Joseph may be surrounded by people, but prefers to ignore them, looking elsewhere. My reaction is to avoid him and look to them.

    What experience does Kurt Farrugia have?

  2. maryanne says:

    We should also remember that he was one of the first to hop on what they called the gravy train.

  3. Gorenye says:

    L-ewwel jien it-tieni jien u jekk jifdal xi haga ghalija wkoll. Hekk jirraguna l-poodle.

  4. Bob says:

    Nothing to do with this but MaltaToday are running an advert of FZL on their page when you go to the site there is nothing worth while just a collection of personal data.

  5. elephant says:

    Reading about Muscat before lunch reduces my appetite so much that I am considering this as a diet. There is always something good in a bad thing.

  6. ciccio says:

    Did he ever show us his voting document after the referendum, like Alfred Sant did? We ought to know what he did, no?

  7. P Shaw says:

    The article below (about Greece) is ample proof how an irresponsible and immature leader can be so damaging to a country.

    All that was achieved can disappear overnight. An irresponsible politician can fool the electorate with empty promises, especially if the voters are too emotional to vote rationally, but the country will definitely pay a high price. The markets are extremely sensitive to overspending and fiscal deficits.

    With all his promises, I wonder how our Joey and hand-waving Michelle will balance the fiscal budget.

    It is also worth noting that this irresponsible Greek leader was never against the EU or the Euro.

  8. Sue Borg says:

    Pity that Luciano Busuttil does not know the difference between the Council of Europe and the European Council…our aspiring foreign minister…

  9. La Redoute says:

    I almost – but not quite – feel sorry for Alfred Sant:

    Here’s what Joseph Muscat said of him on 18 May 2008:

    X’rwol se jilgħab Alfred Sant f’partit immexxi minnek?

    L-ebda rwol. Xejn.

  10. Socrates says:

    By the way, those who watched yesterday’s Bondi+ must have noted how Evarist Bartolo made frequent reference to EU funds which the PL intends to use if – most unfortunately – my fellows countrymen trust them in government for the next five years.

    Is he the same pre EU accession anti-EU critic on behalf of the then MLP?

    • Lomax says:

      All I could think of yesterday during Bondi+ was “what cheek” when Evarist Bartolo referred to those EU funds which he, for one, would have denied us access to had he only been given the chance.

      Ara lanqas jisthu.

  11. paddy says:

    L-aqwa li issa jilbes l-ingravata blu qisu il-poplu ser jinsa il-passat ta’ Joseph u jahsbu Nazzjonalist.

  12. Paul Bonnici says:

    Typical hypocrite, well he is a politician after all. PN politicians are not much better though. But they are the lesser evil and decent people have no alternative but to vote PN.

    PN pull your socks up and get your house in order; you are leading Malta into a disaster of a Labour victory.

  13. Manuel Camilleri says:

    Daphne, grazie d’esistere!

  14. Reporter says:

    Are Anglu and Edward partners in the same firm?

    [Daphne – They work together, yes.]

  15. Min jaf says:

    Sleazy, sickening, slimey sod.

  16. maryanne says:

    Franco Debono seems to be having panic attacks in parliament.

    Didn’t he take The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying with him, today? I am sure he didn’t because he has been slamming his hand on the bench to make his point.

  17. Pat Zahra says:

    What ‘technocrat and his St Edward’s friends’ is Franco Debono hammering on about in parliament just now?

  18. George Cutajar says:

    Today is also the 25th Anniversary of the PN’s victory at the polls which banished Mintoff’s regime. It should be a good day for Mintoffyana and Debono to remember.

  19. Clifford says:

    If I’m not mistaken, Today is the 25th anniversary of “Xoghol, Gustizzja, Liberta’ “

  20. edward clemmer says:

    Also in the tradition and purpose of this blog, I would like to call attention to this example, which I hope all rational persons (and PN strategists) will exploit to address all that is irrational and patently false in the PL.

    Granted, the PN need to address their issues, but the PL in Malta are still an unskilled assembly unfit to govern. I do hope one day the PL will be fit. But, in their current reincarnation, they are not.

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