How does he cope in parliament – with a secret iPad?

Published: June 4, 2012 at 9:42pm

Here’s Mr Teleprompter again:

7 Comments Comment

  1. Libertas says:

    Franco prompts Joseph in Parliament.

  2. Jozef says:

    That’s easy, he didn’t.

    I noticed he avoids detailed information, facts and figures. Hilarious when he tried the employment statistic, that half the jobseekers are people below thirty. Go figure.

    The same applies to the rest, you name it, he either missed the point, or floundered the technical merit of an argument. Today was particularly bad, trailing off every articulated statement with a long silence, an alternating sequence towards the end, one could sense he simply didn’t have anymore to say.

    I haven’t decided whether he’s slow, lazy or both.

  3. Ken Mercieca says:

    Oh God, and this will be our next Prime Minister. Can you imagine Zozeph Muscat giving a speech in an international forum?

  4. Jozef says:

    How much is Labour spending on its sets, equipment, design fees and wardrobe?

    It would have been a nicer touch if the EU flag were to be abstracted into the blue background, in their haste to match its blue, they managed to make it disappear. If I were Labour, I’d also ask for my money, spent on voting the new logo, back.

    It’s a performance, drama and all, and doesn’t look like the ones sitting across him mattered at all. Perhaps he wasn’t expecting any questions from the audience.

    Interesting how the stage is a temporary structure, inside what is effectively, a conference room. They just won”t show anything which may remind one of Alfred Sant.

    I suppose when you’re trying to be two sides of the same coin you should go all the way. Even if it’s the admission of a fundamental liability in itself. A whitewash, in various shades of blue.

    Whoever is drawing the canvas is lying to the Partit Laburista. Subdued lighting et al, will not compensate for the total inability to produce content. Those are politicians, not actors, at least, that’s what we expect. Ideas not script, quantified number crunching, as boring as it may seem. Authenticity.

    When symbols are hidden, the uneasiness is amplified in our subconsciousness. The question becomes maybe, but how much will it cost?

    What next, subliminal ‘Joseph’ ads on PBS?

  5. Botom says:

    That explains why his speech in parliament was so miserable.

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