Comment of the evening
Posted by Ghoxrin Punt:
I find it absolutely disgusting that members of parliament voted in by us are very happy to put their own interests and petty catfights above us, the people who put them there.
I am also sick and tired of these statements of it being ‘nothing personal’ when it is very clear that it is personal.
Frankly speaking, JPO excusing himself on the basis that he feels that ‘cavorting’ with a journalist is wrong is the most infantile reason that I have ever heard.
What angers me most is the common misperception that women are hell to work with because all we do is bitch. I have as yet to see, among women, the levels of viciousness and bitchiness that have been the hallmark of the last few weeks of these men’s behaviour in parliament and outside.
The actions of both the Opposition and certain ‘liberal’ Nationalists have been the most disgusting example of what happens when personal agendas and greed conflict with the common good. Shame on you all for putting your interests above ours.
At this stage I call on JPO, Mugliett and Debono to prove that they are men and resign for a job very badly done and to make way for those people who really represent the Nationalist ideals, which have nothing to do with this kind of perversity.
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They’re too busy hanging on for dear life – ilaqqtuha sal-qiegh, since the three of them are already political history.
Bravo, I agree.
All three, JPO, Mugliett, & Debono should resign their seats in Parliament, as they represent neither the intentions nor the interests of the electorate who entrusted them to their office.
But perhaps they have neither shame nor honour; they certainly have no sense of good judgement.
I used to say that a number of politicians are there for their own greed and personal aspirations and not to serve the country. Lately, I am being proven right, unfortunately.
I may be reading a bit too much between the lines but I got this niggling feeling that JPO’s accusation of RCC ‘cavorting with the enemy’ is his way of getting back at you for accusing him of doing the same thing with his Labour-sympathising magistrate friend, not to mention his LP supporting, soon-to-be wife. He certainly is bloody-minded enough to stoop to that level.
[Daphne – Yes, I noticed the choice of words: ‘cavorting’, a word that wouldn’t be in his dictionary, given that mixes only with people who speak English as a foreign language, and ‘anti-democratic’, which I use as distinct from undemocratic, which has a different meaning, and almost nobody else does.]
Aqtaw min hu iggranfat mas-siggu tal-poter?
Il-Mulett, il-Botox u il-Hasi ta’ Hal Ghaxaq.
It-three stooges ta’ Joe Muscat.
Lawrence Gonzi will go down as the head of the Nationalist Party, and will be long remembered for this outstanding victory in 2008 and his handling of both the economy in one of the world’s worst storms as well as his world-appreciated ability to deal with the Libya crisis.
The Musketeers will hardly be remebered at all, and it will be good for them because the moment they are remembered in the distant and not-too-distant future it will be for all the wrong reasons. It’s for them to live with that.
You surely mean “Muscateers”…
I thought of them as the Three Amigos, more so idiots than defenders of liberty and justice, certainly. And yes, they are (Joseph) “Muscateers,” more like PL Trojan “Mouseketeers” in the pajjiz ta’ Mickey Mouse.
Dear Ghoxrin Punt
I can bitch as well as any woman – that’s the easy bit.
The bit you seem to find hard is consistency, or “moods” as you call them and to which you are totally suborned. Women hell to work with? Yes and no. . . depends on their mood.
I agree that the turncoats’ behaviour has been less than masculine.
The RCC thing was, it seems, pre-arranged. Muscat knew that JPO would support the motion beforehand.
Malta Today was also briefed at an early stage in order to have time to prepare the special edition. It takes more than a couple of hours to prepare an edition.
Din haqqa izjed minn ghoxrin punt.
They are making a mockery of all the people who voted for them. Thank God I was not one of them.
Imisshom jisthu. Qed jghamlu hsara kemm jistghu qabel iparpru l’hemm. Ara vera hawn nies li jgibu lilom infusom qabel il-pajjiz.