For your summer diary

Published: June 13, 2012 at 9:33pm

14 Comments Comment

  1. thinker says:

    Qatta xjuh x’ser joqoghdu jaghmlu gurnata Kemmuna?

  2. Gozitano says:

    Ser ikolli nhalli t-8 ta’ Awissu vojta issa ghax irrid immur narah.

  3. Dee says:

    Ha jiehdu ambulanza maghhom ma jmurx xi xiha tispicca tinstabat mal-art minhabba xi xemxata.

  4. ciccio says:

    Oh, finally, an opportunity to spend some quality time with Silvio away from it all, up in the North.

  5. Grezz says:

    Ahh, x’ecitament!

  6. RJC says:

    About time you started charging for all this publicity, Daphne.

  7. elephant says:

    Can anyone afford to go on this outing?

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