‘Anti-democratic’ does not mean the same thing as ‘undemocratic’

Published: June 30, 2012 at 12:46am

Ah, the Golden Years and a democratic police inspector

I appear to have taught Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith and the Labour Party (well, perhaps not Alfred Sant) a new word:


Except that they don’t really seem to know what it means, and use it in place of ‘undemocratic’, maybe because they think it is more sophisticated and hip.

Now Anglu Farrugia – of all the people, and all the nerve – has accused the prime minister of being ANTI-DEMOCRATIC. For God’s sake, look it up, Anglu – and while you’re at it, repeat 10 times:


and no, it’s not the same thing as the Statue of Liberty.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    Dan huwa forst l-iktar nies tal-biza f’Malta. Jiena cert li qass J Muscat ma jridu vici tieghu.

  2. Matt says:

    This is the man who went to Paola to worship the monument of Lorry Sant.

    It says a lot about the values of this man.

  3. Helen Cassar says:

    Please scrap this photo. It makes my flesh creep.

  4. M. says:

    He’d probably understand you better if you write ’empire station’.

  5. Natalie says:

    Please stop showing this photo. The look in his eye is terrifying.

    How dare these people call others ‘anti-democratic’ or ‘undemocratic’ while we’re at it.

    They’ve governed our country years ago when they should have been in the prime of their lives with hopefully a general will to serve their country.

    Instead, these dinosaurs have not only governed us badly or inefficiently, but they actively tried and managed to harm us, physically and mentally. They threw our pride out of the window. Foreigners thought us communists. They damaged our economy to the extent that we still suffer some consequences today.

    And what about the national level of education we enjoy today? It’s certainly much better but if capable, intelligent people had access to university years ago, how beneficial that would have been to our country. My own parents were denied a good education thanks to the apartheid Labour loves to talk about.

    How dare these people expect to govern again after the nation gave them the boot (with a size 50 boot), 25 years ago. Do they think we look forward to living in terror again? To lose our dignity again? And to live in an ignorant, poor country again?

    Make sure your vote goes to the correct people lest you want to live the horrible past again.

    • Anthony Briffa says:

      No, Natalie, I don’t agree with you. We should keep showing this picture and more, Besides, we should recount our bad experiences under the Mintoff/KMB regimes, which included most of the current front PL activists and hopeful future ministers in Joseph’s cabinet.

      We must ensure that the first time voters, who were not even born under the labour regime, be well warned what they will be in for if they vote labour.

      There will be no time for regret then.

    • La Redoute says:

      Correction: the look in his eye is terrifyingly blank.

  6. Lola says:

    His head is larger than his hat.

  7. TROY says:

    Vera li l-qahba milli jkollha ittik.

    Dan l-ispettur li kien lest li jsir Nazzjonalist li kieku Demarco ghamlu kummissarju tal-pulizija.

    Issa sar deputy leader ta’ MLP, u hekk kif il-boy jisgarra, jilhaq hu supreme leader, ghax hekk tkun democratic hi.

  8. maryanne says:


    We have Anglu Farrugia with his anti-democratic gospel and Franco Debono with his natural justice one.

    Hasn’t Franco realised that we are sick and tired of him and his antics. He sure is one to rub salt into wounds with his lawyer words and quoting court cases to prove his point.

    He doesn’t want us to gossip and so I will oblige. However, since he takes everything very literally, I will say one thing only: Franco, go grab that watercan u mur saqqi l-hass.

  9. Jozef says:

    How to sabotage a country; start a rumour on a bank.



    Hilarious how they try to belittle the man then publish his CV. I mean, all those decorations, what is he, a Christmas tree?

  10. Ganna says:

    Mela Anglu nesa zmienu fit tmenijiet, dawn il hnizrijiet li ghamlu, Kien jahdem id-depot dak iz-zmien, hu jaf sew x ‘Kien jigri.

    Il-partit li Kien ihaddan hu kien anti-demokratiku,jekk il-labour jitla fil gvern aghar mit-tmenijiet ikunu, il kapo taghhom, din il-gimgha qal ‘mhux ha joqghod ghal li tghid in-NATO.

    Malta terga lura ghal dawk iz-zmienijiet koroh, diga lesti bit transfers u taqlib kbir ikun hawn. Gesu ahlisna minn dan issram li hawn lest aghlina il-Maltin.

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