Brake fast beans caption competition

Published: June 6, 2012 at 1:48am

This is actually a tin of Three Hills kunserva, but let's pretend it's baked beans

37 Comments Comment

  1. The other hatter says:

    From where I sit, Ilsa, it don’t amount to a hill of beans. And neither does he.

  2. edgar says:

    “When I wake up with this constipated look on my face nothing works better than Three Hills baked beans. It’s my botox clients who complain.”

  3. A. Charles says:

    “For special effects, this is just enough.”

  4. Natalie says:

    Shakes can, then:

    “I think that’s my brain in there.”

  5. “I’m not normally full of hot air, but I did have a large breakfast today and here’s the culprit.”

  6. denis says:

    “Dan ir-raguni ghaliex mimli gass.”

  7. bernie says:

    “Dawn jghinuk taghmel hoss u tinstema’.”

  8. Minn jaf says:

    “Jiena xejn ma jhammarli wicci – hlief il-kunserva tat-tadam.”

  9. Housewife says:

    Daphne, ak mhux kunserva ta’ Three Hills. Dak bott ta’ l-Elite li ghandu l-ghatu jissarraf f’punt.

    [Daphne – Mela issa nafu li fil-household Pullicino Orlando Ciantar, ma jixtrux Heinz (allavolja Beanz Meanz Heinz) biex jiffrankaw. Is-soltu qamel tas-sinjur.]

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Maltese baked beans are better than Heinz. Heinz is just expensive for no particular reason except its label.

      [Daphne – There are no Maltese baked beans. They are only tinned here.]

  10. Jozef says:

    “I keep my marbles in this.”

  11. Labour's product says:

    A has-been with his breakfast has-beans.

  12. tinnat says:

    “This is the source of my hot air.”

  13. The Shadow says:

    “People who like me, eat lots of baked beans and prove it with photos on Facebook, are powered by natural gas.”

    • ciccio says:

      “As an environmentalist, I feel in duty bound to say that if each one of us consumes 10 tins of beans every day, we can power the grid.”

  14. Xejn sew says:

    “I condemn this tin of beans and Franco Debono joins me in saying that the PM should condemn it too. This country is not run by beans.”

  15. Daphne, you do realise you’re pushing 50, don’t you?

    [Daphne – Yes. But I remain eternally youthful in spirit, and that is the secret of my success in not having an audience that ages with me (plus those too, of course).]

    • Angus Black says:

      Daphne makes older people like myself feel young again and makes people younger than her feel mature while learning the truth, especially about what Malta went through the 16 years plus 22 months of Socialist punishment.

  16. ciccio says:

    Jeffrey and the beans-talk.

  17. The dentist says:

    A tin of beans a day keeps Jeffrey away.

  18. Edward Camilleri says:

    “These beans will still be here when my political career is over.”

  19. MMuscat says:

    “I choose beans for breakfast, they soak up the Earl Grey.”

  20. Patrik says:

    “I know who spilled the beans on my disco plans.”

  21. Drinu says:

    “These are organic beans grown in Mistra Valley.”

  22. beano says:

    “Beans and have-beens”

    “Jeffrey, you smell a rat. I smell more than that”

  23. P Borg says:

    “When PL is in government, we’ll make the power station work with this can.”

  24. Dee says:

    “You’ve been wondering about my medication. Here it is.”

  25. Stephen Forster says:

    “You too can fart like a champion.”

  26. Jacob says:

    “They has I’m a has-bean.”

  27. ClS says:

    Better Beans than Botox.

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