How tiresomely try-hard

Published: June 30, 2012 at 6:40pm

The Labour Party is currently flying the Gay Pride flag in place of the Labour flag at its Mile End HQ. No inappropriate jokes, please, though I really do feel like cracking a few myself.

If somebody tried to court my vote so blatantly and opportunistically, I would make a point of not giving it to them.

Perhaps they think most people are as cheap as they are.

16 Comments Comment

  1. johnusa says:

    Its always a start. Nobody has ever done this in Malta, so its a start. Whether its an opportunistic tactic or not, it doesn’t really matter, because the cause is greater.

    Here in new york, stores on 5th avenue decorated their display windows in pride-themed colours, the empire state building was lit in rainbow colours and many major banks displayed the pride flag. You can see it as a tactic and it just might be so, but it serves a bigger purpose.

  2. john says:

    The queen is in residence, I see.

  3. Jozef says:

    The flag also belongs to the pacifist and multicultural movements. That means integration of ethnic minorities.

    If you’re gay you must be Labour, as long as you’re Maltese.

    • Hubert Paul Farrugia says:

      I am gay and I will never vote Labour.

      They think we need ‘solidarity’ because jahasra we are weak and vulnerable. To them, gays are just hairdressers and little queens from Cottonera who need a sugar daddy… the bloody pigeon-holing bigots.

  4. Whoami? says:

    Pfff xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.

  5. A Montebello says:

    … alas, i fear most people are.

    But apparently Chris Said spoke brilliantly u bis-sens at the actual parade.

    But of course Cyrus that little worm, wouldn’t put THAT on his Facebook page.

  6. Terez says:

    Cyrus has put up a list on his Facebook page of the Labour clubs that are “proudly flying the gay flag”.

    He even says “It was the first time I felt proud representing a political party during Malta Pride. Proud of Partit Laburista’s stand on Civil Rights and Equality.” Vera nies opportunisti. Tal-biki.

  7. Housewife says:

    Ftit gimghat ohra jibda r-Ramadan. X’imhatra jtelghu bandiera hadra ta’ l-Islam b’solidarjeta’ ma’ huthom il-Musulmani. Imma ahjar le, ghax inkella JPOS jiksira maghhom.

  8. bookworm says:

    Fifty shades of Labour.

  9. Interested Bystander says:

    Courting votes?

    I will never forget Sant tried to buy them with two months income tax.

  10. Groucho says:

    I see nothing wrong with this.

    Totally appropriate in fact, this being the party that when eventually in government will f@&# the country in the #%+.

  11. Grezz says:

    Judging by the size of the flag, it must have been chosen by Kurt Farrugia.

  12. Unfortunately so little has ever been done to recognise even the mere existence of a gay society in Malta that this will go a very long way. Give a starving man your leftovers and he’ll deem it a banquet.

  13. Claudine says:

    Courting votes? With all the pantomimes within the PN, no need! besides last election was a difference of approx. 1500 votes, I guess there are more gays on´the island.

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